Mount & Blade Guide

How to  Successfully rebel against a faction for Mount & Blade

How to Successfully rebel against a faction


A in depth guide on how to successfully and efficiently rebel against a faction.

Getting Started

Ok so for the first part of the guide I’l be telling you how it is you start to rebel agaist a faction(before reading on I strongly suggest a character that is lvl 20 or above).Also your chracter must have a high enough renown to start a rebelion.Okay so assuming your character has got all of the previouse we can start, so step one is to find someone who says their throne was stole of them by the king of a certain faction, these people can be found in random castle around the map so just go to castles until you find one, here are the names of te people who you can start a rebellion with,
Prince Valdym if you speak to him you will end up rebelling against the Vaegirs, if you talk to Lady Isolla of Suno you will rebel against Swadia, if you talk to Dustum Khan you will rebel against the Khergits, if you talk to Lethwin Far-Seeker you will rebel against the Nord, and lastly if you talk to Lord Kastor of Veluca you will rebel against the Rhodoks.Okay so you’ve spoke to one of them your rebellion has started and a new faction should be made.This is the end of this section in the next section I will talk about a efficent way to start claiming some castle’s and supporters for your rebellion.

Getting land and supporters

Okay one of the worst things you can do after starting a rebellion is immediatley start attacking castles if you do this your rebellion will end very quickly instead go to all the castle of the faction your rebelling against and talk to their lord(be wary though as if your near a castle of the faction your rebelling agaist one of their lords might come out and attack you), you should get a option to say your rebellion leader(the person you talked to to start the rebellion)is the rightful owner of the throne the lord will then say some things and your also get a pop up on the chance of this lord joining your rebellion then your have multiple options to choose from and then lord will either join you or stick with the current king.
After you’ve done this to most lords you should have around 3/4 castles owned by your rebellion talk to one of the lords that has joined you and say you wanna start a campaign this will make all your supporting lords and their armys come to your current postion.Now that you’ve done this your ready to start claiming some castles by force.

Claiming castles and managing your rebellion

Ok so now your whole rebel army is with you go to a castle(I wouldnt reccommend the kings castle or any town since their alot tougher to claim)when you get their see how many soilders are defending their and decide if you want to attack that castle or not if you decide you wanna attack this castle go to the castle and click the option to beseige it your either have to make ladder or a seige tower.After either of those things are made click lead your army in the next assault do so and hopefully claim the castle. after you’ve done this a few times your have quite a few castles and now your have to start managing them.everytime you claim a castle village or town your have to assign a lord to own that castle,one thing i would now do is tell some of your lord to return to their castle to defend them as the enemy faction wil try to get them back,so just keep a large enough army to beseige castles with efficiently this is around 200 people.One thing to keep in mind is when you claim a castle after beseging it most enemy faction lords will escape and take refuge in other castle owned by them making them castle have more men.In the next section i’l talk about claiming towns and the most efficent way to do so.

Claiming towns efficiently

Okay at this point your rebel faction is pretty strong and the orginal faction have around 3/4 castle left these will most likely be towns and the kings town.Towns hold more men then a normal castle housing around 307 for beseiging these i suggest bringing most of your rebel army to ensure a succeful beseige if you manage to claim a town these will be at the biggest risk of being beseiged by the orginal faction since their most important if such a situation occurs I suggest going back to the town and defeding it.After you claimed the towns and the kings towns your rebellion is stil not over.In the next section i’l talk about finishing of your rebellion and what happens after it.

Finishing your rebellion and what happens after.

Congratulations you’ve captured all enemy castles but the rebellion does not end when you have captured all castles you will need to track down and convince or defeat any remaining lords, as well as any caravans still belonging to the original faction. When all parties belonging to the faction have been eliminated the rebellion will end; the rebel faction will rename to the name of the original faction and takes on their allies and enemies, and the claimant will leave your party to take the throne (the usurper will leave without a trace). Any lords who did not join your cause will now join up with the reunited faction, although their opinion of you will be unaltered. You will remain the marshal of the faction until the ruler decides to call an election.