Thief Guide

How to play Thief with any GamePad? (ENG-PT) for Thief

How to play Thief with any GamePad? (ENG-PT)


In this guide I will teach the mothod to play Thief with any GamePad.Neste Guia vou ensinar o método para jogar Thief com qualquer GamePad.


I spented hours searching in the Internet for anwsers. Why I can’t play with my joypad? No anwsers. If you have the same problem read carefully the guide.

Eu passei horas na Internet à procura de respostas. Porque é que não posso jogar com o meu joypad. Sem respostas. Se tem o mesmo problema lei-a o guia com atenção.

Method (Eng)

1º- Go to download x360ce 32 bits if you have a 32 bits computer or 64 bits if you have a 64 bits computer.

2º- Copy the downloaded file to:

Steam/steamapps/common/Thief/Binaries2/Win32 —————— If your computer is 32 bits
Steam/steamapps/common/Thief/Binaries2/Win64 —————— If your computer is 64 bits

3º- Run as admisnistrator
Note: Make sure that you have the Gamepad connected to your computer and a Internet connection when you launch the app.

4º- Click on Yes.

5º- Search automatically for settings and next and finish.

6º- Go save.

7º- Now you have the app, the file x360ce and the dll xinput1_3.dll
Note: If the app has created the Dll’s: xinput1_1.dll, xinput_2.dll or ximput9_1_0.dll delete those DLL’s.

8º- Rename ximput1_3.dll to ximput9_1_0.dll

9º- Lauch the game

Método (PT)

1º- Acesse [link] e faça download da versão 32 bits ou 64 bits consoante o caso.

2º- Copie para:

Steam/steamapps/common/Thief/Binaries2/Win32 se tiver um Pc de 32 bits
Steam/steamapps/common/Thief/Binaries2/Win64 se tiver um Pc de 64 bits

3º- Execute como administrador
Nota: deve ter o Gamepad conectado e internet ligada antes deste passo

4º- Clique sempre em “Yes”

5º- Selecione “Search automatically for settings” e clique em Next e depois em Finish

6º- Dê um “save”

7º- Tem agora na sua pasta: x360ce.exe, x360.ini, ximput1_3.dll.
Nota: Se aparecerem estas dll’s – ximput1_4.dll, ximput1_1.dll, ximput9_1_0.dll, ximput1_2.dll apagueas obrigatóriamente.

8º- Mude o nome de ximput1_3.dll para ximput9_1_0.dll

9º- Inicie o jogo


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Se tiver preguntas, problemas ou dicas deixe seu comentário.

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