This guide shows how to get co-op working via LAN (Evolve).
How to get Co-op working via LAN 2018 using Evolve.
Hello, my friend and I recently picked up this game and were able to get co-op working within a couple of minutes so I thought I would share with everyone how to do this simply since everyone seems to think it doesn’t work anymore or was interested in getting the game but not knowing how to get it working.
1. Simply go the Evolvehq website [link] and both you and your friend download and install the client and both make an account . (MAKE SURE TO VERIFY YOUR EMAIL)
2. Once done you need to add eachother as friends by clicking on the friends tab and entering eachothers display name or simply link your Steam account under Preferences, Accounts and it should sync all your Steam friends over to the Evolve app.
3. Next you need to create a party, to do this simply click on the Evolve logo in the top left and click on create party. This will open a new window and may ask you to allow a network adapter to be installed make sure you allow this.
4. Once that is done you are free to name your party and even set the game if you would like. Make sure to leave it on HOST GAME tho, this is important.
5. Now you may see an error symbol at the bottom left of the party window telling you the party network could not connect to fix this simply, go into your device manager, one you’re here you should see the list of all devices listed on your PC.From here you wanna look down the list until you find “Network adapters” once you find the drop down menu (if its not already opened) you should see the list of all adapters that have been enabled/installed on your computer on this list you’re gonna wanna find the “Evolve Virtual Ethernet Adapter” with an error icon next to it. What you wanna go ahead and do from here is right click the Evolve adapter from the list and click on Properties>Advanced>MTU Once when you click on the MTU “Maximum transmission unit” option it should pull up a set value. Copy this value and paste it into the MAC “Media Access Control” Address directly above it once you do this,click “Ok” and then the error next to the adapter in the drop down menu should disappear.
6. Some people say you need to block the p4dftre.dll in your firewall but we allowed it and had to no problems.
7. Once this is done you should be all set up to play, Start the game and beat the prologue if you haven’t already to gain access to co-op. Click on Adventure, LAN, Host LAN Game. (The creator of the Evolve party needs to host to game in our experience.) Then have your friend click on Join LAN Game and they should be able to see your game and join from there.
This is what me and my friend did so it might differ from other people. Hope everything works for you guys!