Breathedge Guide

How to space station for Breathedge

How to space station


Hi Breathedge players.I personally had much struggle to build my space station, so I want to share the experiences I made during the building progress, researching things and watching tutorials.I also try to keep the guide up-to date if there will be updates which bring new components/features etc.If there are any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or sth. else, just tell me in the comments :DThis guide contains: Good spot for space stationSpace station modules/components overviewHow to supply your station with oxygenHow to supply your station with energyHow to keep the breach risk low”Research” space station setup”Advanced” space station setup”Endgame” space station setup

Good spot for spacestation

Everythings about a good spot. It will make your base a home or just a piece of matal scrap in the void.
You recognize a good spot when you’ve built your base and recognize you picked the worst spot ever.

That this doesn’t happens to you, here some hints for your perfect spot:

  • It should be central =>short waytime to objects
  • There should be enough space, so you can build as big as you want
  • A great view (of course optional, build behind an asteroid if you want)

Here’s my favourite spot. Lots of space, right in middle in the map, and a awesome view on the anomaly. Its marked with a red location dot on the Screenshot down below:

Space station modules/components overview

there are 3 types of modules, each one has its stations, which can only build in that specific module. Stations cant be placed in the module, they always need a free module wall for them.

There are 3 size types of modules:
Small: 3×3, 4 replacable wall blocks
Medium: 5×3, 8 replacable wall blocks
Large: 7×3, 12 replacable wall blocks

1: Service module

These things are a must-have, without these stations and modules you can’t have a working space station.

  • Oxygen generator block: generates 50 oxygen
  • Energy generator block: generates 50 energy
  • Station status screen: Shows Your 3 station stats: oxygen (need to keep above 0), power (also need to keep above 0) and breach chance (need to keep under 0)
  • Airlock: Need it to enter and exit the station
  • Research table: research new items here, it also has a crafting table
  • Communication => upgraded part: Improved communication

2: “Safety components”

Also a must-have, except you like it to fix holes with chewing gum all the time.

  • Protective cover: Gives you -15% breach chance per item
  • Solar panels: Gives you +5 energy and -5% breach risk per item

3: Habitation module

If you want to make your station look nicer and more comfortable, use some of these things.

  • Bed: Sleep and regenerate health
  • Kitchen: Cook something (or someone, space cannibalism O.o)
  • Spacesuit stand: Place one of your space suits in it
  • Cabinet: Works like a suitcase, but has less inventory space
  • Toilet: pee and get random items from the space lol

4: Transport module

Absolutly not neccessary, you just can park your vehicles before your station. This is from my point of view just a flex, only build it if you have the resources.

  • Shuttle airlock: Need it to dock on with a shuttle at your sation
  • Transport plattform: Little gate, so you can enter/exit themodule with your vehicle (space garage)

5: “Universal components” (fit in/on/at/behind every module)

The backbone of your station. If these things wouldn’t exist, you just have some modules floating around.

  • Window: Take a look on the space
  • Corridor: you need it to link your different modules
  • Tube: same as the corridor, just vertical.
  • Corridor Airlock: Counterpart to the normal airlock, you can place it only at corridors
  • Little airlock: Another part of the airlock family, can be placed at pipes i think

How to supply your station with oxygen

So, you build your first station, but your oxygen isn’t refilling like it does in shuttles? Then you need to install oxygen generators.
Recommended oxygen status: Above 0 all time
(See at Station status screen)

Build cost for 1x Oxygen generator block:
1x aluminium
2x titanium
1x Inductor (gets crafted from 1x metal, 1x plastic and 2x electric wire)

How to supply your station with oxygen:

  • Step 1: Build a oxygen generator block in your service module
  • Step 2: If your oxygen isn’t refilling automatically, check the status screen. If it shows a negative number at oxygen, repeat step 1.
  • Step 3: Done.

How to supply your station with energy

Now your station is supplied with oxygen, but still dark. And due dark stations are scary (and you also can’t use your research table), so you want to supply your station with power.
Recommended power status: Above 0 all time
(See at Station status screen)

Build cost for 1x energy generator block:
2x aluminium
2x titanium
1x generator (gets crafted from 2x metal, 1x electric wire, 1x electronics and 1x alkali)

How to supply your station with power:

  • Step 1: Build a power generator block in your service module
  • Step 2: If your lights don’t switch on and you still cant use your research table, check the status screen. If it shows a negative number at power, repeat step 1.
  • Step 3: Done.

How to keep the breach risk low

Now, you dealed with oxygen and power, time to fix the last problem your stations haas: the breach risk.
Recommended oxygen status: Under 0 all time
(See at Station status screen)
this means, the breach chance is under 0%=> No breaches

Build cost for 1x Protective cover: (reduces breach risk by 15% per item)
2x lead

Build cost for 1x Solar panels: (reduces breach risk by 5%, produces 5 energy per item)
1x lead
1x electronics

How to secure your station against breaches:

  • Step 1: Build protective cover/ solar panels on your station shell
  • Step 2: check the status screen. If it shows a positive number at breach chance, repeat step 1.
  • Step 3: Done.

“Research” space station setup

This is quite simple. The only reason to do this is if you don’t want a space station. But in the game, you need the research station in the space station to research some items, which are essential in the game, like the engeneering or electrotechican spacesuit.

Parts needed:
1x small service module
1x oxygen generator
1x energy generator
1x airlock
1x research table
4x protective cover (because then its symmetrical and looks nicer lol)

now, just build your space station and use the research table to research all you need

advanced space station setup

Can’t be as detailed as the setup before, but just some things here, which are necessary and unnecessary:

Service modules (Medium or Large) with the generators and research table
habitation module (medium or Large) with maybe storage
Protective cover/ Solar panels

Transportation module

endgame space station setup

Now, when you have enough materials, you can easily afford your dream station. Build it as you want, build it how you want, and build it where you want, there’s not really something I could tell you about.
There aren’t not really any pieces which aren’t “unnecessary” now, I don’t think that somebody wants a space Station without windows or?

Thanks for reading until here, have a great day!