This guide is a helper for new players, as well as a trial to explain the different behavior of your little friends, and how to deal with them. It is bound a have a bit of “spoilers” which may :1) Make the game less scary, as you may know how to act and react.2) Kill surprises of what may (or may not) happen though the nights. So If you wish to keep your game at the maximum scare level until you get used to it, I do not recommend you read this.This guide is separated in two parts : -Gameplay Basics in two parts : The basics of the game, and how to play, as well as survive the first two nights.-A helper to go though in two parts : Behavior of bots, and events though the nights that work as a kind of walkthough.In any case, thank you for stopping by. If you wish me to add something, or think I am wrong, please let me know.
How to play, general element of the game.
If you are new to this game, and/or have troubles getting though your first two nights, it is important for you to know the basics of the gameplay.
Before explaining anything, please note that the game uses the mouse EXCLUSIVELY. The only other key that is useful is simply escape, which closes the game at any time, should you press it (including if you are in the steam overlay. To close it, press the close button or re-use your open command (Default Shift+Tab)
Also, a night goes from 12am to 6am, and your only means of defense are your cameras and your doors.
The first things you need to check is your office, and HUD.
On your HUD, there are 4 things which are important :
On the bottom left, you can find the amount of power left, you will need to look out for this amount of power, as you should try to save it as much as possible. Technically, you should be around 20% to 10% when the time reaches 5am, depending on what happened though the night. Be aware that power depletes very quickly.
Under the amount of power you’ve got, you can see cubes, green, yellow, and red ones. They represent the amount of power you are using. You will always loose a bit of power, but anything you use will be represented as one unit of power (If you use something, you will see two green blocks, if you use two, you will have 3 blocks, and so on). The power is used by activating the door lights, the doors, or using your camera. In the case you would loose all your power, everything will turn off, and you will hear footsteps (Unless it happens instantly), Freddy’s face will iluminate, he will play the overture of Carmen, and when he stops, everything goes dark, more footsteps, and death. The lenght of this even is somewhat random, but can be influenced if you stay still, it will generally be longer, giving you more time to get to 6am.
On the top right is the current time. It is useful to know if you are close or not to the end of the night, in order to adapt your power usage.
Finaly, on the bottom of your HUD is a bar with an arrow on it (Which is, for some reason, not appearing on this picture). When you move your mouse over it, you will open up the camera feed. When inside the camera feed, move on this bar again to close it. You will need to do this often.
Now, that is not the only important element at your dispostion. As seen on the first picture, you have two buttons, on each side of your office, a white button, labelled “Light” and a red button, labelled “Door”. As their name implies, they are used to light up the door way and open, or close your doors.
It is important not to toy with them if it is not necessary, as they use a great deal of power.
After you’ve got used to this, you should get interest in the camera feed.
Concerning the camera feed, you should learn the disposition of the place as well as the important places to look at, as it can be necessary to navigate quickly between different cameras.
You can see here the layout of the area. The camera is currently in the Kitchen, which is the Cam 6. In order to navigate though the cameras, simply click on one. Here is the detail of the areas, and what is to be known about them :
Cam1A : It is the Show Stage, it is where Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Rabbit, and Chica the Chicken are waiting at the beginning of each night. Once they left this area, they never return to it.
(From left to right, Bonnie, Chica and Freddy)
Cam1B : The Dinning Room is the biggest area in the game, and Freddy, Bonnie and Chica need to pass in this room first.
Cam1C : Pirate Cove is a very important place in the game, and will make more sense as of Night 2, with the unravel of Foxy, the 4th animatronic. Though, Bonnie, Chica and Freddy NEVER passes there.
Cam5 : The Backstage can sometimes be visited by Bonnie. Though it is the farthest room from you, the robots tend to move quite quickly.
Cam7 : The Restrooms could be seen like a Chica’s counterpart to Bonnie’s Backstage, though be aware that Freddy also passes there.
Cam3 : This little closet is a place where Bonnie tend to often hide, if you can not find him, check here, he may be standing in it.
Cam6 : The Kitchen is a rather unique place, as it does not show any video feed, only sound can be heard. Both Chica and Freddy goes in there.
Cam2A and 2B : This is the hallway from which both Bonnie and Foxy come to you. While Cam A shows the back of the corridor, B shows what is next to your door. It is also important to note that the Cam2B has a blind spot, so you should check your light if you think Bonnie is here. Also, the Cam2 A and B correspond with your LEFT door, it is important not to get lost.
Cam4A and 4B : These two cameras represent the hallways on your RIGHT. It is used by Chica and Freddy. The same blind spot exist on this camera, so if you do not know where Chica is, you should, just like Bonnie, check your door light.
The most important cameras are generally the Cam1C and both hallways, though it can be interesting to check others.
This will do for the general explaination of the game.
How to play, going though your first two nights.
Now that you know the basic of how to control the game, it is time to get into business, and survive your first nights. But first, here are some precision on the game mechanics, concerning the animatronic’s activity :
Cameras going black : When you watch the robots, or generally the camera, and they wish to move, your cameras will go black for about 2-3 seconds. It is most likely at least one of them will have moved after this, and it is not advised to stay in your camera feed when this happen. Whenever your cameras turn off, check both door lights; this is especially true for later nights.
Checking your door lights : If you happen to not see Bonnie or Chica anywhere, or if they were close to your doors and suddenly left, you should quickly go out of your camera, and check both door lights. If one of them is here, close the door as soon as you see it. In order to see if they are still there, press turn on the light again, you could see this on Chica’s side :
If you see none, then it is safe to open the door. Please note that on Bonnie’s side, you will only see a shadow though the glass, unlike Chica being highly visible.
Doors and Lights breaking : It is important to note that your buttons can be broken, on both side, and as soon as your first night. Once it happens, your light and door will no longer work on this side. It is believed to happen when you left an animatronic unchecked on one side, while out of your camera feed for too long. When this happens, you are generally going to loose, since you cannot check your camera anymore, without dying. To counter this as best as you possibly can, close the door that is not broken yet (if any) look into the door that is broken, and wait. This tactic can work easily on your first night on any door, but will fail as of night 2 on your left side, and is impossible as of the 4th night (See the detailed behavoir of animatronics as time goes if interested, though, you’ll get spoiled).
Using your ears : The game uses a lot of sounds, which can help you notice the presence of animatronics. Though not every sounds have a signification. For exemple, if you hear foot steps, it is highly possible that Bonnie or Chica is around your door, you should watch out. Another good exemple is if you hear a racket, with what seems to be metalic noises, it is probably because Chica is in the Kitchen (Cam6); if you are unsure where the sound is comming from, using your cameras help you pinpoint them (useful for the kitchen, if you are not sure, but the sound is generally enough to know Chica is in it, you shouldn’t need to have it in higher pitch). Please note that you always hear these sounds, even inside your camera, but the camera’s location sounds are always higher than the ones from your doors, this may trick you, or help you finding the animatronics.
Pirate Cove and Foxy : Foxy is a special animatronic which starts in the Pirate Cove, on Cam1C. His “mission” is to prevent you from being idle and not use your cameras. He is first introduced in your second night, and will recquire a lot of checking. Though, it is important to note that even though he is only introduced in night 2, he is still there on your first night. You should not wait without checking your cameras, nor should you always check Pirate Cove, or he might come out and get you, which is pretty bad for first time players.
Now will begin the explaination on “how to survive your first nights”
The first night is relatively calm. To do it simple, nothing will happen until about the end of 2am or when 3am starts (which is about the time the message ends). It is important to listen to this message, as it gives you some tips on how to play. You can check the cameras if you wish, though do not overdo it or you will loose power. When 3am hits, start checking the Show Stage on Cam1A.
As long as everybody is there, you can keep waiting (Though watch out for Foxy (See “Pirate Cove and Foxy” just before this part)
Durring the first night, only Bonnie and Chica will be really active. Freddy will not move, except from looking at your camera sometimes. If, uppon checking the Camp1A, you see one of them is missing, you should proceed looking in the areas which they tend to go in (For Bonnie, Cam1B, Cam5, Cam3 and Cams2A and B; For Chica, Cam1B, Cam7, (Cam6), and Cams4A and B. Cam 6 does not have any video, so it is not very interesting to check, though the sounds comming from Chica being inside is quite easy to notice).
By periodically checking your cameras, and door lights, you should be able to survive your first night without any problem, or going out of power. Note that it is fairly possible that nothing even happens durring the first night (Animatronics may not come to your doors), though its not a reason to lower your vigilance, or you will be surprised on later nights.
The second night is significantly harder than the first one, for two reasons.
First of all, you will meet a new animatronic, Foxy, which will then be here on every nights. He is a quite different from the others, in the fact that unlike Bonnie and Chica who tends to simply go to your door, he will come out of his place, and RUN toward your room if you do not check on him. In order to counter him, it is important to frequently check Cam1C,to see if he moved (He will also move faster between stages as nights passes). He will go by 4 stages :
1-Nothing is seen on Pirate Cove’s camera. It is the perfect stage, as it means you’d have more time before he’d come to you.
2-Foxy will look at you from between the curtain. This is the “middle” stage, you should be cautious about him.
3-He will be close to your camera. At this point you should be ready for him, in the case he goes at you.
4-If uppon checking the Pirate Cove, you see the curtain greatly open and no sign of Foxy (or also a sign saying “IT’S ME” instead of “Sorry, out of order”) close your camera IMMEDIATELY, and close your LEFT DOOR. If you wait, Foxy will come bang 4 times on your door. After these 4 bangs, you can re-open the door safely (though you should check if Bonnie did not come by in the meantime with your lights). Alternatively, you can also check the Cam2A. You will then see Foxy run toward you at great speed. Once again, close the camera and your left door. If the door was already closed, checking the camera will just trigger Foxy and make him come faster. If you succeed in closing the door in time, Foxy will go back to Stage 1 at Pirate Cove, beginning the cycle again.
Secondly, Bonnie and Chica will not wait until 3am to start moving, and will rather move as soon as 12am. The difficulty of Night 2 resides in the fact that both Bonnie and Chica will be more active and active faster, which can cause you to use more power; with combination of Foxy which forces you to check your camera, giving the others Animatronics some oportunities to move around, or on you.
A somewhat easy tactic, which can be applied durring the whole game is to keep your camera mostly on pirate cove, open the feed and close it (about every 5-7 seconds between each check on Foxy) check both door lights at least once, and check the camera again. As long as you don’t use too much power, and pay attention to sound and Foxy, you should be okay.
-Bonnie and Foxy always come from the LEFT side, Chica and Freddy comes from the RIGHT.
-Sound is very important in the game, and can save your life.
-Foxy doesn’t like being watched, this works on both sides, if you harrass Foxy too much, he will go forward one stage, just like if you waited too long.
-In the case you would have a power outage, do not move, it may last longer (And you can still make it to 6am as long as Freddy does not kill you)
Behavior of the Animatronics and their details.
This part, and the ones which follows are dedicated to more advanced knowledge about the game and what happens within it. It also contains spoilers about the animatronics, and their details. I do not adivse you read this if you do not wish to get spoiled.
Though if you are an advanced player, or simply have troubles surviving later nights, this can perhaps help you.
1) The different animatronics and their behaviors :
1) Bonnie the Rabbit.
Bonnie the Rabbit is one of the first Animatronic you will encounter, and probably the most agressive. He will come to your room more often than Chica, and will tend to leave and come back quickly. He also seem to be the one disabling your cameras while he moves to another area (though the others tend to use this as well), and he is able to litterally “teleport” over long distances, unlike the others who simply follow their path, but can still move quite quickly.
His areas of action are Cam5, Cams1A and B, Cam3 and Cams 2A and B.
It is to be noted that he is also able to break your left side door and light if you do not react quick enough, as he sneaked inside your room, which means you will probably die soon, either by him if you check your camera, or by Foxy if you wait.
Bonnie has some specific sounds, notably, footsteps when walking near your office, as well as strange robot speech on later nights. Also, if when viewing your camera, you hear a sort of groaning, it means Bonnie is going to kill you as soon as you put the camera down.
Also, when “teleporting”, he would do a small tune as well.
2) Chica the Chicken.
Chica the Chicken is one of the first Animatronic you will encounter, and is, unlike Bonnie, the least agressive. Chica tend to wander around, and seem to enjoy going inside the Kitchen area or the restrooms. Chica also seems to come at the player’s door less often, though likes to wait longer there, wasting more power.
Her areas of action are Cam7, Cams 1A and B, Cam6 and Cams 4A and B.
Like Bonnie, she can sneak inside your room and break your light and door, preventing you from checking you camera. Though, if you clsoe the left door, you may actually survive, unless Freddy comes get you, or you run out of power too soon.
Chica also have some specific sounds, being footsteps and strange robotic speech, just like Bonnie, but also a specific sound cue when she is inside the Kitchen. You will hear a racket inside, and for as long as it plays, you are safe from her.
3) Foxy the Fox.
Foxy is the first “special” Animatronic you will encounter, officially on Night 2, unless you annoy him or idle too much on Night 1. Foxy have the ability to run towards you on the condition that you do not check on him enough, or also too much, which probably annoys him.
As nights becomes harder, he tend to come out faster from his curtain. Though Foxy is subject to some “bugs”, which include not triggering his running animation (by not checking the western hallway (Cam2A/B), though waiting will eventually trigger him, and he’ll most likely kill you.
Also, if you close the door before triggering his running animation, it seems the door can be opened right after the first banging, and would still be safe, though it is safer to wait until the 4 bangs end. Also Foxy tends to “eat power” when he comes banging on your door, it is better to not have him running at you.
4) Freddy Fazbear.
Freddy is the last animatronic to become a threat, as of Night 4, though he will begin to wander on night 3. He is the second special animatronic in the game, but also is quite difficult to understand. In fact, not much is known about his way to be, but some things can be noted :
First of all, Freddy follows a strict patern, He will go from Cam1A to Cam1B, then in the Restroom on Cam7, then will enter the Kitchen, to finish by walking toward the player inside the hallway on the right side. On the later pictures, you can see him in the Eastern Hallways :
Note the fact that only his eyes can be spotted in the darkness. On every camera, but the last one, he is only spotable by his eyes. Though, when right next to your door, he will show himself much more, and more menacingly.
Freddy have specifc abilities, which are quite obscure. In fact, he seems to adapt his way to move to the player’s way of playing, and also to change the way the other animatronics move, as if to make sure you would keep an eye on the others, rather than him. He is also extremely dangerous, as nearly nothing gives away his presence, and it is not possible to know when he got inside your office. This makes him look like he can bypass doors. Once he is inside, he will proceed jumping at you in a jumpscare at a seemingly “random” time, or simply wait for you to go out of your camera.
In order to counter him, you need to keep a close eye on him, just like Foxy. When you look at him, you prevent him from moving around. Though it has been rumored that looking more than twice at him is deadly, it doesn’t seem to be true, as many videos shown him being watched many times in a row. After trying, if you check on him just like foxy, he wont be movin, then you just gotta watch out about the other two.
Freddy also have some sound cues : Whenever he moves, a laugh will be heard. This also happens when he enters your room sometimes, though you have no way to know he is here.
When Freddy is in the kitchen, he will also play the overture of Carmen, just like he does when the power runs out.
In the event that you run out of power, Freddy will come from the left side to play the overture of carmen. It is better to not move and “play dead”, as it makes this part longer, and can allow you to get to 6am alive.
5) Golden Freddy.
While not really being an Animatronic, Golden Freddy can appear on about any night, via the poster on the Cam2B :
Upon seing this poster and leaving your camera, a golden freddy will be sitting in front of you. Some kid laugh and flashing pictures, you will be dead. It is most likely an halucination, though it can still kill you. In order to survive, either do not quit your camera and quickly change to another camera before leaving it, or simply go back to your camera. Though be warned that death on any night but Night 3 will crash your game.
Details of what happens though the nights.
You may wish to know what can happen though your nights, in order to make sure you are as ready as you can for it. This part is a trial to explain what is generally to be noted about every nights.
1st Night :
The first night is extremely calm, you should encounter only Bonnie and Chica, though not before 3am. Though the Golden Freddy poster can still appear, do not risk it, or your game will crash.
Foxy is also a risk if you would just play this night without ever checking the cameras, being idle, or also if you keep checking likely constantly at Pirate Cove.
It is highly possible that Chica never gets to your door, and still quite possible that Bonnie does not either.
The sounds you should mainly listen for are simply footsteps and the kitchen racket. It is said that some sort of “Dum Da Da Dum” sound is heard when Bonnie teleports, though I did not distinguish it, the only “Dum dum dum dum dum” I hear come from Foxy at Pirate Cove(Or at least the sound is always high at Pirate Cove).
Tactic :
-Just check for Bonnie and Chica, and if you do not know where one of them is and (especially if) they were close to your door, check your door lights.
-Still give a very few look at pirate cove, just to be sure.
-Bonnie is said to be able to teleport around, not being forced to follow the room path, so he’s a bigger risk than Chica.
-If your camera gets disabled, get out of it, and check your lights first, if its safe, then go back to your camera.
-You can offer to waste some power as it really begins only at 3am, though you can still get a power out. If it happens, play dead to make it last longer.
2nd Night :
Compared to your first night, this time is significantly harder. Bonnie and Chica wil most likely come out directly around 12am or 1am, which is already much more dangerous. Foxy is also introduced officially and will come at you pretty quickly if you do not check on him, though if you really check too much, he will come out as well.
Golden Freddy could perhaps appear, and once again, if it kills you, your game crashes.
The sounds are the same as on the first night.
Tactics :
-You may check your camera, though, unlike Night 1, you MUST CONSERVE a lot of power, as Night 1 only began at 3am. This night is already a real deal on the power side.
-Bonnie and Chica should be slightly more agressive and have more chances of comming to you, though it is still possible to get no visit, if lucky.
-Never forget about Foxy, if when checking he is gone, do not check the west hall, just close the camera and close the door, then proceed to check the hall to trigger him (Though don’t forget to still check for Chica and Bonnie when doing this (Especially when opening the door again on the left side).
-The tactics from Night 1 can be re-applied, though a tactic with Foxy can be to keep your camera on Pirate Cove, check periodically, and just check your door lights in the meantime, doing so, if not abusing it, is quite power conservative and safe.
-If Chica happens to enter your room, close the left door and stand still, you could survive long enough. If Bonnie enters your room, you may close the right door, but Foxy will get you enventually, unless you’d stay in the camera feed, though it is higly possibly Bonnie kills you anyway in this case.
3rd Night :
The third night is refered by the security guard as “the real deal”, and he is somewhat right. The third night is similar to the second one, but Chica and Bonnie will be again more active, while Foxy will come out faster. Freddy will also sometimes get out very late at night, simply as a scare, as he will not come get you, and will probably be seen in the Dinning area or the Restrooms, unless perhaps you could force him to, though I doudt it is possible.
Unlike what one would expect from Night 3, it is still possible to once again GET NO VISIT. When I played, for some reason, Bonnie stood still until a bit more than 4am, and none tried to go to my doors (only Foxy would have tried, but I checked on him).
This was extremely creepy and strange, as I saw youtubers play, and the third night was already quite active. This is not a good preparation for night 4.
Tactics :
-Nothing is new, the previous night’s tactics are to be used again, with just remembering that it will be a bit harder.
-Golden Freddy is supposed to come on this night, as if you die from him, your game is not crashed. Though to dodge him, do not look at Cam2B, Check another camera before closing it if you see its face. If you close your camera, just put it back up. You have about 2 seconds of seeing him.
4th Night :
The 4th night is where the nightmare begins. Every bot will be out in a matter if 1 hour or so, Foxy will come out a lot faster, and will become much more dangerous, though as long as you check on him, you should be able to close the door in the worst scenario.
The 4th Night’s main event is the actual activation of Freddy. He WILL come out and he WILL kill you. He seems to proceed by areas, and not really walk back on his path.
You NEED to check on him, just like Foxy, in order to prevent him from moving too much. Though it is rumored he kills you if you watch him more than twice and that he can teleport inside your room, I highly doudt it.
Thing is, Freddy does not show his presences when he enters your room, and therefore,he could be there before you close your door, giving him a “teleporting” look. If you see this, you are most likely going to die.
When Freddy is next to your room, he does not prevent Chica from comming, just like Bonnie can come at the same time as Foxy.
Freddy also seems to change the bot’s behavior, making them more agressive, and move around depending on your play style. He seems to try to make you look elsewhere.
Some sounds appear on this night :
Chica will have some demented robot speech, you can hear it when she is in the hallway next to your door.
Freddy does two sounds :
-A laugher when moving around.
-The carmen overture (just like when your power is out) when inside the kitchen.
Tactics :
-Keep the previous night’s tactics, and try keeping up with Freddy and Foxy at the same time.
5th and 6th Nights :
If you made it to night 5, you should know about how the game plays. These nights work just the same as night 4, but just get harder. The changes as of night 5 are :
-Bonnie will now have his demented speech too.
-More agressivity from the bots.
-Foxy nearly does not move. After checking for the first hour not seeing him move at all, I left him until nearly 5 am, he had barely moved to stage 3 after around 4 hours left uncheck. On Night 6, Foxy still comes, check in him very rarely and you’ll be fine.
-Freddy moves faster, keep an eye on him, especially if right next to your door.
All the previous sounds and tactics are to be used, though you will probably come up with your own.
On Night 5, you can still easily trigger Golden Freddy, so watch out.
Custom Night (A.K.A the 7th Night) :
If you made it though the 6th night, you are rewarded with a custom night gamemode. This gives you the possibility to make extremely simple, or hard nights, or even nights where only one of them is a real threat.
The difficulty settings of each animatronic goes from 0 to 20. 0-2 is easy, 0 being easier than night 1. 3-6 is average. 7-12 is hard. Anything higher than 12 is harder than night 6.
The rumor of a secret level when you set it as 1-9-8-7 is wrong, in the fact that it does not give you any secret level or ending. Though you will be “rewarded” with something, but I will not tell you what, lets leave this as a surprise 😀