Don’t Starve Guide

How to unlock the Webber (The Indigestable) character for Don't Starve

How to unlock the Webber (The Indigestable) character


I unlocked Webber during my first ever World as Wilson, so I want to share what I’ve learned. So here is a simple guide on how to unlock Webber :). The Reign of Giants DLC IS required to unlock and play as Webber.

Getting Webbers Skull

To unlock Webber you first need to find his skull. Webbers Skull is a random drop from Spiders. Here is the easiest way to unlock it:
1. Set the world options (In sandbox mode) so that there are a lot of Spiders in your world to kill (I did not do this but it is recommended to make more Spiders spawn.
2. Get some simple equipment to kill spiders with, an Axe is good but a Spear reduces the amount of hits on a Spider by 1 so I reccommend using a Spear.
3. You will need to find lots of Spiders to kill, since this drop is pretty rare I recommend killing as many spiders as you can until you’re down to 30 – 50 health, then if you still didn’t get a Skull, heal up and repeat until you get one.

The next section will explain what to do with the Skull after obtaining it.

The Burial

Next all you will need to do is bury the Skull! Upon Wilson examining the Skull he will say “Poor little guy. He deserves a proper funeral”, this is how I guessed to bury him. To do this all you will need to do is:
1. Make a Shovel.
2. Dig any grave up.
3. Click the Skull then click “Bury”.
Webber will appear with spotlight around him, then he will jump back into the grave and disappear, 6 Spiders will then pop out so you can either stay and fight or run like hell! I decided to kill them as I was low on Glands so I recommend farming them 🙂

Up-Sides of Using Webber

Now, as nearly everone already knows, Webber can befriend Spiders by feeding them Monster Meat. This can be helpful in some situations (If you have enough, you might even be able to raid a whole Pig base for their meat!).
Webber can eat Monster Meat, this is very helpful early game as you are not going to have a steady source of food. Late game it’s more efficient to use 1 Monster Meat and 3 Vegetables in a Crock pot to make Meatballs.
His Silk Beard (Grows after every 3 days in game) provides some warmth and a small source of Silk, hopefully you won’t have to kill your brothers and sisters now to get their Silk.

Down-Sides of Using Webber

All of Webbers up-sides have a down side to counter them:
His Beard – It does not have as much protection as Wilsons beard, so Webber will not be as good trying to survive Winter.
Befriending Spiders – All Pigs will attack you on sight so… Run like hell or die.

Actually, the perk allowing Webber to eat Monster Meat doesn’t have a downside, so food (Monster Meat specifically) will be easier for Webber to make use of.