Rake Guide

How To Play As The RAKE for Rake

How To Play As The RAKE


This Guide Will Show You How To Modify The Games Code And Allow You To Play As The Rake Himself, The Code Was Never Finished So Its Not Gonna Be Perfect But It Works. (THIS WILL ONLY WORK IN THE MULTIPLAYER VERSION OF THE GAME!!!!!!)


I’ve been playing this game for about 3 years now and i always wondered how in the trailer it shows someone playing AS the rake, although this is not in the real game, it always made me think “how was this footage made?” “is this code somewhere in the game?” “can i reactivate this code?” and today, on halloween night, i did just that.


Playing as the rake himself was never actually added to the game, however it was worked on, but in order to play as him in his current state you need to edit the games REAL CODE, so you’re gonna need something to do that, and that something is called DnSpy, so download that before anything else!

Download DnSpy: [link]

Playing As The RAKE

Okay lets get down to business!

Step 1: Open DnSpy if you haven’t already

Step 2: Navigate to where the RAKE: MULTIPLAYER is stored on your PC, it can vary but it is most likely located in: “C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonRakeRake_Multiplayer”
once you’re there open “Rake(multiplayer)_Data” then from there open “Managed”.
You should now see something like this:
Step 3: This is where things get a bit annoying… next thing you want to do is drag the file called “Assembly-CSharp” into DnSpy (i would highly recommend making a copy of the original file first!)Now open it simply by clicking the arrow next to its name, then open the one inside C-Sharp that just looks like a -, and you’ll see… a lot.i know it may seem overwhelming but just trust me here, next thing you want to do is locate the class named “MP_SpawnManager”

Step 4: Alright we’re almost there so listen up, once you’re in the right place you just need to change the code a little bit, so RIGHT CLICK on the part labeled “SpawnHunterPlayer”
and click “Edit Method (C#)…” and something like this should come up.
Now, highlight this block of code:
Delete it, and paste THIS in its place:
(Network.Instantiate(this.rakePrefab, this.playerSpawnPos.position, Quaternion.identity, 0) as GameObject).GetComponent<MP_RPSController>().spawnManager = base.gameObject;

when you’re done it should look like this:
if the last 2 lines aren’t in the right places just put spaces before them until they are, NOW! click the “Compile” button and then in the top left of DnSpy Click File, Then Click Save Module, then press OK, then close DnSpy.And you’re done! if you did everything right when you launch rake multiplayer and start/join a server you will spawn as the rake!


As you would expect playing as the rake isn’t. well. finished, so there are gonna be bugs, i’ve listed the ones i know of below:

the rake is unable to harm other players at the moment.

other players are unable to harm the rake at the moment.

the rake has no animations, his head moves and his torso moves a little but his walking animation
is just him t-posing everywhere

boars do not run from the rake, and the rake cant harm them anyway

the AI rake is still on the map, meaning that there are 2 of them, neither rakes can harm each other.

you can parkour off trees, im not sure if this is intended or not but either way it is really fun.

the mouse is not locked, this can be very distracting.

the rake cannot break cameras, this is likely unfixable.

the rake’s footsteps are not the same as the hunter’s, this has caused me hell and IS unfixable.


Now of course, you can stop there, BUT after a LOT of work i present to you…
Version 2.0!
this section contains fixes to almost every single bug listed above, turning this mod into a full-blown- gamemode. i’ve worked really hard on this update so here we go!

the rake is unable to harm other players at the moment.

Head on back to DnSpy and open Assembly-C-Sharp (see: “Playing as the RAKE”)
this time you’re looking for the class “MP_Swipe”
now, click on MP_Swipe and scroll through the code until you find something like this:
now, right click that line of code and press: “Edit Method C#…” now select this line of code:
delete it, and paste THIS in its place:
if (hit.collider.GetComponent<MP_HunterMovement>())
hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>().RPC(“TakeDamage”, RPCMode.All, new object[]
Network.Instantiate(this.decals[1], hit.point + hit.normal * 0.001f, Quaternion.identity, 0);

now, it should look like this:
and you’re done! the rake can now harm other players! just press compile and MAKE SURE to save module like we did last time (see: Playing as the RAKE)
BUT! see these numbers?
that is how much damage the rake will do to other players, i have it at 25 by default but you can change it and make it whatever you like, (all players including the rake have 100 health) but i’ve found 25 to be just fine.

other players are unable to harm the rake at the moment.

this is mostly the same as the last one but more tedious, heres how its done:
head on back to DnSpy and open up Assembly-C-Sharp (see: “Playing as the RAKE”)
this time you’re looking for the classes “MP_Rifle” “MP_Sniper_rifle_weapon” & “MP_TrapProj”
let’s start with MP_Rifle
now, Click on MP_Rifle and scroll through the code until you find something like this:
now this is really easy, all you have to do is right click that line of code and click: “Edit Method C#…”
and just… do this:
thats it… (NOTE: if it doesn’t let you compile you’ll need to scroll down and find “Debug.Log(“reload”)” and type this)
you can change the numbers to whatever you like (i think 10 is good) but yeah…
and just do the same thing with the sniper rifle too (including the Debug.Log thing)
if you want you can make the sniper rifle do more damage than the normal rifle
and then we get to the trap… find MP_TrapProj
right click this line of code:
edit method C# and replace “Rake” with “Player”
i like the trap doing 30 damage to the rake but for some strange reason the trap seems to hit the rake twice so i would recommend setting the traps damage to half of what you want it to be
aaaand you’re done! compile and save module just like last time (see “Playing as the RAKE”)
and now players and hurt the rake, congrats!

boars do not run from the rake, and the rake cant harm them anyway

unfortunately, there is no way i know of to make the boars run from the rake…
BUT he can harm them, heres how:
Head on back to DnSpy and open Assembly-C-Sharp (see: “Playing as the RAKE”)
this time you’re looking for the class “MP_Swipe”
click on it and scroll through the code until you find something like this:
right click that block of code and click “Edit Method C#…” and you’ll see this:
now, you want to create a new line by clicking here:
and pressing ENTER
and then, paste THIS line of code into the new line:
if (hit.collider.GetComponent<MP_Animal>())
hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>().RPC(“TakeDamage”, RPCMode.All, new object[]
Network.Instantiate(this.decals[1], hit.point + hit.normal * 0.001f, Quaternion.identity, 0);

and thats it! click compile and make sure to save module like we did last time
(see: “Playing as the RAKE”) and the rake can now kill animals! not sure why you would want to.
but hey! you can now!

the AI rake is still on the map, meaning that there are 2 of them, neither rakes can harm each other.

i’ve had this fix for a while but i was too lazy to put it in,
this is a real quick one so lets do it:
Head on back to DnSpy and open Assembly-C-Sharp (see: “Playing as the RAKE”)
this time you’re looking for the class “MP_SpawnManager”click on it and scroll through the code until you find something like this:
right click that block of code and click “Edit Method C#…”
now this is easy, simply delete this:
and replace it with THIS line of code:

and as simple as that the rake is falling into the void forever, good riddance!
remeber to compile and save module like we did last time (see: “Playing as the RAKE”)
and you’re done!

the mouse is not locked, this can be very distracting.

this is literally the most annoying thing about the mod and i am SO happy i was able to fix it
how? lets find out:
Head on back to DnSpy and open Assembly-C-Sharp (see: “Playing as the RAKE”)
this time you’re looking for the class “MP_RPSController”
click on it, and scro- oh wait, its at the very top… whatever just look at this block of code:
right click this block of code and click “Edit Method C#…” and create a new line by clicking here:
and pressing ENTER
and now paste THIS line of code into that new line:
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
Cursor.visible = false;

now, press compile and scroll through the code until you find something like this:
now, right click it and edit method, then create a new line here:
and then paste THIS line of code into that new line:
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
Cursor.visible = true;

and thats it! gone is that annoying distracting mouse!
remember to compile and save module like we did last time (see: “Playing as the RAKE”)

revive the rake!
nice work getting to the end, if you & your friends apply all these fixes hopefully it’ll be a fun time!
let me know in the comments! thanks for reading!
please come back konsordo.
