With this, you can make a game where when you choose between boy and girl it changes the gender of the words in conversations without making different scenes.
If you want to make a game where you have to choose between boy and girl, you don’t need to duplicate each scene and edit it, you just need to learn about using system variables and how to show them.
System variables
The system variables are variables that are there even if you make a new game.
When you create a variable, you can choose “system”.
That means that when you close the game and start it again, those variables are still there.
I’m going to use the variables in the dialogues, that’s why I put a variable for hisher, heshe… etc (you can add himher etc) and using the tyranoscript for show them (later I explain it).
The title_screen and the choices
We have the tittle_screen for the game, nothing special.
But when you start the game and choose between boy or girl, the system variable sf.choice is processed as 1.
This is going to change the title_screen because it has a jump for that variable.
(lol, fan of undertale?)
From now on, you can not just start a new game, you have to erase everything.
I did it that way just to have a link between the first time and second time you play, if you want to start again you’ll lose that link.
The first choices
It’s time to define de system variables.
You can not only use numeric variables, you can use words.
All the system variables for the choice of boy.
All the system variables for the choice of girl.
Showing variables
Now that we have the variables, I’m going to show how to use them in the dialogues.
When you want to show the name in the name character, just use the:
Now on, when the characters have to talk, the protagonist will use that script so doesn’t care if the variable is Steve or Ann, it will show the correct name each time. Here I choosed Ann for the name, so the &f.name will show Ann:
Let’s see how a dialog will look in the text box:
And this is how it looks in game:
The same but choosing the girl:
You only have to use the [emb exp=f.sex] to show boy or girl depending of what choice you made.
Youtube example
And that’s all!