This is a simple guide to help anyone who is having problems uploading screenshots to steam. I’m posting this here because this is a great example of a game that does not have steam interfacing – Meaning you can’t take screenshots in-game using steam
Whats we’re gonna do…
So to start this off I am making this guide to help anyone who has been having the same problem that I was having. I don’t know why but it’s not really talked about how you can upload your own “custom” screenshots for games. This is aimed at games that don’t have steam in the background. you may notice with some of your games you can’t take screenshots or use the Tab+Shift menu. This is a guide to help you take and upload screenshots for these games. The guide is broken into 3 parts
First It must be said that you HAVE TO USE A OUTSIDE PROGRAM TO UPLOAD!!!
I know some people don’t like to use other programs for fear of downloading a virus but the site I linked below was made by a steam member a few years back just for this problem and to upload many images at once. The program is called SteaScree and trust me you just can’t do this without a 3rd party program. I tried for hours renaming files and changing code and you just can’t do it because the game just won’t recognize the image even if you give it another screenshot’s name.
SteaScree Download link= [link]
Part One- Making Files For Game
So this is by far the hardest part and it’s not even hard. The first thing you need to do is make a screenshot folder on your computer. Steam keeps the screenshots you take in other games in folders that are numbered on your computer. These numbers are the Steam games ID. You can easily find these with a quick google search but the one we are focused on is “303290” this is Ozmafia’s game ID.
On Steam go to your screenshots and clicks on “Show On Desktop” This will bring you to the file of the game that was selected. So what we have to do to make the screenshot associate with the game we want is to make its own file.
At the top of the window, there will be bread crumbs of the action that it took to get to this folder location. Click on “Remote”
Now you are on a page with a few folders named with numbers. You have to make a new folder and you HAVE TO NAME IT THE GAME ID – in this case, 303290. this will not work if you name it something else
Next in the file 303290, you need to make a second new folder and it has to be named “screenshots”
In the screenshots folder, you have to make one more file named “thumbnails”
you will know that you have done this all right when you can see this folder on your screenshots list on stream or SteaScree. (Note you HAVE TO LOGOUT and then log back in for it to appear on Steam.)
Part Two- How To Take The Screenshot?
So the next part is to get the screenshots. This is Really easy, depending on your computer the shortcut keys may be different. when you’re at the part of the game that you want to take a screenshot of, you have to do it with your computer Fn+Print was my shortcut but some computer its Alt+Print. Use a program like “Paint” Ctrl+V and your image should appear in Paint. Make sure that paint is the selected window your on if the screenshot still does not appear then your most likely using the wrong shortcut keys for the screenshot.
The YOU HAVE TO SAVE THE FILE AS A “JPEG” Steam is kinda old and does not like other file types. The images will not work (at least with my luck) in any other file form.
Once you have your images saved as JPEGs on your computer we are ready to use SteaScree!
There are probably other ways to do this but it’s the easiest way I’ve found so far, and every windows computer has Paint.
Part Three- Using SteaScree
Please note I found this program from a youtube video called “how to upload loads of screenshots on steam” or something like that. I don’t remember who made it and I couldn’t find it, I don’t even know if it’s still up?- This was a year ago. so I’m sorry. I just wanted to say that the method of getting the images and stuff I figured out on my own but using this program was from some guy on youtube.
The first step after you’ve downloaded SteaScree is to make sure at the top where it say “Game ID” that it’s under the game that you want the screenshot to be under.
Next click “Add Screenshots to queue…” then pick the images you want to upload.
Boom your done!!! I hope this helps at least one person. People kept asking me how I was posting Ozmafia Screenshots, so that’s why it’s under this tag, but it works with any game and you can upload not only screenshots but other images that are JPEG’s. Maybe it’s just me but this never works for me if there any other kind of file. Have a nice day!!!
So each part may have its problems. I’m gonna address the ones that will most likely come up so here we go!
Your file does not appear on Steam after making it.
– make sure the file has the right game ID and that there are both a “screenshots” and a “thumbnail” folder inside it
– You will have to logout and in to Steam for the file to appear
(please don’t skip this because it just won’t show)
– you might need a JPEG image in the screenshots folder.
. Just so it has something to show
– In the end, as long as SteaScree can find the folder you’re fine
-My image shows up but it won’t upload. It gives me a server error
This is most likely due to the file not being a JPEG or you didn’t use SteaScree to upload the image. Simply dragging and dropping the image in the screenshots folder won’t work.
-SteaScree won’t upload my image?
the image might already be uploaded or you have to logout of steam
-My image uploaded but I can’t see them
You Have to Logout of steam for them to appear
. also, make sure they’re under the right game ID on SteaScree or else they’ll be saved under a different game
If you still need help feel free to ask! I’m Happy to help!