Some server owners have decided to put ads in their server’s MOTD (message of the day) box, as they do with any source game. If you want to remove these, please read this guide.
Disabling the HTML MOTD (message of the day) will remove annoying server ads, but keeping it enabled will allow group page and gametracker stats.
It is now disabled by default on fresh installs of the game.
Option 1 (official)
Navigate to the options menu, game settings, and change the HTML MOTDS option to disable.
Option 2
*This option is the same as option 1, but uses the command instead. Use this if the menu button does not work*
While in-game, open the developers console by pressing the ~ (tilde) key. (if that does not work, or you are using a different keyboard layout (azerty), then go to the keybindings menu and rebind it to any key you wish).
Once you have the console open, type or paste this code:
Note: This command disables the servers MOTD, which might also hold important server rules.
Option 3
Open your file explorer, and navigate to your insurgency2 bin folder. (SteamSteamAppscommoninsurgency2bin)
Find the file called cef_helper.exe, and change the extension to cef_helper.bak. This turns the file into a backup file, so it no longer works as it should. If you wish to revert this, simply change the extension back to .exe.
Note: This will also disable the main menu feed, which is why option 1 is recommended.