The Forest Guide

How to turn a simple Houseboat into a storage vessel for The Forest

How to turn a simple Houseboat into a storage vessel


Basically a guide introducing a fun little known feature in the game where you can place storage buildings (stick, log, rock holder etc.) into the houseboat


I haven’t really written a succesful guide before but I thought it was important to write one about this since its a useful and neat feature in the game. Bascially, when you build a houseboat it doesn’t operate as a normal “home” as the cabins or shelters do in The Forest. Although this may deter you from dreaming of living a life island-hopping or whatever you may want to do with a houseboat. But, I digress, so let me share this cool feature and show you how to maximize the efficiency of a houseboat as a storage / transport vessel.

Maximizing efficiency

These screenshots taken (with my beautiful FREN there posing) show you how to maximize the efficiency of your new shipping vessel.

2 log holders near the window, a stick or rock holder against the far log holder

A rock or stick holder across from the first one in the little space

A rock or stick holder outside in the little space shown below

As far as we know it sails fine with no glitches or anchors as of v.40

This can be used to set up shelters, camps, buildings, etc. on the islands found on the eastern side of the map.

An example of this is the docks we set up across the islands and use rafts and multiple houseboats filled with the storage to transport logs, rocks, and sticks to build gardens, cabins, build large bridges between the islands and, hypothetically, it can be used to build platforms in the middle of the ocean. If you build gardens, turtle shells, and other necessities on these islands its possible you can build self sustaining platforms in the ocean and be safe from cannibals or other threats. But wheres the fun in that?

I will be making a follow up guide or amending this existing guide to prove or disprove this theory about self sustaining offshore platforms.

Very special credit to FREN <3