Devil Daggers Guide

How to receive the official soundtrack of DD for Devil Daggers

How to receive the official soundtrack of DD


Wait, what do you say? There is no music in Devil Daggers, except for that horrifying mumbling?Oh well, i was also suprised. For smart henchmen:1. Go to your library and select Devil Daggers2. Right-Click on it and select “Properties”3. Click on “Local Files” and then “Browse Files”For all euthanasia-worthy minions:

1. Open your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ steam client (If you didn’t yet, i have no idea why you’re looking up the community-hub in your browser)

Do i really need to provide you with additional text and images?

2. Go to your library and select Devil Daggers, obviously

Are you some sort of “Special Needs”-Child?

3. Right-Click on it and select “Properties”

This time you even get images!

4. Now click on the tab “Local Files” (red) and then on “Browse Local Files” (blue)

Multi-Colour marking for you!

5. You really didn’t manage to figure that out yourself?

As expected, Satan-Magic happens and your File Browser suddenly appears! You see a file named “OST”. Could it really be it? The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minimalistic soundtrack that bothered you to open this guide?

6(66). And now my children, turn on the holy tunes and let