This guide will explain how to unlock the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter & the N7 Suit for free in Dead Space 3.
Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter
There are TWO ways to get the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter:
- [N O N – F R E E] Have a Save Game from Dead Space 2 on your computer:
- Purchase and/or install the game:
[link] - Load the game and create your first Save Game.
- Purchase and/or install the game:
- [F R E E] Create an empty file that looks like a Dead Space 2 Save Game:
- Navigate to “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsEA GamesDead Space 2”
- Create the directory structure if required:
- Create a new empty file named “ds_slot_02.deadspace2saved”:
- When you’re done, the file should be accessible with the following path:
“%USERPROFILE%DocumentsEA GamesDead Space 2ds_slot_02.deadspace2saved” - (Optional) Instead of following the above steps, you can copy/paste and run the following code in a PowerShell prompt to achieve the same thing:
# DEAD SPACE 2 # #Define the root save folder path: $DS2RootSaveFolder = “$($env:USERPROFILE)DocumentsEA GamesDead Space 2” #Define the empty save game name: $DS2EmptySaveGame = “ds_slot_02.deadspace2saved” #Create the root save folder: New-Item -Path $DS2RootSaveFolder -ItemType “Directory” -Force #Create the empty save game: New-Item -Path “$($DS2RootSaveFolder)$($DS2EmptySaveGame)” -ItemType “File”
When you start up Dead Space 3 and play a saved game, or start a new game, you will be met with the following message to indicate you have unlocked the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter:
After you get in the game, head to the nearest Bench and activate it:
You will be greeted with a message that the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter has been unlocked and is in your Safe:
Select the Safe:
Select the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter from the Safe Inventory and equip it:
You’ll then have access to it in the game:
N7 Suit
There are TWO ways to get the N7 Suit:
- [N O N – F R E E] Have a Save Game from Mass Effect 3 on your computer:
- Purchase and/or install the game:
[link] - Load the game and create your first Save Game.
- Purchase and/or install the game:
- [F R E E] Create an empty file that looks like a Mass Effect 3 Save Game:
- Navigate to “%USERPROFILE%DocumentsBioWareMass Effect 3Save”
- Create the directory structure if required:
- Create a new empty file named “Local_Profile.sav”:
- When you’re done, the file should be accessible with the following path:
“%USERPROFILE%DocumentsBioWareMass Effect 3SaveLocal_Profile.sav” - (Optional) Instead of following the above steps, you can copy/paste and run the following code in a PowerShell prompt to achieve the same thing:
# Mass Effect 3 # #Define the root save folder path: $ME3RootSaveFolder = “$($env:USERPROFILE)DocumentsBioWareMass Effect 3Save” #Define the empty save game name: $ME3EmptySaveGame = “Local_Profile.sav” #Create the root save folder: New-Item -Path $ME3RootSaveFolder -ItemType “Directory” -Force #Create the empty save game: New-Item -Path “$($ME3RootSaveFolder)$($ME3EmptySaveGame)” -ItemType “File”
When you start up Dead Space 3 and play a saved game, or start a new game, you will be met with the following message to indicate you have unlocked the N7 Suit:
After you get in the game, head to the nearest Suit Kiosk and activate it:
You will be greeted with a message that the N7 Suit has been unlocked:
Select the N7 Suit from the menu and activate it:
When you step out you’ll be in the N7 Suit:
Final Notes
- By default, Windows Explorer will hide file extensions. As a result, you might create the file and it will have a different extension you won’t be able to see, preventing the item from unlocking in Dead Space 3. To fix this, open Windows Explorer, go to the View tab, and place a check in the File Name Extensions box. Then look at the file and make sure it doesn’t have an extension like .txt, or any other extension, at the end of the file name. It must be named as described in the guide, or it will not work!
- Only the Dead Space 3 games you load after following this guide will the have the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter and/or N7 Suit applied to them. If you don’t open a Dead Space 3 save game in your save game listing, it will not be affected.
- Once you activate the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter and/or N7 Suit in your Dead Space 3 save game(s), you can then remove the Dead Space 2 and/or Mass Effect 3 save games from your computer without losing the items you unlocked for your Dead Space 3 save game(s).
- If you remove the Dead Space 2 and/or Mass Effect 3 save game(s) from your computer, any new Dead Space 3 save game(s) you make will not include the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter and/or N7 Suit, unless you follow this guide again to ensure the required files are where Dead Space 3 expects to find them.