I use a real steering wheel to play this game. I’m probably in the minority, but personally I get very annoyed when I have to look at my real steering wheel in front of me as well as the in game steering wheel sitting right behind it. The in game steering wheel in Wreckfest is especially bad too, because of how awful it looks when it deforms. This was just a personal mod I did for a while, and I ended up publishing it to the workshop (In Game Steering Wheel Removal). There are two reasons why I’m just making a guide: 1) I don’t have the pre-order vehicle, so I cannot add that one into my mod. 2) I don’t keep it updated as much as I should, so when the game updates, the few people using my mod are stuck not being able to use it until I update it. So, this is a quick guide on how to remove the in-game steering wheel. Keep in mind this will not work in multiplayer, it is considered “cheating”. This can be car-specific, so even if you’re using my mod that does this for all base-game vehicles, you can remove the steering wheel in any specific vehicle you want that isn’t a part of my mod.
BagEdit Tool
The first thing you need to do is locate your Wreckfest steam folder. The easiest way to do this is find the game in your library, right click, go to “properties” then click the “local files” tab, finally click “browse local files”
Once you’re in the Wreckfest file, go into the “BagEdit” folder, from there run “BagEditCommunity.exe”
Copying game files
Next, you want to find the “Data” folder in the folder tree on the left side of the BagEdit tool. Click Data>vehicle>”which ever vehicle you want to do this to”>art. Now find the file called “body.vhcl” right click, and select “File Duplicate”.
When you click this, you will be prompted to create a new mod, or edit an existing mod. In this case, you will just be creating a new mod, so name it something you’ll remember and type that into the “New Mod” box. Once you do that, click OK.
Modifying game files
Finally it’s time to get rid of that crummy steering wheel.
Here you will need to use the folder tree on the left side of the BagEdit tool to scroll down to your “mods” folder. Find the folder of the mod you just created, and keep expanding each folder until you find your “body.vhcl” file.
When you locate the file, click it once, now on the right side of the BagEdit tool, you will see a list of attributes. Expand the “Dummies” attribute. Now, you will see a list of numbers, from 1 to over 100 in most cases.
Scroll down towards the bottom, start expanding the files, what you’re looking for is one called “steering_wheel_hi_joint_0”. The names are in alphabetical order, so use that knowledge to not have to expand every number. (its usually one of the bottom 10 or so).
Now, what you want to do is set EVERY X,Y,Z, and W axis to 0. There will be some funky numbers in those boxes, some negative, some positive, some with letters attached. Set every one to 0.
Once you do that, just click over to the left side of those boxes, near the word “Transformation” and you should see a little yellow floppy disc appear, to indicate it has been saved.
Now, just click the “File” button at the top left of the BagEdit tool, and click “Save All”.
Close BagEdit.
Using your mod
Now all you need to do is start up the game, head over to the “MISC” tab, click “Mods” and select your mod, it will be named whatever you named it. The game will restart and you should be good to go.