Spark the Electric Jester Guide

How to *REALLY* play Fark for Spark the Electric Jester

How to *REALLY* play Fark


This is a REAL guide on how to optimize your Fark gameplay and help you out so you can take full advantage of Fark’s abilities.You can unlock Fark by completing Spark’s story mode.


Double Jump
Similar to the Wind and Hammer Jesters, Fark can double jump in the air when pressing jump again in mid-air. You cannot double jump again until you land on the ground and repeat the first step.

Get Dashy
Like Spark, Fark can dash, but pretty much anywhere, even in mid-air and on walls! Fark cannot parry attacks with his dash like some of the other jesters, but it is a great tool for getting quick speed, avoiding enemies, flying over obsticles with air dashes, and bypassing platforming sections by dashing up walls.

Wall Running
Like the edgy jester powerup, Fark can run up walls by holding the attack button. You can only land on a wall if you are in mid-air. Momentum still applies if you are on a wall, so use your dash ability to scale walls quickly if necessary. Jumping or releasing the attack button while on a wall will result in falling off and returning to normal gravity.

Jump Dash
To gain a burst of forward and vertical momentum in mid-air, try jumping off the ground, dashing in the air, and in the middle of your dash press the jump button and you will gain a sizable speed boost if done correctly.


Combo Power
Fark has a standard, multi hit combo by pressing the attack button quickly multiple times. Completing the combo will cause Fark to let loose a flurry of fists which will deal a small amount of damage each frame, which adds up to alot of damage. You will probably be relying on this for bosses which have pauses between each attack. When you finish this rapid attack, Fark will begin to blink yellow. This signifies his next up or down attack will be powered up. The range and power of these attacks will be significantly increased for one press of the attack button.

Now, alot of people (including myself) feel blocking mechanics can be tricky to use, but Fark actually pulls it off in a manner which makes it rewarding through both positive and negative reinforcement. When blocking, Fark will stop dead in his tracks on the ground or mid-air. His block timing is very generous, but blocking without something hitting you will leave you open to enemy attacks for the few frames your shield is not active, making you a sitting duck. When you block an attack or hazard, you will see a ring form around Fark, signifying the attack was successfully blocked, and you will take NO DAMAGE!

There are 3 types of blocks, all based on when you pressed the button relative to the attack.

  • An early block is signified by a yellow ring.
  • A prime block is signified by a blue ring and a split second of slow-motion.
    (Has Strict Frame Timing)
  • A late block is signified by a small red ring.

All these timings will save you from getting hit, but each play a larger role when it comes to the static meter.

Super Static Meter
The static meter is located down and to the right of your health meter. You can fill the meter up through these methods:

  • Getting a Prime Block (Fills a large chunk of the meter)
  • Getting an Early Block (Fills a small chunk of the meter)
  • Dealing Damage (Fills a miniscule bit of the meter)
  • Finding an Energy Capsule (Replaces power-ups, Fills a large chunk of the meter)

(You can even find environmental obstacles like fans, canons, and fire to practice blocking and fill up your meter in the level. This is essentially grinding and can be useful.)
Getting hit or getting a late block will decrease your meter a considerable amount.

Filling your meter 1/3 of the way will allow you to trigger static mode by holding the down button and pressing the block button. During static mode, your meter will swiftly decrease, but until it reaches zero, your health is maxed out, you cannot take damage, and your attacks have increased speed,range and power. Spend this time wisely, just know it could be saved for a dire situation when you are on the verge of death. But, if you fill the meter the entire way, you burst into a super powered form.

Super Fark
Filling the meter the entire way will power you into SUPER FARK. With this form, you have stronger attacks with much longer range. This mode if perfect for boss fights, as it allows you to fight from a distance and keep your health up. You will lose super form if you get hit, but all is not lost, one or two well timed blocks will have you back in super form. You can still spend your meter to refill your health in a dire situation, as super Fark is NOT invincible. Remember the golden rule of your static meter: Pop it, don’t drop it. Tis better to live to fight another day than to die in super form.

General Tips

Fight or Flight
There are many enemies thrown at you in Fark’s story, but you don’t have to fight them. Many times, it is best to just find a way around them. Only destroy them if they will impede your progress or are in your way. Enemies in Fark’s story are much more deadly and can kill you if you are careless.

Pay attention
Bosses are tough in Fark’s story, so pay attention to boss patterns and look for opening to attack. Look for attacks which can be blocked easily so you can build up your meter.

Block or Dash?
Sometime, depending on the situation, it may be better to dash away from boss attacks. Some bosses have long attack periods where blocking them will only save you for a second before they wreck you after your blocking period. In these cases, you might want to try dodging and waiting for an opening to go on the offensive.

While many of the bosses are the same between both story modes, Fark’s version of these bosses may have faster attacks and slightly different patterns. You are not likely to defeat a boss your first try, so spend a try or two experimenting. Don’t rush in without being defensive and careful. Look for openings, opportunities to block, and when to move around. This small amount of time spent experimenting can go a long way to making you better at the game.

Never gonna keep me down!
Never give up! Your mistakes will make you stronger if you learn from them! Alter your play style to find a different result! Take a break if necessary! You can do it!

And that is it. If you have any other techniques to share, or corrections to this guide, put them in the comments and they may be included in the guide. Hope you have fun!