Don’t Starve Guide

How To Mushrooms for Don't Starve

How To Mushrooms


Guide on how to properly use :M [spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source.]ushrooms


This guide will show you how to properly use what would seem to be a last resort,
making it into a creative and new resource.

You see mushrooms everywere you go and you dont even bat an eye
Are you blind or something?

Don’t starve is about abusing every kind of tool given to you in a new world.

You thought the mushrooms had no value or versitility?

You disgust me,

Keep reading.

The Red

You find them out during the day, easy enough to pick up here and there

Little do you know they are litterally the worst possible thing to eat ever.


If you got a crock pot you can just do the old trick of – – using dross as filler.

As with most mushrooms, it is good to have pleanty offhand if you dont feel like wasting something good in order to make a a fancy something something.

The most simple and effective advice I can give about these is that they are perfect for creating meatballs, which, early on,, They rock.
‘specially for wimpy-dumb-strong guy

Pros: I don’t know what you were expecting from brightly colored things from mother nature


  • Its Poison, like,, to paraphrase the wiki for this : ” You could drop these around and make NPCs eat them, taking away thier health. “.
    Now – I’m not 100% about this because im too much of a coward to attempt to come near bunny people, BUT, Seems to me like you could shove them in thier mouths and kill your fluffy friends in the most painful and indirect way possible.
  • Near useless

Rough rubish recipe for meatballs:

*Really for these last two I dont think it matters much what kind of meat
Probably will only take ONE monster meat, too much of it would probably result in monster lasagna*

Insomnia rampant

you’ve seen them when you are out making your base for the first time, maybe set up a fire
suddenly, as the sun sets
one sloops right up out of the ground and insults you with its very pressence and what it stands for.

You going to take that sitting down?
Making a backpack and some rabbit earmuffs?
For the love of god.
See, this is why your friends hate you and never want to play DST with you.
Thanks for giving me a reason not to blame myself this time.

All projection aside though.
And pent up emotions,,


  • Sanity is good
  • Easy to come by


  • Raw ones are horrible, not much else to say.

The green caps are especially good for keeping your head on straight in a pinch
A godsent for people like wickerbottom that have a hard time managing your mental state, and all the benifits that comes with supplies that cure insanity.

Hello welcome to W-ALGREE-NS-C.V.S

The only actual herbal medicine in the game
Seems to only come out of its hole at night.
Gives you life and hunger back right off the bat without any effort,, No cooking required.

coming across these can be like a light at the end of the tunnel and your chance to turn the tide of a battle gone wrong [ contain urge to talk about hijinks and the folly of man ]

From my own experiance , a tbh if you will, If you plan on sticking around those tentacle infested areas <were these things are most common in>, it IS quite possible to survive off these,, if you like fighting off everything and anything at all times,,

What will you risk?
<infinate health>
<resources others would have hard times obtaining en masse>

-Nightmare creatures-
-Always fighting-
-The mental toll you will have to take dealing with all this garbage-


  • ITS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MEDICINE
  • Nearly non-existant negative effects.
  • Even if you do go insane with these, you can still have a chance to combat the night terrors by healing yourself more.
  • Stockpiles of these can save lifes.


  • Reducing sanity and gaining health encourages cycle in which faster nightmare creatures come and ruin all your fun if you’re not careful
  • Uh . . .


In the end
<+Ty wiki for stats++ All credits for photos go to thier respective owners, stock photos I.N.C™ Please dont sue me >
Whenever you start a placeholder-base of sorts
If you are planning on making a crockpot soon,,
Just make a shovel and hoarde a bunch of mushrooms

Your friends will truely apreciate the effort and sacrafice you have displayed for them.


You’ll just be stressed out in singleplayer and have more things to juggle.

I digress

Have fun and try to do your best.

I hope this helped you.

Probabl ynot