X-Plane 10 Global – 64 Bit Guide

How to use ATC (Air Traffic Control) for X-Plane 10 Global - 64 Bit

How to use ATC (Air Traffic Control)


A guide that will take you through step by step instructions on how to get the most out of X-Plane 10 ATC.


This will be a short flgiht from Kansai Intl(RJBB) to Narita Intl(RJAA) we will start at Domestic Gate 18. To keep things simple, we will fly a direct flight with no SIDS, STARS and/or Waypoints. This giude presumes that you the user has a basic understanding of how flight simulation works.

How to find the Correct Frequencies

The best way to find the frequencies that you will need is to get them from the Aerodome Charts. There is an application that is available for windows Mac and Andriod. It is called Sim Plates X[www.dauntless-soft.com]. It is however quite expensive and this app is purly for convenience.

There is a much cheeper way to get the frequecies. That is through X-Plane itself. Once you are sitting at the gate in your aircraft, move your mouse to the top of the screen until the menu appears. Once the menu has appeared go to the Location button. Click on it and click local map. You will then be taken to a screen where you will see your airport. Click once on your airport and you will see a list of frequencies appear on the top right. Write them down.

Once you have written them down, close the window and go to your radio stack. Go to your COM1. Set the ATIS frequency and listen to the information. Based on that information, Set your Altimeter.

Flight Plans

There are numerious amounts of website and programs out there taht allow you to build flight plans. As it was stated in the Infroduction, we will be flying direct to Narita so there is no need for any of those programs.

Go to your FMC. By defualt you should have the line where you input the ICAO code for your desitation airport selected. if not select it. Now type the ICAO code for your airport. In the case of the guide, the ICAO code will be RJAA. Then you wll set your cruising altitude. Once those are set go and set up your auto pilot. Sometimes the FMC and Altitude part of the AP are conected. Meaning that what ever you put into the FMC, will automatically be inputed into the AP for you. You will still need to set your speed and V/S though.

Once that is set up, tune clearence on the frequency that you copied from the local map. If there are two just try one of them. If it does not work, try the other. Then open the ATC window. Ny defualt it is Enter/Return. Click on File Flight Plan. There you will need to input your Departure ICAO (in this case RJBB), your cruising altitude (in this case 27000(FL270)), yout arrival ICAO (in this case RJAA) and then your route(In this case we leave it blank as we are flying direct.).

Once filed another option should appear. It should be to request clearence. select it. ATC will give you instructions. Follow them like set the cleared altitude and the Squak Code. Once you have done that, you are ready to taxi.

Requesting Clearence

Taxi for take-off

Ok so you have yout Flight plan set up in the FMC, you have your AP set up and you have your clearence. Now request taxi. ATC will tell you where and how to taxi. A follow me line will also appear. If you have custom scenery the line may try and lead you through buildings. Head in roughly the same direction and the line will catch up and fix itself. ATC might reclear you to taxi just aknowledge it and keep going.

Take-off and in-flight

Once at the hold short line wait for ATC to hand you over to the tower. They will tell you what frequency to tune. Tune that frequency and wait for the controller to give you take-off clearence. Once you are cleared for take-off line up on the run way, set take-off thrust and you are on your way.

Once in the air ATC will hand you over to Center. Make sure you start following your route quickly otherwise ATC has a fit. ATC will make sure you stay on course through your flight. When you are getting close to the airport they will start giving you instructions to decend.


Once you get within 40nm of the airport you will be put onto vectors for a visual approach. At this point in time there is no ILS approach vectors but you can intercept the localizer and glide slope at your own discretion. They will line you up with the runway and hand you over to the tower.


Once you have been handed over to the tower they will give you your clearence to land. Once you have landed you will be instructed to exit the runway. Once you have exited the runway you will be handed over to ground.

Taxi to gate

Once you have contacted ground they will allocate you a gate and you will be able to follow the follow me line. Remember if you have custom scenery it might try to take you through a buidling.


Hopefully this guide provided help to you. This is my first guide so please be nice! Any feedback is welcome.
