From the creator of the rated 5-Stars Guide for Star Wars Battlefront 2 arrives… HOW TO PLAY & MAKE WORK Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Coop Mode!A guide that will lead you to make your ONLINE mode for our Ninja Turtles videogame actually work! It will take you some minutes to do it and a while to read it, be aware of that. But It worths it to play this awesome videogame that was not supported like it should have been… But after all, I’m here and I will be your solution. Keep reading.
Introduction: How & Where I discovered the fix of the COOP mode
Here we start guys, where did I discover how to do all this? By reading and gathering info in a hard way to help us all after reading all your posts around the Steam discussions of this videogame. I wanted to discover the way that would allow everyone to actually play this game online, so I went around reading & searching till I discover this:
A really important information from the own Activision website that people before me seem to have missed, which also contained a link to this place: [link] ; that, against my surprise, was our own steam support! Thank you Steam Support for this info that was vital to me. 🙂
That, next to my aknowledgement and gathered info, lead me to the real fix.
The complete explanation: How to play COOP online & Port Forwading
To play this game online, you will need to access your router manually by your internet navigator and open a big number of ports from it to your Local IP.
How to do it?
First of all, you need to know which one is your Local IP in your network, also your gate IP to the router from your internet navigator (that will be probably and the username and password that you have for your router access, that will be requested to you after you access to the router, default ones or the ones that you wrote yourself in the past.
Let’s go step by step:
– How to find your local IP: Type the command cmd and execute it (if you need more info, look in google, but this is easy). In the window that pops, type ipconfig and you will see your local IP address, that will be something like (this number is just an example).
– How to find your router IP: It will be probably but if it’s another one, someone else that has access to your router, or even yourself, changed it for some reason. Call to your Internet company if necessary to ask them which one is the I.P. gate from your router.
– How to know the password and username of your router: This should be easy. Or you already know it, or you have it stored somewhere, or its just the default one for your router, which can be “admin” + “admin” in both of the places, or “1234” + “1234”, or a combo “admin” + “1234”. If you can’t seem to guess it correctly or find where you have it stored, you should call your Internet company and ask them which ones are your router’s default username and password to access to them.
After you have done this, you should be able to access to the configuration of your router by your internet navigator bar through typing on it or whatever is your gate IP, and then the username and the password of your router. Now, time to open the ports.
I don’t know you probably, my dear reader, but what you are about to do will make you deserve a prize for it, hahaha. Just joking, It’s not that hard, I’m sure you can do it. Let’s go!
Access to wherever is the place from your router configuration (the one that you just entered following my previous instructions) to OPEN PORTS / PORT FORWARDING. If you don’t know how to do it, just write in google the brand + model of your router next to “how to open ports” and read&watch all the tutorials you need before continue this.
Open the next ports from your router:
* UDP : 27900-27901,
* UDP : 5165,
* TCP : 28910,
* UDP/TCP : 1116-1199,
* UDP : 27000-27015,
* UDP : 27015-27030,
* TCP : 27014-27050,
* UDP : 4380,
* UDP : 3478,
* UDP : 4379,
* UDP : 4380,
(this last one only open them if these previous ones weren’t enough)
* UDP/TCP : 1-65535.
When you end doing it, it should look like this one that I did myself:
After you have successfully opened all these ports in your router NAT configuration, you will be ready to host Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Coop Online games and invite all your friends to your match. Be sure, just in case, that you have UPnP activated in your router configuration. If all this wasn’t enough, recheck that you have done everything correctly and disable your windows firewall & your anvitivirus while you try to play.
Congratulations! 🙂 And welcome to the real NINJA TURTLES videogame!
Proofs that all of this is truth and it works
This guide is completely truth and It works perfectly to allow you to host or play any online games that you want at all.
There you can see me hosting a COOP game full of friends from different parts of the world that joined me at the first invite.
Here a video playing with a friend (this video doesnt belong to me but I’m on it and we both followed similar methods to play online):
Guys, I have fixed this game, no more discussions about that the COOP does not work! 😀 Now every single one of you can play it without problems! 🙂
Special thanks
I would like to say a big THANK YOU! to the friends that helped me to check that everything was working correctly and also to the ones that helped me gathering info and were trying and trying and trying with me for lots of hours these past days to make the Coop work, as well as to Activision & Steam for their VITAL link of great information.
To SledgePainter, thehungry1, Thortok2000, fridafree, TIO_SADAN, NaganoJPN, Steam Support and Activision Support… Thank you so much for helping me to allow hundreds of people to actually play this game online and saving it from totally dissapearing !!!!! Thank you from the Ninja Turtles themselves!!! 😀
Now I know that you all will love me for saving this game that we all got for the COOP, so I’m free and opened to recieve any kind of steam gifts or steam cards as thanks 😛
Take care guys, another videogame saved by the hero Delfín, hahaha 🙂 See you around Ninja Turtles ONLINE mode! Feel free to add me if you want me to host a game where you wanna be.
Raphael is watching… as I am where I’m needed.