Shadowverse CCG Guide

How to unbind the DMM acc so we could bind it to Steam. 如何解绑DMM账号以绑定Steam账号 for Shadowverse

How to unbind the DMM acc so we could bind it to Steam. 如何解绑DMM账号以绑定Steam账号


“DMM: Dearest player, U can’t unbind……” = “DMM: Dearest player, I’m Your Father!!!”Doesn’t matter thou.If you linked your acc to your DMM acc, the steam version told you that,” One game Acc could only bind to one PC Acc.” This guild may help you.First step, you might need your Acc prepared, Be sure you have you data code for device link in your E-mail, link your acc to facebook, google play… As much As you could, so you dont lose your Acc and blame on me XD.Second step, you’ll need your phone or the other device that could create a new shadow verse Acc.(To create a new game Acc, you might need to clear the Game Cache on your device.) Then, create the data code for this Acc.Third step, Log into your DMM Acc, start ShadowVerse, Use the date code of your NEW ACC, link it to your DMM Acc. Double check if your DMM Acc gets you to the new Acc. If it do so, Congratulation, you have already unbind your game Acc and the DMM Acc.Last Step, now go to your E-mail and find your old Acc’s data code, Log into the Steam version, use it. You’ll find out nobody tells you ” One game Acc could only bind to one PC Acc.” Anymore.GL on your way to master, best of wishes <3.如何解绑DMM账号以绑定Steam账号实际上非常简单。首先,注意保存好你的老账号,什么脸书啊,乱七八糟的全部绑定一遍,引继码也发到你的邮箱里,很急很关键。然后唻,用你的手机啊平板儿啊啥的,创建一个新的影之诗账号。再蓝后,登录你的DMM账号,进影之诗,然后引继你的新账号。这样你的DMM账号绑定的就是那个不知所谓,毫无价值的新账号了。最后再上steam版,把你老账号引继进来,他就不会提示你的账号只能绑定一次了。最后祝您,身体健康,提前蛇精。手动滑稽,再见。