FortressCraft Evolved Guide

How to room for FortressCraft Evolved

How to room


Basic room building tutorial.


In this example, I will build a very small room with an ore extractor in it. I will deliver power to the room and transport the ores out from this room.

In order to build a room, you need a flat surface.

When you are done preparing your surface for the room. You need to build walls.

I built my walls partially as you can see the screenshot bellow:

You can already place the room controller in the room. If you do that you can see that the room controller will validate your room and show any error you have in your room.

In my example, the room controller informs me about the missing ceiling. Not the blue hologram which is the marker for the room area.

I placed a single block above the room controller and now the room controller detecting a hole in my room.

The problematic block is marked with a red transparent cube. You can keep placing blocks in the marked areas in order to complete the room.

I finished the base for my room but the room controller still showing an error.

I left a 3 block high and 3 blocks wide hole in my room in order to place the inner airlock. Which size are 3×3 blocks.

Notice that after building the Inner airlock the room controller still showing error in my room:

“Inner Airlock unable to locate matching valid Outer Airlock?”

You can fix this by building the Outer Airlock.

In order to build a valid Airlock area, you need to build a 3x3x3 empty space between the two airlocks.

By following the steps I wrote your room now should be considered as a valid room. You can check it via the room controller

Room Lights

By default you can’t see much in the rooms. You can’t use electric lights nor torches to light up the rooms. You have to use the dedicated room lights. You can find them in the self-craft menu. Which you can access with ‘c’ key.

There are a number of different lights you can choose from. But a few is only accessible via dapper dlc.

Room light 5:

Energy Grommet

In order to get power into your room, you have to replace a block in your wall, floor or ceiling with an energy grommet.

Like this:

You can use an unlimited amount of energy grommets in your room.

You have to place an energy generator or a battery outside of your room next to the energy grommet.
In this example, I’m using a battery and I’m connecting the battery to a laser.

Now if you go inside and put a consumer next to the energy grommet the consumer will be able to draw power from the PSB from outside.

As you can see on the screenshot below my LPT is powering the ore extractor:

Logistics Grommet

Logistics Grommet is working exactly the same as the Energy Grommet.

You can various machines to transport items into a room or out from a room. For example a conveyor belt.

Replace a building block in your wall, ceiling or floor with a Logistics Grommet like this:

Connect both sides of the Logistics Grommet with a conveyor belt.

And now you have a very small basic copper ore extractor room.

Room Limitations

  • Must be <64m away from the controller in all directions.
  • Must not have machines or holes in the walls.
  • Must have a block above the controller.
  • Must have at least 1 airlock.
  • You can’t nest one room into another room.
  • The room must be Regular-shaped. Meaning it should be BOX shaped. You can’t build any other shaped rooms yet.

Room tricks

  • You can build an Induction charger in the floor.
  • You can build cargo lifts in rooms if you can accept a slight graphical issue.

  • You can use the Air locks without a room to separate part of your base.