How to make the best saiyan! for DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE

How to make the best saiyan!


In this guide you can find the best clothes, boost attributes, skills.It also depends on what personage you made because gender and height matters.I play with this skills myself too and i really like it.Ofcourse its your own choice what to use and what too boost but i’m just helping 😀


First of all you need to make a character.
I recommend using a male saiyan but some people prefer a female.
when you made you character you need to grind some levels to boost you attributes and get better skills and clothes.

What if you already have an character with some attributes boosted?
Well then you just collect all the 7 dragon balls.
To get them i prefer doing mission 2 but you also can do the missions 5,7,12,15,18,19,22,26,32,37,42 and 52.
When you collected all the 7 dragon balls you can wish to give yourself a second chance.

Best clothes

I personally prefer the 4 star dragon ball costume because it boosts your health a bit and it boosts your KI strikes.
I like the KI strikes high because i go super saiyan 2 for the most of the time and sometimes when i cant win i need to KI spam a bit.
Other people like the Broly set or the Student outfit but if you ask me i would say the 4 star dragon ball costume.
With the 4 star costume you basic attack goes down and strike attack too but i boost that up a bit with the boost attributes

Best way to boost your attributes

As a saiyan you dont need to boost you health because that doesnt really matter.
Also it depends on how you play with your saiyan.
if you use a lot of stamina you can boost that up but if you use very much KI you need to boost that up.
I personally boosted KI and stamina at the same because if i go super saiyan i use my stamina alot.
Down here i will give some lvl 80 builds i like the most.

HP: 0
KI: 75
Stamina: 50
Base Attack: 40
Strike: 0
Ki Attack: 60

HP: 0
KI: 75
Stamina: 50
Base Attack: 40
Strike: 60
Ki Attack: 0

My stats
HP: 0
KI: 75
Stamina: 50
Base Attack: 40
Strike: 30
Ki Attack: 30

Skill sets

Your skill set is more your own choice because i can say things like use this and this but maybe you dont like to use those attacks.
But i will still drop my skill set so you can maybe get some inspiration!

Super 1: Kamehameha
Super 2: Big Bang Attack
Super 3: Galick Gun
Super 4: Maximum Charge

Ultimate 1: Super Saiyan 2
Ultimate 2: Death Ball

Evasive Skill: Instant Rise


This is the end of the guide!
Tell me your favorite outfit and skills because i’m interested and maybe i want to change an attack too!.
Please rate this guide and add it to you favorites 😀
Also feel free to add me so we can play one time!
