This guide is to help you getting Brutal Doom older versions to run through Steam.It’s very simple actually.
Getting Started
Newer support/version of this guide is located here
What you will need
Brutal Doom
- Brutal Doom (most recent version located here or in case that is deleted {LINK REMOVED} here )
- Zandronum (at least version 2.0. Latest version 2.1 located here [zandronum.com] or Latest GZDoom here [devbuilds.drdteam.org]
- Doom WAD files and folders
Project Brutality (For GZDoom only)*
- Project Brutality (most recent version is v20 located here or the version that worked for me {LINK REMOVED} here .
- Latest GZDoom here [devbuilds.drdteam.org]
- Doom WAD files and folders
* – note that you will need to run either Brutal Doom or Project Brutality, you cannot run both otherwise you will come across crashes
Brutal Doom Steps (Zandronum)
- Have Doom purchased through Steam.
- Download the latest version of Brutal Doom (version 20 currently)
- Download the lastest version of Zandronum (version 2.1 currently)
- Install Doom then locate the folder in explorer (Steam/steamapps/common/(Doom)
- Open the Zandronum 2.1 installer, select the “Portable Installation” option, then install.
- Open /base folder (if you are in the Master Levels of Doom folder you will not see a /base folder. That’s ok, just apply the following steps below in that folder — as if you are treating it like it’s a /base folder)
- In another window, locate where you’ve installed Zandronum 2.1
- Copy all files from the Zandronum 2.1 installation folder to your Steam Doom /base folder
- Delete dosbox.exe, then rename zandronum.exe to dosbox.exe
- Open the brutalv20.zip (your downloaded Brutal Doom Mod)
- Copy and paste all contents within brutalv20.zip over to the ‘skins‘ folder located within the /base doom steam folder
- Rinse and repeat for however many Doom games you want to apply this to (The Ulitmate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, and Master Levels of Doom)
- “Play” Doom through Steam and you will have Brutal Doom automatically loaded
- Enjoy
Brutal Doom Steps (GZDoom)
- Have Doom purchased through Steam.
- Download the latest version of Brutal Doom (version 20 currently)
- Download the latest version of GZDoom
- Install Doom then locate the folder in explorer (Steam/steamapps/common/(Doom)
- Open the GZDoom 7zip file you downloaded [e.g. gzdoom-g2.1.pre-1159-gfbefe13.7z]
- Open /base folder (if you are in the Master Levels of Doom folder you will not see a /base folder. That’s ok, just apply the following steps below in that folder — as if you are treating it like it’s a /base folder)
- Copy all files from the GZDoom 7zip folder to your Steam Doom /base folder
- Delete dosbox.exe, then rename gzdoom.exe to dosbox.exe
- Open the brutalv20.zip (your downloaded Brutal Doom Mod)
- Copy and paste all contents within brutalv20.zip over to the ‘/base‘ folder located within the doom steam folder
- Run the game once to have the gzdoom-(YourPCUserNameHere).ini created automatically.
- Open the ‘gzdoom-(YourPCUserNameHere).ini’ and scroll down to where you see [doom.Autoload]
- Type or Copy/Paste Path=brutalv20.pk3 right under [doom.Autoload]
- Rinse and repeat for however many Doom games you want to apply this to (The Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, and Master Levels of Doom)
- “Play” Doom through Steam and you will have Brutal Doom automatically loaded
- Enjoy
Project Brutality (GZDoom only)*
- Have Doom purchased through Steam.
- Download the latest version of Project Brutality (currently 6-27-15)
- Download the latest version of GZDoom
- Install Doom then locate the folder in explorer (Steam/steamapps/common/(Doom)
- Open the GZDoom 7zip file you downloaded [e.g. gzdoom-g2.1.pre-1159-gfbefe13.7z]
- Open /base folder (if you are in the Master Levels of Doom folder you will not see a /base folder. That’s ok, just apply the following steps below in that folder — as if you are treating it like it’s a /base folder)
- Copy all files from the GZDoom 7zip folder to your Steam Doom /base folder
- Delete dosbox.exe, then rename gzdoom.exe to dosbox.exe
- Open the Project_Brutality_6-27-15.zip (your downloaded Project Brutality Doom Mod)
- Copy and paste all contents within Project_Brutality_6-27-15.zip over to the ‘/base‘ folder located within the doom steam folder
- Run the game once to have the gzdoom-(YourPCUserNameHere).ini created automatically.
- Open the ‘gzdoom-(YourPCUserNameHere).ini’ and scroll down to where you see [doom.Autoload]
- Type or Copy/Paste Path=Project_Brutality_Final.pk3 right under [doom.Autoload]
- Rinse and repeat for however many Doom games you want to apply this to (The Ulitmate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, and Master Levels of Doom)
- “Play” Doom through Steam and you will have Brutal Doom automatically loaded
- Enjoy
* – note (again) that you will need to run either Brutal Doom or Project Brutality, you cannot run both otherwise you will come across crashes