Paladins® Guide

How to spend gold. for Paladins

How to spend gold.


This guide informs about buyable things in paladins except champs, only using gold.


Besides spending your gold on champions, there are other things to buy. This guide will sum up these options.
If I forgot something or made mistakes, feel free to write it in the comments.

I will form time to time update this guide.
I might add self painted pictures in honour of the community painted sprays and to protest the the eurpean copyright reform.


All, if not most champions have “cheap” skins with just a different colour than the default skin. Atleast one of them should be purchasable with gold.

Also if a champion gets an optical rework, his old look will be purchasable for gold.
(It was in the past like that. Skye, Ruckus for example)


Sometimes announcer packs are purchasable with gold.

At the moment available are


-Announcer for each 25000 Gold

Level up your Champ

You can level up your Champion with gold(although it can be expensive).
And depending on the level, you can unlock gold-cards, a title, purchasable skins(including weapon skin), taunts and a victory pose for the champ.

The purchasable skins are
-obsidian (gray)
-cosmic (blue)
-gold(unlocked once lvl 50, costs nothing)

Not every champ has all three of these skins to unlock. For example Grover only has a gold skin.
Gold-skins are purchasable when your champ reaches level 50.

I will update this section.


Sometimes sprays are released, purchasable with gold for a limited time.

On default you have only one slot for sprays, but three more are obtainable with gold.

How I spend my Gold

I have much gold left on my account, owning all current purchasable champs, colour-skins, announcer-packs and sprays. Currently only left is to purchase levels for my champs.

Why do I not spend my gold on champion levels?

Besides I am not that interested in the rewards I get trough leveling up a champ, I save my gold for future updates. Who knows what Hirez will release, that we can buy with gold.

For example in the past there was a chest in the store purchasable with gold. Hirez might add something similar someday.

Although there can be tactical reasons, to level up your champ, for example unlocking gold-cards or
just not having a low level, so your ranked teammates won’t cry when they see a lvl 2 Sniper instalocking.


As far as I know, the only emotes you can buy with gold are the mastery-emotes(through leveling up your champion).

But you can buy more slots(1 default, 4 max) for your emotes with gold.


In the past, there was a “Battle Chest” obtainable with gold,
containing skins, voicepacks and cards(yes, in the old days you had to get them).
But the chest was removed.