Hey Today ill Show you how to melee Like A Boss!Its pretty easy So Get ready to learn!
How to
First Things First NEVER and when i say never i mean NEVER walk in the zombie’s Face and Try to punch de Bich!If you are using a long range melee weapon like a fire axe then time it correctly and click before you are in the zombies face so the zombie has less time to react!
If you are using a medium range weapon like a crowbar or machete then try to punch the zombies in the head cause its the head!Also dont attack the zombie if your character is tired because you will have to wait and by then when you will be able to punch de bich you will be dead!
If you are using a short range weapon like a barricade hammer then i would recommend to slap them using V and while they are splapped (<—-obviously spelt right) attack them but keep in mind if you do it with a crowbar it will take a lot of strenght and you will get tired quickly!
Another example is throwing the weapons at them!Just keep in mind if you want to use it later you will have to pick them up later!
If you are in dark like in the Cabin underground area always use flashlight by pressing F whlie hoolding a weapon but make sure its not a heavy weapon!
Thanks for reading my guide!I hope it helped you rek skrubs!:)