Some of you might not know but there’s a way to play 5vs5 matches in Counter-Strike:Source
1. Go to RGMIX.eu
2. Click on one of servers
3. Wait until there will be enough players to start the game
4. Knife round
At the beginning two leaders will have to fight and then choose players for their team. Server will randomly choose random players if no one wants to become one.
5. Team switch
After 15 rounds game will switch teams. You will have to choose your character skin once again and game will restart a few times in order to set everything up.
6. Game end
Just like in CS:GO game ends when one of the teams wins 16 rounds.
7. Rage quit
If you quit the game during match you will get banned from RGMIX for several hours unless you bought Immunity Status which costs $2/month. Also if someone spectates the match you can ask him to replace you in the team with command !ask
8. Stats
You can click here[rgstats.ru] to check your profile and download demos from the game
9. Language
As far as I know everyone seems to be speaking russian and the callouts seem to be quite different from the csgo’s ones. You should just stay calm and don’t say anything and everything will be good.
10. Other stuff
All servers are being hosted in eastern europe so it’s not recommended to play on them if you live for example in america
pls don’t bully me i know my english is bad ;-;