Rise of the Tomb Raider Guide

How to make use of the DLC outfits for Rise of the Tomb Raider

How to make use of the DLC outfits


Short guide, in which I’ll explain what the advantages of the different DLC outfits are.

How to make use of the DLC outfits

If you do not own the season pass yet, you might be interested in the different outfits, which are included. Yes, they look great, but they offer much more advantages than the appearance, which I will explain a little bit in this guide.

Apex Predator

The Apex Predator outfit is a heavy bear hide and fur jacket, which is adorned with the claws of defeated foes.
Outfit Bonus: All damage from predatory animals is decreased

If you want to go for a hunt it’s smart to wear this outfit, ’cause it will minimize the damage you’ll get from the animals.

You can buy the Apex Predator Pack here.

Ancient Vanguard

The Ancient Vanguard outfit is a woven chain mail and knitted long-sleeve shirt with leather straps. It has a solid protection for any adventure.
Outfit Bonus: Reduces the delay before health begins regenerating when damaged.

If you might get into a fight soon, it would be smart to wear this outfit, ’cause you will get much damage, which will regenerat much faster as usual with this outfit.

You can buy the Ancient Vanguard pack here.

Hope’s Bastion

The Hope’s Bastion outfit is a mix of woven chain mail, a thick blue shirt and an exotic fur crowl.
Outfit Bonus: Firing arrows sometimes won’t reduce the count of available ammo.

If you’re always out of ammo, this outfit would be useful for you.

You can buy the Hope’s Bastion Pack here.

Immortal Guardian

The Immortal Guardian outfit is an ancient dark metal armor with a bear fur crowl. It’s attire suited for the elite guadians of Kitesch.
Outfit Bonus: Reduces damage from Greek Fire.

Once you’ve entered Kitesch, you will be attacked by the immortal guadians, which ’cause a lot of damage by Greek Fire. I recommend wearing this outfit from this point, cause it’ll minimize the damage you will get from Greek Fire.

You can buy the Prophet’s Legacy Pack, including the outfit, here.

Shadow Runner

The Shadow Runner outfit is a black clothing with a tactical vest and matching beanie.
Outfit Bonus: Firing bullets/shells sometimes won’t reduce the count of available ammo.

If you don’t have much ressources it would be smart tu use this outfit, you will need less ressources to produce more ammo.

You can buy the Tactical Survivor Pack, including the outfit, here.

Siberian Ranger

The Siberian Ranger outfit is a green long sleeve shirt and a light tactical vest. Practical attire for both exploration and combat.
Outfit Bonus: Increased capacity of all special ammunition.

This outfit is always useful, because you can carry more ammo as usual.

You can buy the Siberian Ranger Pack here.


The Sparrowhawk outfit is a light coloured hode top with a gray scarl. It is ideal for hunting in snowy environments.
Outfit Bonus: Non-predatory animals scare less easy,making them easier prey.

This outfit improves Lara’s hunting skills, which is actually very helpful all the time.

You can buy the Sparrowhawk Pack here.

Thanks for reading

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