Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Guide

How To Uninstall Fall Guys for Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

How To Uninstall Fall Guys


A simple step-by-step guide on how to uninstall Fall Guys for players who are get troll and always lose.

Introduction to uninstalling Fall Guys

So you’ve decided to quit Fall Guys, because you always get troll. First things first though, you need to actually uninstall the game and stop playing it. You sure would look silly if you just claimed you were quitting the game every single time there was you get troll, and you lost a game but you just kept playing it anyway.

Step 1

Navigate to Fall Guys in your Steam library.

Step 2

Right click, Manage and select Uninstall.

Step 3

Done, Now you can get rest and take vacation 😀
