Night of the Dead Guide

Increase FPS, disable Fog... for Night of the Dead

Increase FPS, disable Fog…


Boost FPS with Fullscreen / Borderless WindowFor Nvidia OnlyDisable: FOG for low end systems.

Global Settings

Boost your FPS with Fullscreen

At first you should know that there is a difference between Fullscreen & Windowed/Borderless Window mode in Unreal 4 Engine! The best example are games like Unreal (Tournament) it’s self of ARK for example. Most people having a higher framerate if they play those games in Fullscreen, for others it’s the borderless window mode. So at first you should test it out what is the best setting for your own system^^

Turn off Motion Blur:

After a few updates you can disable the Motion Blur InGame in the game settings menu now without editing the Eingine.ini file, which will also give you a bit more FPS.

For NVIDIA only: (Recommended for GTX: 9/10 series or higher)

The Next thing you can try if you have an NVIDIA Graphics card is to disable the ingame V-Sync and enable the Adaptive V-Sync in your NVIDIA Settings for NotD. Open your NVIDIA Settings and check out the following screenshot. (Eventually you have to search for the DotD.exe manually!)

Eventually you have to search for the
DotD.exe manually!

Disable: FOG

Warning: The Game looks not good any more after editing the game files!!

You also could disable the Fog all you have to to is also adding the following to the Engine.ini file. This is just an way for super low end systems and will save a lot of performance, but it makes the game looks ugly and bright.


This edit is not 100% compatible to the “Adaptive” NVIDIA V-Sync, you should use full V-Sync or the InGame V-Sync now!

How to: (Update 09/13/2020)
  • At first you need an Editor, do not use the Windows Editor because you could destroy the formatting of the Files this way! Use the free program: Notepad++ [link]
  • Type in your Windows Search and hit Enter: %localappdata%
  • Navigate to the following path: C:UsersYOUR-USERNAMEAppDataLocalLFSavedConfigWindowsNoEditor
  • Open the Engine.ini file with Notepad++
  • Scroll down to the end of the document and add the following…

  • Also, you could disable the atmospheric shaders which will also give you a bit more performance, but this also did reduce the game quality! Just add add the following, also below [SystemSettings].

There is no space between the codes needed,
as long it’s in the same section. I just do this
for you having a better overview.