Import PS3 game save to PC Steam version for FINAL FANTASY VIII

Import PS3 game save to PC Steam version


Following these few steps you will be able to play with your PS3 Final Fantasy VIII game data in the PC Steam version


  • PS3 with Final Fantasy VIII save data
  • Free USB drive FAT32 formatted
  • “Hyne” FFVIII save editor software for Windows (download here latest version: [link])


Prepare your USB drive
  1. Connect your USB drive to your PC and go to “My Computer
  2. Right click the USB drive and select “Format…
  3. Format the drive using a FAT32 file system

WARNING: You will loose all the data in the USB drive
WARNING: Other file systems won’t work, so please make sure you are using “FAT32”

Transfer PS3 save data to the USB drive
  1. Connect your USB drive to the PS3
  2. Select “Game” into the PS3 XMB, then “Memory Card Utility
  3. Open up you Memory Card and select the block using the direction pad, then press TRIANGLE to display the options
  4. Select “Copy“, then your USB drive as destination.
  5. Repeat for every block you need to copy.

Download and install Hyne
  1. Download Hyne from the following website: [link]
  2. Unzip the utility then launch Hyne.exe

Convert the save files
  1. Click “Open…” to open the save files you just stored in the USB drive
  2. Go into your USB drive and select one of the blocks
  3. Click “OK” on the warning. We don’t mind since we are not saving in PS3 format but converting to PC format.
  4. Click on “File“, then “Export…
  5. Go into your Windows user documents folder, Square Enix, FINAL FANTASY VIII Steam, user_xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is a random number). For instance: C:UsersYour_NameDocumentsSquare EnixFinal Fantasy VIII Steamuser_123456
  6. In the “Save as” dropdown, select “FF8 PC Save
  7. Name the file following the other saves you have in the folder. For instance if you already have a slot1_save01.ff8, name this file slot1_save02.ff8
  8. Launch the game and enjoy your converted save!