Blocksworld Guide

How to start playing Blocksworld 1/2 - -OUTDATED, SERVER GONE- for Blocksworld

How to start playing Blocksworld 1/2 – -OUTDATED, SERVER GONE-


This will help you out if you don’t even know how to play

How to start up Blocksworld

Just press play,

How to make an avatar

To make an avatar,
Press your profile name and your picture.
So once you pressed your picture,
It will give you options to pick which character you want.It would be looking like this

And then pick any what you want (Except the color grey because it’s still not available)
But for me now I picked a Blockster,
Also you can customize your blockster by pressing the blue button

And you can do anything to make your avatar looking beautiful,colorful,etc.

Building a World.

To build,you have to press on Build
And then press Build a new World
So after pressing it , You will have different kinds of Worlds that you maybe wanna pick.

The original world was Blockster Bay

So after you picked a world , It would look like this if you were building

And then now you can build anything what you want 😀

Playing a World.

This one is very easy.
Open the game(obviously)
Then pick a World that may interest you like this