Here’s a useful guide on how to control the Plagues of Egypt in South Park: The Stick of Truth.
How to Get and Use It
You must be at Level 10 to get the Plagues of Egypt.
It will cost 20 Power Points (or PP for short).
How to Control
Here are the moves if you use the Plagues of Egypt:
– UP: Drop Frogs from the sky (or from the ceiling, if you battle inside) to deal damage from the enemies.
– DOWN: Firey Hail to burn the enemies.
– LEFT: Pestilence to gross out enemies.
– RIGHT: Flying Insects to bleed the enemies.
Leveling Ranks
In Rank 2, the plagues will deal more damage.
In Rank 3, every time you use the Gross Out or Burn attack, you and your buddy will gains Attack Up.
In Rank 4, every time you use the Frogs or the Bleeding attack, you and your buddy will gains Ability Up.
In Rank 5, you may receive an additional plague upon your turn.
Behind the Plagues
(copied from Wikipedia)
The Plagues of Egypt (or Makot Mitzrayim in Hebrew), in the story of the book of Exodus, are ten disasters inflicted on Egypt by the God of Israel in order to force the Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to depart from slavery they serve as “signs and marvels” given by God to answer Pharaoh’s taunt that he does not know Yahweh: “The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD”.