South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Guide

How to unlock FPS for South Park™: The Stick of Truth™

How to unlock FPS


This guide will show you how to remove the 30FPS lock without experiencing too many issues during the gameplay.


In very few parts of the game unlocking the FPS may causes the game to crash as soon as it tries to go to the loading screen. As far as I am aware this happens only during the Alien Ship part. You need to lock the FPS again to play these parts. (Just change ”false” back to ”true”)

However I still recommend unlocking the FPS as it just looks way better and the places having this problems are very few.

Edit the config.ini file

To remove the 30FPS cap edit the config.ini in the following folder:

SteamsteamappscommonSouth Park – The Stick of Truth

Just add “vsync = false” (without quotes) at the bottom of the [Engine.Render] section. Don’t forget to save the changes in the file.

Activate V-Sync in your graphics driver

Open your graphics card control panel. Go to the section where you can set specific settings for games. Make sure you select the South Park game. Activate V-Sync in your graphics driver for South Park. This will lock your FPS to your monitors refresh rate.

Important: If you don’t activate V-Sync in your graphics driver, the game will run at ridiculously high amounts of FPS, causing all kind of weird issues during gameplay.

This screenshot shows what to do on an Nvidia graphics card. The AMD control panel may looks a bit different: