Half-Life 2 Guide

How to teleport and stay at Breen's office for Half-Life 2

How to teleport and stay at Breen’s office


This guide will teach you how to stay at Breens office using Isaac Kleiner’s teleporter!LETS BEGIN


Step 1. Load up Half Life 2

Step 2. Load a “New Game”

Step 3. Make it thru the train station

Step 4. Get past Barney

Step 5. Get to the area where you get surrounded by Metrocops

Step 6. Get beaten by the Metrocops

Step 7. Allow Alyx to help you help

Step 8. Listen to her ramble on about that Breen poster

Step 9. Enter Kleiners Lab

Step 10. Wait for Barney to open the room to the HEV suit

Step 11. Wait for Lamarr to quit bothering Barney and Isaac

Step 12. Wear the HEV suit

Step 13. Once Isaac and Alyx enter the teleport room, Finally get in there

Step 14. Get Alyx to Eli

Step 15. Step 16 thru Step 21 are the most important steps and if you don’t complete these steps, you will fail at reaching Breens office!

Step 16. open the Console

Step 17. Type sv_cheats 1

Step 18. Hit enter

Step 19. Type in give weapon_pistol

Step 20. Resume the game

Step 21. Make sure the pistol is full of ammo and loaded

Step 22. Enter the teleporter

Step 23. Wait for the teleporter to send you to Breens office

Step 24. Kill Breen immediately before you teleport away again

Step 25. Congratulations! You are now trapped in Breens office for all eternity!


Once your in Breens office, you can walk around and explore. Be aware you will be slow unless if you find some way to be walking at normal speeds or even running again. Once you are stuck in Breens office, You will not be able to exit unless if you saved in Kleiners lab.
