Supreme Ruler Ultimate Guide

How to suppress rebels with diplomacy for Supreme Ruler Ultimate

How to suppress rebels with diplomacy


Hello friends. I assume you clicked this in desperate hope of destroying those pesky partisans? Maybe youre running short on men and fighting a desperate war. Maybe youre so close to victory but you cant spare men? Whatever it is youre having trouble with… i have come to shed some light on your worries!

Lets get down to business…

As you can see. There they are, those bloody partisans…. So what you want to do
is to click the declare war or return land on the dead region.

Now you want to return the land as colony.

Well… thats it. Congrats! Youve defeated the rebels! Oh! Not only defeated them but with your charismatic negotiation skill youve made some friends! VICTORY FOR YOUR EMPIRE IS NEAR! Good luck!


Okay, but for real. This wont work unless the partisan region becomes independent (when they stop being a dead region). This is just a quick exploit i wanted to show off. Also your diplomacy may suffer if you annex the colonized region.

This can be quite useful at the times. If you keep your eyes open and check the conquered territories you might have time to suppress the rebels before they become independent.
Remember boys & girls… keep that law enforcement high!

Dear battlegoat… your game is awesome. Ive spent alot of hours of my precious life on this game… But ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you really need to do some improvements on the engine. With love,

-A fan.