This guide explains what the hackers that made the tesseract drone dont want you to figure out: how to make that weird texture tesseract drones are made of.
This armor consists of edge slopes and mostly corner slopes (The number of those I have is not the number you need, just ignore it) You need a lot of them, primarly corner slopes.
1.- You have to start placing 4 cubes: (I recomend to place them grey, youll know why later)
2.- Then you do something like a spike with the slope corners: (And these you may place them white)
3.- You replace the cubes with this weird formation: (The grey one)
4.- You now make every single one of the grey sides a whole grey spike:
5.- You go back to the other side and make the weird formation of step 3 again for every grey spike.-
6.-Complete the white spikes:
*Repeating the steps 5 and 6 alternating colors results in endless growing of the armor wall*
7.- To end the wall, just do step 5 for the corresponding color:
The top is just like the sides, but horizontally instead of vertically:
But in case this happens:
The edge slopes come in to the rescue, to do it place cubes in the center:
And make some sort of long spikes with the edges:
Now just erase the cubes (Dont worry about that blank space)
*And that is how you fix that error*
To join the sides with the top and other sides:
Here it gets a bit more complex (for some people), start by creating 2 sides like this:
*To know if it is a correct separation you must be able to place 2 cubes like this:
1.- Complete the spikes: (Ill paint the changes in black)
2.- Do this: (I coudnt think of any way to describe it)
3.- Complete the spikes again:
4.- Now you go to the inside and do this other thing: (I couldt describe it)
Final product:
This is how it should look at the end:
Other Stuff:
This armor is really weak on ground, but perfectly absorbs rail shoots, not too usefull against protoseeker but reall protective against SMG and takes more hits from teslas than most of the things.
Once you have mastered this type of armor, you can start buffing up your robots, or doing ones from nothing. I dont like this model as many players so I wont teach you how to make it functional, but I give you exaples of little bots I made with this:
This one is a Mutant Bug:
This one is a spaceship:
Those are just samples, they both fly nice and I only took the spaceship to battle, it performed well.
I hope this guide helps anyone xD