An update of my Canadian guide for ALB, this guide shows how to pacify the enemy as Canada!
The new Canada
Some of you probably remember my Canadian guide for ALB; because of the release of RD, I felt obligated to share the secret of “surviving” against the Communist hordes maple syrup.
Deck creation video and reasoning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXQnQidH8q0
As always, if you’re confused as to what a unit was like back in ALB, or want to compare stats, you can look at my old guide, here:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238782077
New Units
As time has progressed in the Wargame series, into the early 90s and the Desert Storm era, Canada has received some pretty extensive upgrades.
This is the TH-495, the new IFV for Canada. If you’ve never heard of it (like many other Canadian prototypes) that’s because it never went into production and the program died quietly due to a corruption scandal involving the creator of the vehicle and the Canadian Govt’.
It’s fairly well armored, 2 armor on all sides including the top, has a medium-quality cannon attached with a 30% hit chance, two base AP, and 136 rpm with 600 rounds to spare. It’s also terrifically fast at 75 kilometers an hour off-road; use this to your advantage when moving infantry.
Essentially a radar SPAAG mounted onto a Centurion tank chassis, the Marksman fills an air-defense gap left by the lack of any radar-equipped AA from ALB. The gun has a low rate of fire at 187 rpm, but great accuracy, and has better range against jets than the ADATS or Javelin missle.
The vehicle is very slow at 35 km/h, so driving on-road until the destination is recommended. This unit comes with a fairly high availability at ten trained units, so they can be massed to prevent the escaping of any attack jets or helicopters unlucky enough to fly into your IADS envelope.
Canadian armored units have come a long way since ALB, back when the best one could hope for was a handful of Chimeras and Leopard C1s mixed together. The C2 MEXAS has an additional 6 frontal armor, making it comparable to the Cheftain Mark 10 at fourteen front armor. The armor has also thickened slightly on the vulnerable spots, including an extra point of armor on top. It retains the 8 r/m for the main gun, but has seen a range increase to 2275 meters, an accuracy increase to 45%, and an AP buff to 15 AP power.
(Probably the only reason your average player will ever think about playing Canada- a sniper team.)
Yes, this is the only country in RD that has a .50 cal sniper team that can destroy armored helicopters, APCs, and even tanks closer in. The C15 sniper rifle only has 1 AP at it’s maximum range of 1575 meters, but it has the KE- Kinetic Energy- tag attached, meaning it’s power increases as targets come closer in. At 1 kilometer, this weapon does 5 AP damage per shot- meaning that it can two-hit certain vehicles like BTRs and will one-shot command jeeps. At minimum range, the weapon does 10 AP damage per shot- it can blow Hinds out of the sky instantly. It can wreck command tanks if the Recce team simply stumbles upon one. While the team has limited ammo, simply place two or more teams at the edge of a town that needs to be defended, keep them supplied, and watch them wreck motorized assaults and mass infantry rushes. They are also great to pair up with Pathfinders, as the Pathfinders can absorb more fire and have the ability to put more out.
Defense Strategy
Either look back at my old guide or watch the video, the strategy has not changed much.
From closest to the front line to the farthest- Frontline Infantry, Recon, Infantry AA, Tanks, Marksmen, TUAs and TOW-2 vehicles, ADATS, command vehicle and supply.
Deck Spec/Veterancy
What I use for my non-specialized deck:
One Command Squad in CH-135s
One card of trained Grizzly CPs
One card of CH-147 Cargo
One card of HLVW
One card of Hardened Javelins in Grizzlys
One card of hardened Canadian Airborne in CH-147s
One card of hardened Canadian Airborne ’85 in Bisons
One card of trained Eryx in CH-135s
One card of hardened Canadian Rifles ’85 in TH-495s
One card of trained or hardened Centurion Marksman (accuracy difference either way isn’t huge)
One card of hardened ADATS
One card of hardened M109A2 R.C.H.A
One card of hardened Leopard C2 MEXAS
One card of hardened Leopard C2
One card trained of CH-136s
One card trained of ILTIS scouts
One card of elite Pathfinders
One card of elite Recce
One card of hardened Coyotes
One card of trained LAV-3 TUA
One card of trained ILTIS TOW-2
One card of trained Chimeras
One card of hardened M113 106mm M40
One card of hardened CH-118 Gunships
One card of hardened CH-118 SS-11s
One card of Rookie or Veteran Electric Voodoos
One card of rookie CF-18 Hornets
One card of rookie CF-188 Hornets
One card of rookie CF-104 Starfighters
What you want.
You will probably have two points left over at this point. Spend it on whatever.
What to watch for
Canadians still don’t like fighting lots of people
Close up fighting-
Canadians don’t like fighting lots of people up close
Same reason as #1
Because Canadians get lonely sometimes, and because losing those precious few ADATS and Marksmen means death from above.
Please feel free to leave a comment on anything in particular or about the gudie itself. Leave a like or favorite on the guide or video if you did like it, if you didn’t then I won’t force you. Just helps me to know people appreciate this, and that the blood, sweat, and tears isn’t for nought.
And for the last time… I AM NOT CANADIAN :D. Thank you.