FALLOUT 3 ON WINDOWS 10? IT IS POSSIBLE! EVERYTHING IS ON MY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXPvoVa1hBI1. You need two files – xlive.dll and d3d9.dll (both of them you can find in description of my video)2. Put them in game folder (Steam Library -> Fallout 3 *and right click on it* -> properties -> local files -> browse) 3. Change compatibility of Fallout3.exe and FalloutLauncher.exe to Windows 8 and apply.4. Go to documents -> My games -> Fallout 3 -> edit FALLOUT.ini -> CTRL+F -> search for BuseThread and scroll down.5. Find bUseThreadedAI=0 and change 0 to 1 and under it paste that: iNumHWThreads=2 6. Save.7. Run Fallout3 from your Steam Library It works for me and it should work for youLike and share my guide if it helped you!