A Hat in Time Guide

How to Play: Hide and Seek (Online Multiplayer Game) for A Hat in Time

How to Play: Hide and Seek (Online Multiplayer Game)


This is a game that I created because of the disgusting lack of fan-made gamemodes for online multiplayer. I’m here to change that!


Hello! I’m some person on the internet (not literally) and I’m here to show you how to play the good ol’ classic “Hide-and-Seek”, but in A Hat in Time!

Setup + Rules

What you need:
  • The A Hat in Time Nyakuza Metro DLC (for online)
  • At least have Subcon Forest unlocked
  • Uhh… that’s pretty much it


For the seeker:

  • Must Have the player avatars and/or names disabled.

Don’t know how to do that?
Well, follow these instructions:

STEP 1: Go to the menu.

STEP 2: Go to settings.

STEP 3: Go to Game Settings.

STEP 4: Go to the Online Party header, go to Display Player Names & Avatars, and click either “Names Only” or “Show Neither”. “Show Neither” is recommended.

There you go! You now cannot see the locations of the hiders via their avatars/Steam profile pics!

  • Don’t use brewing hat to get hiders from far away!
  • You may only use time stop twice during the round.

For the hiders:

  • Unlike the seeker, you must have AT LEAST the avatars showing. This is so you know where the seeker and fellow hiders are.
  • Do NOT attack the seeker. This includes: whacking them with the umbrella/bat, throwing a potion or some money at them, using ice hat to throw the seeker off of the ground, using dweller mask to make seeker fall.
  • You may, however, use time stop (if you have the hat), but only ONCE throughout the round.

For everyone:

  • You can use sprint hat to your heart’s content! (no scooter though)
  • No mod hats, unless they are flairs of base game ones.


Finally, we can move on to the fun part…

How To Play

…Learning how to play!

In order to start, select your act. I’ll be in Mafia Town for this. Max amount of people in one round is 5. One being the seeker, the others being the hiders.

First thing you’ll wanna do is activate the level’s speedrun timer. It’s ridiculously easy to find. It’s in game settings.

Then, once the timer hits 30 seconds, the seeker will perfom the “Boop” emote (Press F on Keyboard for emotes and the left joystick on Xbox controllers (tell me other ways please!))

The second the seeker says “boop”, is the second where the hiders are allowed to move from their hiding spots and attempt to complete the act in secrecy in order to avoid the seeker.

If at least one hider fufills their goal without the seeker catching them (meaning they grabbed the time piece), the hiders win!


If you’re the seeker and you find a hider…

Hit ’em with that umbrella (or bat) of yours!

If the seeker gets all the hiders before they complete the level…
The seeker wins!

Now that we’ve gotten the general process of how the game works, here are the worlds and acts that you can and cannot play in this gamemode:

Playable Worlds For Hide and Seek
  • Mafia Town
  • Battle of the Birds
  • Subcon Forest
  • Arctic Cruise

Banned Worlds For Hide and Seek
  • Alpine Skyline
  • Nyakuza Metro
  • Time’s End

Because It’s such a big, BIG,


world, everyone could end up getting lost, the Metro is unfortunately the same case. Time’s End is pretty self explanitory.

Recommended Acts For Each World

Mafia Town

  • The Golden Vault
  • She Came From Outer Space

Battle of the Birds

  • Picture Perfect

Subcon Forest

  • Contractual Obligations

Arctic Cruise

  • Bon Voyage!

Banned Acts For Each World

Any boss level or act finale
How does one hide while trying to kill someone???

Any time rifts.
Because the blue rifts are more for platforming and in the purple rifts, the hiders can make a swift-and possibly permanent-getaway, or end up being camped at the gateways.

Mafia Town

  • Welcome To Mafia Town

Welcome To Mafia Town is so short and simple, the seeker is guaranteed to lose.

Battle of the Birds

  • Literally every act that isn’t Picture Perfect

They aren’t open world-sy enough.

Subcon Forest

  • Queen Vanessa’s Manor
  • Subcon Well

In the Manor you can’t attack. Besides, the whole level is Hide and Seek in itself. The Well barely has any place to hide, meaning it’s not ideal for playing Hide and Seek.

Arctic Cruise

  • Ship Shape

how are u even supposed to hide while doing all those pecking tasks um no ur gonna die if u try that

Now for some…

Hot Tips!

Here are some tips in order to help you win!
For hiders:

  • For the first 30 seconds, head away from the seeker as far as you can.
  • If you see the seeker coming your way, try not to panic and find the best way to escape.
  • Don’t waste your time stop! Only use it when you’re really in a pinch!
  • Sometimes, you should just focus on the objective of completing the act instead of hiding, because you might just end up as the person who saves their team.
  • It’s not against the rules, but you probably shouldn’t be a peck neck and hit your teammates and give their position away with emotes…
  • In any place with dweller blocks, try and make it so you end up inside the block.

For seeker:

  • Look in obvious spots first, and then the more complicated ones, hiders in Hide and Seek often hide in obvious spots hoping you’ll just overlook them!
  • If you see someone out in the open, run after them and run quick. Catch them in their weakest state!

Please, add more tips in the comments!

Demonstration Video

Coming soon! Sorry!

Wanna Play this?

Do you wanna play this gamemode in AHiT? Well, just type in the party room name “hidenseek” and we can play! See ya there!
