Titanfall™ Guide

How to Stealth for Titanfall™

How to Stealth


basics of getting better at stealth i guess

Why is stealth a good

Stealth is a good strategy because unlike titanfall 2, this game does not give you a massive as ♥♥♥♥ red outline over enemy pilots and part of the combat is actually identifying enemy gamers. Stealth allows you to get the upper hand over enemies to make it harder for them to find you, which will often allow you to murder the ♥♥♥♥ out of enemies. However, it is more complex then throwing cloak on your class. It is also less effective against skilled players. Also, I won’t be talking much about Burn Cards.

How people counter the sneak

Stealth is obviously not perfect, for example jetpack trails can easily give away a cloaked player to an observant enemy, even if they are in a titan. REMEMBER, CLOAK DOES NOT MAKE YOU IMMUNE TO THE SMART PISTOL. It’s dumb, but that’s how the game is, and it will never be changed. I’d probably check to say if cloak makes you immune to sonar, but that ability is used so little it really doesn’t matter. Also, you’ve probably noticed this already, but cloak does not make you invisible to pilots, just in case you didn’t know. In general, just constantly scan your surroundings and look out for jetpack trails.

How to the stealth – loadout

There are many things that you can edit in your loadout to make yourself stealthier, but sometimes it’s less of a clear-cut choice. Obviously, you would want cloak as a tactical, but for your tier 1 kit you’d think it’d be better to run stealth kit because no ♥♥♥♥ sherlock. However, not everyone looks out for jetpack trails, so you can run power cell to get your cloak more often, which is amazing. For weapons, sidearm is preference, charge rifle exposes you if enemies are looking for you, mag launcher and sidewinder need to be fired over a timespan, and archer needs a lock-on and will warn the titan before it hits, so pick your poison. Your primary is a choice of preference, mostly, but attachments are important. CLOAK RUINS OPTICS. You cannot see the reticle for any of the unlockable optics or scopes (including base 6x for Kraber/Longbow), so you might want to just run iron sights to line up your target before uncloaking, for example the CAR’s irons are better for cloaked than most other default iron/unlockable sights. Also, you might think a suppressor is needed to be stealthy, but it is mostly related to the weapon itself. For example, I have noticed many times with a R101C suppressed enemies will end up >10% health if I didn’t get the kill. So a gun may suffer an increase in shots/kill if it is suppressed, but I’m to lazy to do research so do it yourself. Staying off the minimap is helpful against smart players checking it often, so if you want to take the gamble of dying to enemies with 2% health, go for it. Because of how cloak messes with optics, use it to relocate rather than conceal yourself for a shot if using a sniper rifle. If you want to be an annoying prick engage titans, run arc grenades/mines, and satchels are funny and usually somewhat effective.

How to the stealth – playstyle

Just remember cloak isn’t perfect and account for its weaknesses. It’s easier to see cloaked pilots in the air than on the ground or moving rather than not moving. Titans can see your jetpack trails so stick to the ground if you need to. Try to stay off the minimap. Create distractions by hacking spectres or turrets. This game has many unrestricted areas where the enemy might not expect or won’t check- ledges or the tops of maps you would think would be inaccessible, inside buildings, you get the idea.


Burn cards basically say ♥♥♥♥ everything to what I’ve said so far. That’s it. Just remember ghost squad (permanent cloak and your normal tactical) can be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ broken and run an amped smart pistol too because why not, you’ve already thrown away your dignity by abusing this dumb and overpowered-as-♥♥♥♥ part of the sandbox like I have.

Notes on sniping

Quick last part- Sniping and stealth don’t mix well together. Stealth is how to move and kill before being found, and sniping is sitting in one vantage point until you die because you suck at aiming. Oh, and you basically can’t snipe while cloaked, because of how the sights get dead.


Overall, stealth is just a part of the sandbox and you can choose how much you utilize it, tweaking it to your playstyle. Also, cloak is the best tactical. Period. Ever. Go ♥♥♥♥ off with your stim. I don’t even have to insult sonar vision mains because they don’t ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ exist. Thanks.
