Resident Evil Village Guide

How to make real life Toy Story for Resident Evil Village

How to make real life Toy Story


This guide will guide you towards making your own Toy Story-like characters, who will come alive and play with you. Possible mild spoilers.

Step one

Decide which of your favorite toys do you want to become alive. It’s going to be easier with larger characters, since opening small ones could be difficult without breaking them and you don’t want to break your future best friends.

Step two

Okay, this one might be harder. You need to get your hands on some Cadou parasites. There’s a good chance you might find some laying around if you live in an Eastern European mountain village near some castle. If you’re not so lucky, try contacting one very nice lady, who goes by the name of Miranda. She might share some of them with you. If you’re unlucky and catch her in a bad mood, you can still buy them from a guy named Duke, I’m sure you can’t miss him.

Step three

This one is tricky. You need to open your toys and take out whatever is inside (batteries, small parts, toddler puke). Then you take one of your Cadou boys and put it inside your upcoming new friend. Some people have problems with this, so if you’re struggling for some time, you can call a girl with tons of experience with this process. Just don’t bring any toy cars, or you might end up giving her PTSD. Don’t worry about adjusting Cadou’s position, it will adapt to any shape you present it to.

Step four

Put your toys back together and wait for Cadou to adapt to its shape. Once it’s done, your brand new friend will start moving and exploring his surroundings. You can do a lot of things with him, like playing hide and seek, getting creative with scissors or meeting new baby friends. I’ve also heard that your new friend can grant you your wishes. One kid who followed this guy quietly wished for his bully to be gone and next day he was nowhere to be found. These things are really magical!

Step five
