Are you tired of losing your fights? Well, I am! Let’s use this guide to share moves, post new ideas and progress together! Here you can post your questions and answers.
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[link]rap kick
Hold All (Press C)
Left Rotate Chest
Contract Right Pec
Extend Left Pec
Raise Both Shoulders
Use 3 Turns (Space Bar 3 Times)
Grab With Left Hand
Lower Left Shoulder
Use 2 Turns (Space Bar 2 Times)
Contract Left Elbow
Extend Left Glute
Extend Left Hip
Contract Left Knee
Contract Left Pec
Lower Right Shoulder
Use 3 Turns (Space Bar 3 Times)
Grab With Both Hands (Press V)
Raise Both Shoulders
Extend Left Elbow
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
the rat
Press V
contract right pec
relax right elbow and shoulder
turn chest right
turn lumbar right
rise left shoulder
contract left pec
relax left elbow
relax left shoulder
extend both pecs and lower both shoulders
contract both elbows
extend both elbows
extend both ankles
contract both knees
contract both hips
relax EVERYTHING and extend knees
press P and enjoy
Contract Both Pecs and Grab Both Hands)
Lower Both Shoulders)
Press Space x2
(Your Tori:
Relax Both Elbows and Extend Both Pecs)
(Note: This does not help in Multiplayer as your opponent just moves)
the body breaker
press c
press v
contract both pecs
raise both shoulders
press space once
lower both shoulders
press space twice
contract both hips
extend both knees
contract both ankles
press space once
raise both shoulders
press space three times
lower both shoulders
press p
power punch
Extend Both Glutes
Use 3 Turns (Space Bar 3 Times)
Relax All
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Hold All
Right Rotate Chest
Extend Right Pec
Contract Left Pec
Contract Right Hip
Extend Left Hip
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Lower Left Shoulder
Contract Left Elbow
Extend Left Pec
Contract Right Pec
Left Rotate Chest
Contract Right Elbow
Extend Right Hip
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Use 3 Frames (Shift+Space 3 Times)
Extend Right Elbow
The Hampa Kick
Hold All (Press C)
Raise Right Shoulder
Contract Right Pec
Extend Left Pec
Left Rotate Chest
Extend Left Glute
Extend Right Hip
Relax Right Knee
Extend Right Ankle
Use 3 Turns (Space Bar 3 Times)
Contract Right Hip
Use 2 Turns (Space Bar 2 Times)
Contract Right Knee
Extend Right Glute
Use 5 Frames (Shift + Space 5 Times)
Extend Right Knee
The Decappe
Contract Left Hip
Contract Left Knee
Left Rotate Chest
Left Bend Lumbar
Hold Right Knee
Extend Both Glutes
Contract Right Pec
Grab Both Hands (Press V)
Use 2 Turns (Space Bar 2 Times)
Extend Left Knee
Spin Kick Split
Set engage distance to 180 (Ctrl + G)
Hold All (Press C)
Extend Both Ankles
Contract Both Knees
Extend Left Hip
Extend Left Glute
Right Rotate Chest
Contract Left Pec
Extend Right Pec
Raise Both Shoulders
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Contract Left Hip
Use 2 Turns (Space Bar 2 Times)
Extend Left Knee
simple decap
Simple decap
1.Press C, contract both Pecs, raise both Shoulders
3.Lower both Shoulders, grab both Hands, contract both Hips, contract Abs, relax both Knees
4.Press P
5.Exactly 20 frames (2 spaces) extend both knees
fast handbreak
Fast Handbreak
This move is pretty quick and gives off 18000 damage in exchange for a broken hand and 5000 damage
1.Press C
2.Contract the Left Elbow and Left Pecs
3.Extend the Right Pecs and Both Hips
4.Move both the Lumbar and Chest to the Right
5.(optional but suggested) Raise the Right Shoulder
Note: This move requires at least 25 frames to connect
OR for a more efficent route:
1.Press C
2.Contract the Left Elbow and Left Pecs
3.Extend the Right Pecs and Both Hips
4.Move both the Lumbar and Chest to the Right
5.(optional but suggested) Raise the Right Shoulder
6.Contract the Left Wrist
Your hand WON’T break off and you will recieve MORE points (32,000 to be exact) and Uke will only recieve 2,900 points.
the head basher
The Head Basher
1.Hold ALL
2.Contract both pecs and raise both shoulders
4.Contract both glutes and extend both hips
6.Grab both hands (OPTIONAL) and lower both shoulders.
Note: You can probably do a kick after the move with the lift you get.
three piece tear
Three Piece Tear
1. Contract Both Knees and end turn 2 times
2. Raise Both Shoulders,Contract Both Pecs And End Turn 2 times
3. Press C then end turn.
4. Extend Both Knees And End Turn
5. Lower both shoulders,Grab with Both Hands Then End Turn 2 times
6. Contract both hips and end turn 2 times
7. Contract both knees and end turn 3 times
8. Extend Both Pecs,Raise Both Shoulders and end turn
9. Extend Both Elbows,Release Both Hands And End Turn.
the kick
relax all
contract both glutes
extend left hip
contract right hip
extend left ankle
continue for EXACTLY 60 frames
extend right knee
run the basic
Hold All (Press C)
Contract Hips
Contract Abs
Use 2 Turns (Press Space 2 Times)
Extend Hips
Relax Pecs
Contract Elbows
Use 2 Turns (Space Bar 2 Times)
Contract Right Hip
Relax Right Knee
Use 2 Turns (Space Bar 2 Times)
Extend Right Hip
Contract Left Hip
Relax Left Knee
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Extend Right Ankle
Use 2 Turns (Space Bar 2 Times)
Extend Left Hip
Contract Right Hip
Contract Right Ankle
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Extend Left Ankle
Air kick
Air kick
1. Extend both glutes
2. Contract abs
3. left rotating chest
4. left rotating lumbar
5. Extend right hip
6. Contract left hip
7. Grab with right hand
8. Extend right ankle
9. Contract right pecs
10. Extend left pecs
multiplayer starter moves
judo starter kick
judo starter kick
-Contract Right Pec
-Extend Left Pec
-Grab w/ Right Hand
-Left Rotating Chest
-Left Bending Lumbar
-Extend both Glutes
-Contract Right Hip
-Extend Left Hip
And you’re done!
1 Turn Shoulder Rip
1. Hold all (c)
2. Extend both pecs
3. Raise both shoulders
4. Contract both elbows
5. Extend both wrists.
6. Switch both hands to grab all (v)
7. Right rotate chest
8. Right bend lumbar
9. Contract abs
high areal kick
1. Extend both glutes
2. Contract abs
3. left rotating chest
4. left rotating lumbar
5. Extend right hip
6. Contract left hip
7. Grab with right hand
8. Extend right ankle
9. Contract right pecs
10. Extend left pecs
aikido tackle
Extend both Glutes
Contract both Knees
Relax All (c)
Hold All (c)
Relax both Shoulders
Grab All (v)
Contract both Pecs
Contract Abs
Extend Right Hip
Extend Right Knee
Extend Right Pec
Extend Neck
Contract Right Glute
Contract Left Ankle
Relax Lumbar
Raise Right Shoulder
Lower Left Shoulder
Left Rotate Chest
Contract Right Elbow
Contract Left Glute
Right Rotate Chest
Extend Left Wrist
Extend Left Elbow
Ungrab Left Hand
Raise Left Shoulder
Akido Opening Move
Hold All
Relax Entire Right Arm
Grab With Right Hand
Contract Left Elbow
Contract Right Pec
Left Rotate Chest
Relax Lumbar
Extend Both Glutes
Contract Right Hip
Extend Left Hip
Contract Right Knee
Optional Follow Ups:
Hold left elbow to counter any swipes or for stabilization in case you fall to that side.
Left bend lumbar to kick legs from under your opponent.
Raise right shoulder to add to the destabilization, but only if grabbing or are about to.
pro tip
relax your joints.
pro tip
Be nice to the players.
Pro tip
dont shovel. the community hates when someone in akido grabs and pushes them out instantly.
suggested moves
MrSeanicles move.
(Be on Judo against Uke)
– Hold all (C)
– Grab with the hand you wish to rotate with
(E.g. Grab with left hand if you are rotating right)
– Rotate chest in preferred direction
– Contract both pecks
– Relax both shoulders
– Contract both elbows
Press space once
cushmanush move: supaman
Move Name: Supaman
(Usable on multiplayer, but might not work)
Hold all joints (C)
Extend ankles
Contract pecs
Grab hands
Contract knees
Release hands (optional)
Raise shoulders
Extend knees
You shall now be airborne, with or without your partner. It will work, depending on what the opponent does.
MrSeanicles move
set your distance to 200
On “classic”
Make the turns 10 each
Hold all (C)
– Rotate chest to the left
– Contract right pec
– Extend left pec
– Contract both Glutes
– Relax both ankles
– Contract left knee
– Contract left hip
(Press space once)
– Contract left pec
– Extend right pec
– Extend abs
– Rotate chest to the right
– Extend right glute
– Extend right hip
– Extend right knee
– Extend right ankle
– Extend left hip
– Extend left knee
– Extend left ankle
(Press space once)
– Extend left glute
– Contract right knee
– Contract right hip
(Press space once)
– Contract abs
– Extend right hip
– Extend right knee
– Extend right ankle
There, you’ve successfully kicked his head off!
MrSeanicles move.
Noob clap simple defence
Hold all (C)
– Extend both pecs
– Contract both elbows
– Grab with hands
Then go from there.
Bootleg firework move:
Bootleg firework
basic arm ripping move:
1) hold all
2)contract both pecs and press v
3)raise left and lower right shoulder (can be done vice-versa)
4)end turn 2 times (20 frames)
5)raise the lowered and lower the raised shoulder
6)end turn 2 times (20 frames)
7)extend both pecs (if you don’t do this you can hit your leg with the ripped arm so hard that it will rip off too)
GamingFreddy move:
EXTREMLY simple headpunch :
1) Hold all, by pressing C
2) Contract left pec
3) Extend right pec
4) Right rotate chest
5) Right bend lumbar
6) Raise left shoulder
Space 10 frames
7) Lower left shoulder
8) Contract left elbow
Space 😀
Garry’s move
This only works in freeplay:classic mod when uke doesnt move.
dont hold all!
Contract left hip
Extend right hip
Contract both pecs
Left rotate chest
Left rotate lumbar
Coutract left knee
Extend left knee
(Spacebar x2)
Uke is dead!
the man that stole your car move:
the split.
press c
contract both glutes
contract both pecs and hips and grab with hands
space 2 times
lower shoulders
contract both knees
space 3 times
the rest is optinol
raise shoulders un grab hands and extend knees
Mentlegen move:
Mentlegen .
I have a move that works only on footmod:
game rules:
dismemberment (threshold set to 100)
press C
contract both pecs, press V
2x space
lower both shoulders
contract abs
contract both hips
contract both knees
extend both ankles
2x space (Uke loses legs)
extend both knees
3x space (Uke loses his torso)
extend both hips
raise both shoulders (for boosting a bit)
4x space (your legs bre
DK Jackass move:
DK Jackass
Relax all.
Contract Left Hip.
Contract Left Knee.
Extend Right Hip.
Left Rotate Chest.
(Press Space 2 Times)
Extend Left Knee.
Extend Left Ankle.
There is alot of GREAT follow-ups for this move.
Here is a good Follow-Up
When you’ve done the trick,
Right Rotate Chest, Contract Left Pecs, Grab With Left Hand.
Press Space 2 Times.
Contract Left Elbow, Lower Left Shoulder, Extend Left Hip, Contract Right Hip, Contract Both Knees.
Press Space 2 Times.
Extend Right Knee
Press Space.
Lower Right Shoulder, Contract Right Elbow, Extend Right Pecs,Raise Left Shoulder.
Press Space 1 time.
Extend Left Knee.
Press Space 1 time.
Contract Right Knee.
{HB} cholmes115 move: 30 Frame Smash.
{HB} cholmes115 move:
// This will blow Uke’s pecs, arms, and head off.
-Hold all (press c ).
– Contract pecs (contract both pecs).
– raise arms (raise both arms).
– hold hands (press v ).
-press Space
-Contract hips (contract both hips).
-Contract knees (contract both knees).
-lower arms (lower both arms).
-press Space
-press Space
-Extend knees (extend both knees).
// then you are done!!
XxICoDIsTastyxX move :
XxICoDIsTastyxX move:
Here’s a move for Shaolin Bostaff mod
right rotate chest
end turn (press space).
left rotate chest
contract left hip
press p
You have Kicked your opponent in half! Congrats
right rotating chest
contracting left pecs
right bending lumbar
extend both glutes
extend left ankle
space 6 times
Squishybob 😀 move:
Squishybob 😀
a simpler decap:
Make sure that the engage distance is 100
1. Contract both pecs
Contract both elbows
Grab with left hand
Contract left glute
Extend right glute
Rotate chest to the right
Bend lumbar to the right
Extend abs
Space once
2. Contract right leg
Relax right knee
Extend left leg
Space once
3. Extend right knee
Extend right ankle
Done 😀
pro moves
side helicopter kick
Side helicopter kick
Start with a relaxed body (DO NOT PRESS C)
1)extend abs
2)extend left wrist
3)extend left elbow
4)raise left shoulder
5)contract left pecs
6)extend right pecs
7)right rotate chest
8)right bend lumbar
9)extend left hip
10)hold left knee
11)extend right knee
12)contract right ankle
13)Space(50 frames) // if the move does not work try (shift-space 50 frames).
14)left rotate chest
15)left bend lumbar
16)extend right hip
17)contract right knee
18)contract left hip
19)extend left knee
20)extend left glute
21)Space(50 frames) // if the move does not work try (shift-space 50 frames).
Decap Chop
Hold All (Press C)
Right Rotate Chest
Extend Both Pecs
Contract Both Elbows
Left Bend Lumbar
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Left Rotate Chest
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Extend Right Hip
Extend Right Ankle
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Contract Right Pec
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Relax Right Elbow
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Grab Right Hand
Relax Right Shoulder
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Hold Right Shoulder
Use 2 Turns (Space Bar 2 Times)
Lower Right Shoulder
Contract Right Hip
Extend Right Glute
Right Rotate Chest
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Contract Right Elbow
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Contract Left Pec
Extend Left Elbow
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
Grab Left Hand
Extend Left Wrist
Lower Left Shoulder
Use 1 Turn (Space Bar 1 Time)
ninjutsu moves.
ninjutsu move 1
Relax all
Extend left glute
Contract right hip
Extend left hip
Contract left knee
Left rotating chest
Extend right hip
Contract left glute
Contract left hip
Extend left knee
Frame 0
Relax All
Frame 10
Hold all
Contracting Abs
Contracting Right Hip
Contracting Left Hip
Frame 20
Extending Right Pecs
Lowering Right Shoulder
Contracting Right Elbow
Relaxing Left Pecs
Lowering Left Shoulder
Contracting Left Elbow
Relaxing Right Hip
Holding Left Hip
Frame 30
Frame 40
Extending Right Hip
Extending Left Hip
Frame 50
Frame 60
Contracting Right Pecs
Relaxing Right Shoulder
Extending Left Pecs
Contracting Left Hip
Relaxing Left Knee
Frame 70
Relaxing Right Hip
Holding Left Knee
Contracting Left Ankle
Frame 80
Lowering Right Shoulder
Contracting Right Hip
Extending Left Hip
Relaxing Right Knee
Relaxing Left Knee
Frame 90
Extending Right Pecs
Contracting Left Pecs
Holding Right Knee
Frame 100
Holding Right Hip
Frame 110
Holding Left Hip
Relaxing Right Knee
Holding Left Knee
Frame 120
Extending Right Hip
Contracting Left Hip
Relaxing Left Knee
Frame 130
Contracting Right Pecs
Relaxing Right Shoulder
Extending Left Pecs
Frame 140
Holding Right Hip
Holding Left Knee
Frame 150
Lowering Right Shoulder
Holding Left Hip
Holding Right Knee
Relaxing Left Knee
cool kick
Engage distance 200
Left rotating chest
Extending left pec
Lowering left shoulder
Holding left wrist
Extending left glute
Space x2
Contracting abs
Holding right glute
Holding left glute
Holding left hip
Space x3
Right rotating chest
Right bending lumbar
Extending right pec
Contracting left pec
Relaxing left shoulder
Holding right wrist
Contracting right glute
Extending left glute
Holding right hip
Extending left hip
Space x3
Raising right shoulder
Extending right elbow
Raising left shoulder
Contracting left glute
Extending right knee
Contracting left knee
Space x2
Left rotating chest
Contracting right pec
Relaxing right shoulder
Relaxing right elbow
Extending left pec
Extending left elbow
Relaxing left shoulder
Holending right glute
Relaxing right hip
Contracting left hip
Contracting right knee
Space x1
Left bending lumbar
Holding right shoulder
Relaxing right glute
Relaxing left glute
Extending left knee
Space x1
Extending abs
Shift+Space x5 (5 frames)
Extending right knee