Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Guide

How to play San Andreas in true 1080p for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

How to play San Andreas in true 1080p


Play SA in 1080p with un-compressed textures, smaller unstreteched HUD, increased fov, etc


All you need is an un-modded version of SA in version 3.00. Also make sure that GTA SA is set to not automatically update which can be done by right clicking SA on Steam, selecting “Properties”, the “Updates” tab, then uncheck the box that says “Always keep this game up to date”. If you want to use your save file from your current version of SA, FrancisJ found out how to –

For people wanting their save games to work with the downgraded version:

Go to this site, and download the GTA San Andreas Savegame Editor: [link]

Follow the instructions to run it.

Before anything else, Backup your save games just in case!

When you get to run it, click “load” and choose the slot your save game is. Then, in the general tab, change these options:

Version ID to 1.00 Unmodified EXE
Script version to 1
Leave Current IPL version as 1
Convert IPL version to 1

Click save and overwrite them if you want, or put them in a different slot.

As long as you don’t change any other settings using the program, your save should be exactly the same as it was before.

You should then be able to load your save file!

Now, I based these instructions on a thread of people who actually wanted their older save games to work in Steam’s 3.0 version. Still, these settings worked perfectly for me so I guess I did everything OK.

Using the GTA Downgrader

Update – If you have the latest Steam update, download and install this {LINK REMOVED}first, then go onto the next instructions.
{LINK REMOVED}Follow this link and let it download the folder it wants — it should be named “GTA_Downgrader”. Open up San Andreas’ folder in your Steam directory (Or you can right-click on SA on Steam, select “properties”, then go to the “local files” tab and hit “Browse local files” to take you to where you need to be), then open up the GTA Downgrader folder. It should take you to 3 folders and a .txt file. Open up “GTASA_downgrade_patch” and copy everything in this folder to the SA directory.

Let everything overwrite. Now, run the “install.bat” and enter the letter “y” after it asks you a question with <yes/no> at the end. The thing doesn’t close out after it finishes, so close it out yourself when you’re sure it’s stopped installing anything. After it’s finished, rename the gta_sa.exe file in your SA directory to gta-sa.exe.

Installing the ASI loader

Download this[] and just copy all the files from this download to the SA directory. Let it overwrite what it wants.

Using the 1080p patch

Download this file[] and just copy it into the SA directory. Launch the game and start a new game to see if it works — if it crashes, then move the 1080p patch to the “scripts” folder.

Doesn’t work?

If your game doesn’t work after this fix, add me (Scorpion) on Steam and detail as much as you can for why the game doesn’t work.