Undertale Guide

How to spare Sans before fighting for Undertale

How to spare Sans before fighting


You can’t lol.Well if you “hack” yourself into the game (By doing this: Windows + R, type “%appdata”, select at the top left AppData, then go into “Local”, scroll down to “UNDERTALE” and edit file0. After that you go to the 2nd line and type level 20 [IT ALSO COULD BE THE KILLCOUNT, JUST MAKE IT TO 999999 OR ONE HIGHER BEFORE ENTERING THE FIGHT WITH SANS Ididn’t test if it’s the Level or killcount] [Or 999999 whatever you want, atleast just let it somehow be 20 or above 20], save the file and start undertale at the last corridor).Then you go to Sans fight him and you can instantly Spare him… the result might shock you1!1!!!



Truth = ???

??? = No Lies

Stop Reading

Please, I don’t even know what I type.

I made this Guide while…

Hearing this Dog Song, over and over, and this is true.

So you didn’t want to stop?

Stop wasting your time lol.




(The True Secret?)


You Clicked this to see the Secret at the end

Shame, the Secret is at the middle part.

Well the Secret is that I shouldn’t have done these Sections but I did.
I told you not to waste your time… but you did.
