Party Hard Guide

How to Use Map Editor for Party Hard

How to Use Map Editor


This is a tutorial about how to use the map editor in Party Hard. I built a example map to explain to you how to use the map editor. Click here to subscribe and have fun with this map. I hope this will help you.

Top Bar (Play/Menu)

At the top of screen there are two buttons, play and menu.

  • PLAY
    Play button help you to test your map while you build. You don’ t need to quit the map editor to play the map to test it. Just click play and you are free to go.
    Test Mode

    • In this mode, knocked down by guards will not trigger the player being busted and game over, instead the player will faint for a few seconds and then you can carry on your test. Other than this everything is same with the normal play mode except that you need to return to editor mode by click the Play/Editor button again if you are dead or captured by police/special agent.
    • To enable this mode, there are some lowest requirements. There should be 1 player, at least 1 victim and at least 1 phone and its node on the map.(Nodes will be explained in the People Section)

      More than one phone is suggest for the game balance.(With one phone player can win easily by just standing beside the phone and kill anyone trying to call the cops)

  • MENU
    There are four options in the menu button. They are SAVE LOCAL, PUBLISH NEW, QUIT AND BACK. There will also be a UPDATE option if the map is published before.

    • SAVE LOCAL: Save your map locally.
    • PUBLISH NEW: Publish your map to the community workshop. There will be a few seconds for it to upload after you click the PUBLISH NEW.

    • QUIT: Go back to the map editor workshop.
    • BACK: Back to the map.
    • UPDATE: Update the published map to the community workshop. Make sure every time you make some modifications, click UPDATE instead of PUBLISH NEW. Click the PUBLISH NEW button for a published map will result the workshop have two maps with the same name and similar content.


Construction contains items which can be directly click and put on the map.
You can drag the construction bar to somewhere else to work on the map covered by it.

  • WALLS: Drag the wall block to build a wall. Click on a build wall and drag the arrow sign can extend the wall while keep the wall position still.

    Make sure wall is aligned in good position. Otherwise it might stuck the player while being chased by cop or guards.
  • FLOOR: Drag the floor block to place a floor. The bound of the floor is the bottom of the top and bottom wall. Don’t forget the part under the wall.

    I suggest place the floor after you finish the map because everything is on top of it. You will miss click on it time from time.
  • STRUCTURE: Contains door, towers and scene. The bound of the door is top of the top and bottom wall.
  • BACKGROUND: Choose the background you need.



Furniture contains items which can be directly put on the map.

  • DECOR: There are items like barrels looks the same with trap barrels, but only trap barrels in the trap section will do the trap.
  • FURNITURE: Just place it.
  • EQUIPMENT: There is a unique item in equipment which is the telephone. Each telephone is placed with a node called ” telephone #xx “. The node is the place where victims can interact with the telephone. A node which is not reachable is not a valid node.
  • BACKYARD: Not much to say.


Create Man on the Sixth Day

People contains all the alive creatures, including Aliens and Hannibal panda(wtf). It also contains the most AWESOME section: Nodes.
I suggest add people and nodes after you finished with the construction, furniture and traps. And after all of that you can start to add the floor. I will add the traps first and then come back to people.

  • NODES:
    Nodes are created for movements.If there is no nodes, the victim will just stand there do nothing. With nodes, the victims will move from one node to another node and dances, sleep, kiss or vomit. To make sure everyone has something to do or somewhere to go, the nodes amount should be larger than the creatures amount.

    • Simple Node:Victims will go there.
    • Dance Node:Victims will go there and dance.
    • Lock Node:Unknown.
    • Loves Node:Victims will go there and kiss.
    • Sleep Left/Right/Up Node:Victims will go there and sleep facing right/left/down.
    • Vomit Node:Victims will go there and vomit.
    • Win Node: The place you will dance after you win.

    Make sure every node you place is reachable and valid. And to make your traps work you also need to put nodes beside your trap to make sure someone will go to trigger the trap.

  • CROWDS: Add one creature at one time.
  • SPECIAL: Player,security and special agent.
  • ANIMALS: Animals can kill or be killed.
  • TEMPLATE: Add a group of people with one click. Remember to add enough nodes to support the group.

How to Add NODES:
  • Specific Node:
    This is the Best part of this guide. I will show you how to using nodes to design how a victim/security behave.

    1. Place a node where you want your target (victim/security) go and right click it to choose CREATE AI PATH.

    2. Name it and save it. Repeat this until your nodes can show your designed route.
    3. What I designed it a patrol path of security. It consists of 5 rodes(58 ~ 63)
    4. Now add a security from special and right click it to choose AI PATH EDITOR.
    5. Left click the “+” sign in the AI path selector will add the node to the route of the security. Left Click the node in the AI path selector, the AI PATH Creator will pop up and show the information about the node.
    6. Now the nodes of the patrol route are added in the security’s path. Finally, choose “Repeat” at the bottom of “Security”. Now the security will patrol until he is killed. Compared to “Repeat”, “Nothing” means the security stand there do nothing and “Default” is the default movement of the security. (walk between random rodes)
    7. Beside patrol, you can also make the creature to vomit, sleep and talk. Now I let the security to stop at the coffin for a few seconds and talk loud”Please say hello to my grandpa in Heaven”
    8. Remember to change the “Stilly” to “Loud” in the Dialogue Window.

    Here is the effect

  • Random:
    Put lots of nodes on map and the crowd will wandering around the nodes.


My Trap is Rap

Traps section contains all the traps of this game.
Be careful when use these traps, make sure the location and direction the trap facing is valid.

The bookshelf at left falls to the left and the right falls to the left. The tv will kill people at left where the exposed wire is.

  • TIMING: Contains traps that work after some time, including those traps need victim to trigger.
  • HIDE BODY: Traps help to hide dead body.
  • DAMAGE: Traps that work immediately.
  • ACTIVE: Traps active from automatically at the start.
  • ITEMS: Specific items and random item.


Test Your Map

Fix bugs while you walk around every space of your map and win the game in different kinds of way. Subscribe to the thread of the map to hear voices from the players.
Added the floor and everything is done.


Thank you for reading this. Please rate this if you find this helpful.
Please subscribe and help to make this map better. If you find a bug, leave it in the comments below with details and I will fix it.