The Guild II Renaissance Guide

Indepth guide for 4.21 (FINAL) version of The Guild 2 : Renaissance. for The Guild II: Renaissance

Indepth guide for 4.21 (FINAL) version of The Guild 2 : Renaissance.


An attempt at explaining the game mechanics.


The whole economic system is very difficult to grasp.

The problem is that it is undocumented or, in the best case, very vaguely documented.

I’m spending my time inside the scripts files to try to make sense of it all.
I was questionning “why is there so many people in his inn and none in mine ?” “what makes people go to church ?”
“why this item sells a lot this year and then doesn’t sell at all?” ?

After one full day of doing this (I’m a maniac) I ended up with what seems to be the deepest guide about game mechanics of the guild 2. And it is so incomplete I hesitated before publishing it.

It is an old game by now, but it really is a unique hybrid of economy, strategy and the sims which si why I think it deserve my personnal investment.

Hopefully this guide will serve all the players who wants to play it but were discouraged by the obscure documentation. It might never be complete, but I believe it already will be very useful to some people.

It’s intended use is to look at the “index” on the right of the guide to go the section you are interrested in.

Basic entities

The core of the game revolve around a simulation of individuals. So the first thing is to understand at least partially what is going on.
When you’ll be able to draw the line between what is abstracted and what is actually simulated, most game mechanics will become much more clear.
I do not pretend to understand or know all the things about the game : keep in mind that there still is things unexplained in this guide.
If something is wrong, please comment about it.

First let’s talk about the settlement entity. A settlement is a village (that becomes a town, then bigger, etc).
Each settlement has one market, its own population and its businesses.
Settlement development rely on population and public money investment to unlock new office and new public services.
The counter part is that higher tier settlement push the individuals to be less active. (this isn’t a problem.)

The population is simply the sum of all the characters that can be separated into 4 categories
– owners of businesses
– unemployed
– employee
– special roles (bailiffs, etc)

The first 3 categories are actively involved in the economy of the game.

Owners of businesses are dynasties :
– they can expand population of settlements by having children.
– they share the favours/relationship with others characters.

Unemployed :
– They always exist in some quantity in every settlement. It is a constant value.
– When unemployed find a job, they are replaced by others unemployed (spawn!)

Employee :
– they are drafted from the unemployed pool when any business “hire” someone
– it is important to note that hiring people therefore increase the settlement population.

Special roles :
– They exists depending on the level of settlement (a village has baillifs, a town “earn” new guards, etc)
– They do not seem to participate in the economy of the game.

The market is a kind of entity that has items and market prices. Every item in the game has a base price that is constant.
This base price is used when selling directly from the sales stocks and is the same no matter the settlements or the markets.
Market price are specific to the settlement the market is representing. Market price are relatively devoid of external interference : No magical reset (though sometimes, items with a very low supply might be restocked by a few items).

Businesses is a general term for all the classes’s business : it isn’t limited to the craftman or patron workshops.
While they all share similar traits, they usually have different rules.
There are 4 consequences of business in the simulation
– they might increase the demand for the raw materials.
– the increase the supply for various needs : tradegoods or services.
– to grow the population through hiring. (which increase the need for goods and services)
– to unlock the creation of usables items (favours gaining/damaging items and economy damaging items)

Each business is very specific in its impact on the economy. In turns, each economical situation is also very specific.
It is important to understand that there are roughly 4 types of items.
-Raw material. Items that are gathered.
-Trade goods. Items that are specifically made to be sold (i.e tools). Can also be items that are usable (i.e herb tea)
-Favour gaining/damaging items. Items such as jewels, clothes for the normal types and perfums. Or items such as Discord potions.
-Economy damaging items. Those are weapons, skulls used to curse, poisons, toad excrement (put all workers out of their workplace), etc.

To understand the specifics of any economical situation I must first describe the interactions between the actors in the simulation.


The simulation of behavior is based on “needs” of actors.
Individual characters, including members of dynasties that you do not control (I.E. your own family members are included if they are not in your current party),
all have scripts : they get up at some moment, do things then go to sleep. They individually interact with the economy.

While dynasty members are not limited by work hours (in much the same way as unemployed), employees are.
They go to their workplace in the morning, do whatever is required by their job and leave at some moment in the evening.
The sooner they go to work, the sooner they leave work : those hours are determined by their job. Some start to work at 6, others at 8 and maybe others have different workhours.
In the evening there is a moment where employee leave work but have a few hours for themselves during which they behave like unemployed : church going, pub/inn, etc.

Those “off hours” behaviors are driven by randomness and by individual needs.
When there are no “needs” to trigger those behavior, random behavior are selected based on wheter or not the individual is sick.

There are 9 different needs. Some situations increase the needs and some decrease it. It is worth noting that sometimes the need being satisfied by a business is not the need triggering a visit to that business.
An example is the inn/tavern : visiting those business is triggered by the need to drink or the need for love. But once there, the need for eating can be satisfied too.
To get a more detailed vision of it, you can check in the local directory of the game named “Scripts” and open Measures/Behaviour/std_idle.lua.

The need “1” is the need to eat.
The need “2” is the need of “love”. (kissing, etc)
The need “3” is the need to talk with others (compliment, etc)
The need “4” is the need to pray/mourn.
The need “5” is the need related to jugglers and beggars. (curiosity)
The need “6” is the need related to illness
The need “7” is the need to shop (any items). It is going to the market and getting random items or going to a craftsman shop (
Bakery, Clothe crafter, Wood worker, Smiths, Mason).
The need “8” is the need to drink
The need “9” is the need of financial services (copper/silver/gold coins, loans in the pawnshop)

Inn provide for drink and eat needs (1 and 8)
Pubs provide for drinks and love needs (2 and 8)
Pawnshop provide for financial needs (9)
Gravyard and Churchs provide for pray needs (4)
Market and Craftsmen workshop provide for eat and shop needs (1 and 7) (buying from the stonemason will solve eating needs. weird right ?)
The bakery, althought it belong to the patron class act as a craftman shop for needs 1 and 7.
Beggards and jugglers provide for entertainement needs (5)
Banks provide for the financial needs (9)

Need to sleep : at 22:00+x to 6:00+x they sleep (x is an offset depending on their jobs and classes)
The weather push people inside their own house (raining).
Religious needs push people to go to church or to go the graveyard (randomly chosen : 20% for the graveyard, 80% to church)
Need to drink push people to the Pub or the Inn : Rogue prefer the pub and the others goes 33% to the pub and 66% to the inn
Need for love push people to the pub or the Inn : again, rogue will go the the pub and others will go in the same proportions to the pub or the inn.
(note : musician in the inn provides love)
Need to eat push people to the market and to the stores if the time is between 8 and 18 hours
Otherwise they will only go to the market to buy. Note that they do not necessarily buy food items when they are hungry : they buy.
Need to shop push people to the market and to the stores in the exact same way : they go to shop between 8 and 18 hours
For both those 2 needs (eat and shop) the chances to go to a shop is 66% while the chances to go to the market is 33% when it is between 8am and 6pm (18:00).

The need for talking (3) increase the financial needs (9)
Disease produce the need for treatments (Autumn and Winter increase the chances to get sick (twice as much))
Damaged house of non guilded characters produce the need to repair the houses (50% chances), which in turn produce the need for Construction material (wood worker) and Tools (smiths) (50% chances for both)

Aside from those needs, activities of characters are randomly selected :

People with sickness goes
– Go inside some random place (10% of the time), anywhere, to a pub or the an inn (33% each)
– at home (30% of the time)
– find somewhere outside to sit down (30% of the time)
– stroll around (30% of the time)
People without sickness goes
– Fight with each other 1% of the time
– Repay or Borrow a loan 15% of the time
– Go to a pub or an inn 20% of the time (50% each)
– Go to church 15% of the time
– Go to a graveyard 15% of the time
– Go to a craftman shop 15% of the time
– Go to the town hall 5% of the time
– Go to a water well 5% of the time
– Go to corn 5% of the time (they go to a farm with Wheat and bring 1 at home)

Sick people therefore completely screw the economy of the settlement : they sleep, sit or stroll.


The attractivity mechanism is used to determine “which” building a character will chose when looking to satisfy its needs.
The distance is taken into account : a far away building will be less attractive than a closer one.
In most case where attractivity is relevant, the presence of people being actively “serving” inside of it (i.e. someone who make loan in a bank, or someone serving in an inn) will improve the attractivity.
Higher buildings also tend to improve attractivity (either via some unlockable improvement or via the simple fact that they area higher tiers building)
To “win” the attractivity fight you can either abuse political powers (jail the person serving the business, force an inspection that will close the business) or use illegals means (toad excrements !)

Prices with an s


There are two categories of prices. Market price and Base prices.

Base price is the price of items when they are in sales stocks. This might be above or below market prices.
Market price are prices of items in the market. There is a “buying” and a “selling” price.
Buying is always higher than selling in market.

Market price are only affected by market supply and demand : selling from Sales stocks directly from a workshop do not change market prices.
At some point the base price will be higher than the market selling price but lower than the market buying price.
In other words, it is better to sell directly from the worskhop and it also is better to directly buy from the workshop.
The only issue there becomes the rate at which you can sell stuff : it becomes tied to the “needs” of people (see above) and their random choice of occupation.
This also means that there first is a competition to produce and sell to the market faster than the competition (producing fast is the key).
Then producing cheap becomes key while speed is not so much a problem.
This is the moment where securing cheap raw materials and having customers is important (toad excrements !).

This is why “free trade” is of massive importance : it actively speed up the rate at which you sell your production without relying on market selling price.

Favours and Loyalty

Favours is extremely important for “official” business : office and justice and for political stance between dynasties.

The whole trial system will be dealt in its own section. Office election will also be treated as a full section.

Favours play a role in the diplomatical stance between dynasties. Those stance can prevent or enable certains interactions : most of the time, non aggression and mutual assistance prevent rogue businesses from “dealing” with your own dynasty.

Your employee can leave your businesses if they dislike you too much. Experienced workers are key to productivity.
You can economically damage an opponent by destroying its favour with its own employee (libelling during sermon, insulting in front of the employee, using the board, etc).

Here’s a rough list of what modify favours. It is by no means exhaustive.

Time decay favours.
Dueling someone improve your favour with his family if you weren’t in a mutual assistance pact. If you were then it degrade the relation (+40 , -5).
Having a Craftman store and being unable to sell the desired item produce a loss of reputation (-5).
For the bakery : “Barleybread”,”Cookie”,”Wheatbread”,”Candy”,”BreadRoll”,”CreamPie”
For the clothes : “FarmersClothes”,”CitizensClothes”,”NoblesClothes”
For the woodworker : “Torch”,”BuildMaterial”,”WalkingStick”,”CrossOfProtection”,”RubinStaff”
For the smith : “Tool”,”SilverRing”,”GoldChain”,”GemRing”
For the stonemason : “bust”,”statue”
Providing credit will improve your favour with your customer (+4)
When they pay back the credit you will lose favour with them, (-3)
Selling coins from the sales stock as a bank improve your favour (+1)
Failing to sell coins (not having the right one for salesà lower your favor (-1)
Walking by the pamphlet against someone (-5)
Preaching to change faith can improve favours (+5)
Being an outlaw (-15)
Seing someone at the pillori (-5)
Revolted (-15)
Blackmail (-15 but block the relation to “allied” for a time. There’s a perk that can half that to -7)
Failed bribe (between -5 and -25)
Insulting someone (-20 and an additionnal -5 * quantity of observers if the insult is accepted without duelling)
-Failed pickpocketting (-5 from the target)
-Praising/Scolding someone during a church masses (see below)
-Torturing (-10)
– Ban somone (every point.)
– Banquet
.. others


Evidence are proof of crime commited by someone or anemployee working for him or for her.
Evidence can be fake and will count as if they were real.

They are the “raw materials” for court justice, threats, blackmailing and razzia (mercenary).

You can “craft” evidence out of thin air with the crypt item named “sorcerer scroll”.
You can also pay the town crier guy to craft one evidence against someone. The fun part is that he will also propagate that evidence to 10 “neutral” town npc.

There are 3 ways to gather existing evidence :

– having yourself, one of your employee or one of your carts witnessing the crime.
– having a henchman using the action “ask around” and finding someone with an evidence.
– torturing someoe to learn evidence from him.

While I have no “evidence” of what follows based on the script files, I recommend considering it true :

Empathy works as “range” modifier for crime witnessing. A high empathy will increase the radius of detection.

In other words, committing a crime on someone will always end up creating an evidence.
The exception SEEMS to be crime such a bribe or “spindel” item where evidence might only exist if the action fails.

There is no free cake.

Evidences comes with some variables :
– Who commited the crime
– Who was the victim
– a “time to live” parameters (6 rounds or year after the crime was done the evidence is lost/meaningless)
– A qualifier (the nature of the crime)
– A strength value (severity of the crime, the higher, the more severe)
– A believability value (either direct witness or not. It is a percentage.)

There is no point in gathering too many evidences : they get consumed when used and you also risks another dynasty using them before you.

Justice – Trial

When there are charges, the game will randomly chose 2 assessors to assists the judge.
The judge is an office position, the assessors are not.

The 2 assessors, the judge and the accuser must be present for the trial to take places. If one of them is missing, the trial do not take place at all.

If the accused is not present, then he will either be tagged “outlaw” for an amount of time depending on the severity of the crimes or he will receive the choice to surrender and pay a fine if the crimes are not so bad (the sum of the “strength” of the crimes, without considering their believability).

There is some subjective preferences that comes into play as well. Those are displayed in the bar with the various portraits and cursors over sentences. The idea is that each judge weight “up” or “down” depending on its preference in favour between the accused and the accuser.
In other words, favours works relatively here : they must like you more than they like the opponent.
It is however important to understand that the bar on the top represent both the preference of each judges and the strength of the evidences presented so far.

The general idea is to sum the strength of the evidences weighted by their believability.
A 100% evidence of strength 3 counts as 3+(3*1.0) while the same evidence of strength 3 with believability of 50% count as 3+(3*0.5).

Each evidence “strength” is decreased or increased by a rhetoric versus empathy skill comparisons. It is not random : higher r.hetoric always modify the strength of the evidence.
If the accuser has more rhetoric than the accused empathy, strength goes +2
if the accused has more rhetoric than the accuser empathy, strength goes -2.
It is perfectly possible to go “+2-2”.

The court will check at most 3 evidences per trial : the first is the highest, it can be nullified by the use of “Fragrance of Holiness item” (it count as an evidence of strength 0).
Then the second and the third. Each time, the rhetoric versus empathy apply as well as the “believability” factor.

The inquisition will adds 3 to the sum of the strength of all evidences.
The severity of the law works like this : Lowest will remove 3 from the sum of the strength of all evidences, normal won’t modify it, most severe will adds 3 to it.
If the accused is of title equal to or higher than “NOBILITY_LANDGRAF”, it removes 3 to that sum.

At most you can adds 2+2+2 (rhetoric), +3 (inquisition), +3 (severe law) = +12 to the real “strength” of crimes.
The other way around is equivalent : -2-2-2 (rhetoric), -3 (noble), and -3 (liberal laws) = -12.

This sum will determine the “level” of the sentence.

The accuser can either try to increase the sentence or let the sentence stay as it is : by trying to increase the sentence too much the accuser risks the judge to say “not guilty” (see below in the decision part).

If the accuser doesn’t try to increase the charges, it is up to the judge to decide. (that is : the cursor of the judge on the sentence bar).

Then the accused can try to lower the sentence : Guilty always reduce the sum of the strength of evidences by 3, not guilty is a skill comparison of rhetoric against the judge’s empathy. More or equal to te judge’s empathy means success (-5), less means failure (+5 !).
Beside, “guilty” guarantee that you lose the case but also lower the sentence by one in the case where only 1 judge said “guilty”.

The decision then takes places.
The judge will say guilty if the sentence proposed by the accuser is lower or equal to his own “cursor” indicator. The judge will NEVER take the dynasty diplomatical stance in consideration when deciding to say guilty or not. But the 2 assessors will.

The decision of the two assessors are the same, except thay they will first take into consideration the diplomacy before deciding : if the accused is a dynasty “ennemy”, it is a “guilty” guarantee if there is a mutual assistance pact with it is a guaranteed “not guilty”.

The sentence is then decided :

– If the accused pleaded guilty, the sentence will be lowered only if at least one of the three judges
said not guilty.
– if only one or zero judges said guilty, and the accused didn’t said “guilty”, then the accuser must pay 1 000 coins.
– in any case, if three judges said guilty, the sentence is full
– if one judge said not guilty, the sentence is reduced by one

The winner of the case gains XP depending on the severity of the final sentence.

There is a sentence “remove from office” that is the same as “losing title”. If the accused is sentenced to this one, he will in priority lose his office, then lose a title, and if none of those apply, be sentenced to jail.

Office election : votes.

The preference of votes during elections is based on the favours between each voters and each candidates plus or minus modifiers.

Modifers are :
First the “non colored” dynasties suffer by a malus of -45 to their favours with the voter.
The rhetoric skill of the applicant is added
Patrician and beyond are more likely to be elected (bonus)
There are 2 other parameters that don’t talk to me : “cutscenefavor” and “currentofficebonus”.

If a voter was bribed, anyone who didn’t bribe him have a malus of 25 points.

Favours gained during the office session are kept.

Stats are Talents – WIP

Characters gain XP by doing things.
Those point of XP are spent into the talents (other game would have called those attributes or stats).
After a certain amount of XP spent (not earned) the character level up.

Each talent can be built up to level 10 but can go above in certain circumstances (I.E. zodiac sign adds 1)

Each classes has hard, normal and easy talents to train : this is denoted by the +, 0, – of each talent for each classes.

Each Talent level needs “current talent level * base” XP to level up.
A talent “+” has base 75, a “0” has base 100, a “-” has base 150.
In other words, leveling up a “+” talent from 5 to 6 require 5*75 XP = 375XP but leveling up a “-” talent from 5 to 6 require 5*150XP = 750XP.

Those “+,0,-” modifier on talent costs do not prevent you from adding to “-” talents in the low ranges.

All classes except Rogue have “-” in Martial Arts and Stealth. The rogue has “+” in those.

Talents are used to check for the result or the odds of success of differents actions.
Sometimes, random checks are done (the higher the talent, the more it is likely to succeed), sometimes a raw comparison is made (either against a flat number that is set on stone, or against another character’s talent).

Stats are Talent : Rhetoric

-Decrease the quantity of “favours” lost with your employee when you push them to work harder.
For every 2 points in rhetoric you decrease the “loyalty/favour” cost by 3
So, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in rhetorics does -15,-12,-9,-6,-3. (as a note : the gained favour by paying bonus is +10, +15 and +20 for small, medium and big bonuses)
-Increase the chances to succeed at praising/scolding someone
-increase the chance to succeed at bribery : at 5 it becomes 100% chances no matter the relation and the wealth.
-Quacksalving provide (0-10) + 10 * Rhetoric of the seller + 100 per miracle cure.
-When failing the use of a “spindel” on a target, rhetoric decrease the favour loss with the target. Starting from 4 in rhetoric, is prevent the creation of an evidence against you.
-During Trials, as the accuser or the accused, having strictly more rhetoric than the opponent’s empathy will either increase or reduce the weight of the evidences (depending on wheter he is accused or accusing)
-When being accused in a trial you can try to lower your sentence by pleading guilty or not guilty. You need to have a rhetoric value higher or equal than the judge’s empathy.
-During office election, if your seat is claimed by others, you can “threaten” people : for each voters, if your rhetoric is >= to his empathy, you gain 10 favors. Otherwise you lose 10 favors.

Stats are Talent : Bargain

-Decrease the cost of “paying bonus” to employee. Every point of bargaining decrease the value by 3%
-Decrease the cost of bribe by 2% per point.

Stats are Talents : Empathy

-if the character is a dynasty member, it is used to prevent pickpockets. (I.E. odds of successfully blocking the pickpocketting attempt do not solely depends on your empathy : ennemy stealth is involved)
-When targeted by the “spindel” item, empathy is used against arcane knowledge to detect the action and prevent it.
– During Trials, as the accuser or the accused, having at least as much empathy as your opponent’s rhetoric will prevent him from either increasing the weight of the evidences or decreasing it (depending on wheter he is accused or accusing)
-If you are the judge in a trial (not an assessor), the accused can try to lower the sentence by checking his rhetoric against your empathy : he needs to equals your empathy to succeed.
-Empathy increase the radius inside which you have a chance to detect hidden characters.
-Empathy is also used to improve the chances of detecting hidden characters (the state of being hidden is used by characters doing illegal deeds).

Stats are Talents : Constitution

-It is used to prevent your character from telling the torturer about the evidences you know
-it increase the quantity of items you can carry
-it increase the longevity of the character
-it increase the number of item “slots” a character can have

Stats are Talents : Arcane Knowledge

AK decrease the timers of reusability of items. The idea is that a high AK enable your character to quickly react to a situation : changing favors quickly, etc.

It also serves in some businesses

-it change the rate of interrests of loans (with bargaining) in banks
-it changes the amount of alcholo you get from pub’s smuggling alchool (1 point = +10 alcohol)
-it increase the success rate of summoning at the magician shop

Stats are Talents : Stealth

-it is used to stay “hidden” (certain actions render the character hidden) despite the presence of other characters around. There is a chance of being detected that is lowered by steatlh and increased by empathy
-it is used to check for success when doing “pickpocketing” action
-it is used against target empathy when using item “spindel”. If succeed, the item works, otherwise you get caught.

Stealth is also called “shadow arts” in the scripts.

Stats are Talents : Charisma

-It is used when free trading to increase th odds of a successfull sale
-It is used by “exotic dancer” in the pub to increase the amount of money received by customers (it only increase the amount of money for higher titles customers.)
-It is used by “labor of love” girls to increase the fees : they get 50*charisma gold coins

Action : Free trade

to free trade you need a character that is the owner of a house (hut upgraded once) with the improvement “guild minute”.
you also need a cart with goods in it.
And finally, a character from your party.

You put the cart and the character is the same area (they must be both visible in the inventory) and you order the character to “free trade” (orange action).
He or She will start to call people passing nearby to try and sell the stuff from the cart to them at the base price.
The talents used are “Charisma” and “Bargaining”. High profile character can sell complete cart in no time. It is a very strong move when the prices of the market flatten out and you are producing
more than what your workshop manage to sell by themselves.
The free trader can sell ANY items so setting up one is usually enough for all your trades.
I suspect Bargainig improve the bonus (base price + bonus from bargaining) while charisma increase the customer base (chance to secure a sale)

Patron are best suited for that because they have bonus talent in bargaining and neutral talent in charisma.

Action : Torture

The idea is to “steal” evidences from someone by torturing him or her.
The victim can avoid this by succeed a skill test with its “constitution”.
It dramatically reduce the favours
it also reduce the HP.

Action : Slander (town crier)

To slander someone you need to move your character next to the town crier.
There you’ll have a new option on the action bar : assassination.
This isn’t about murder. This is all about fake news.

You chose light, medium or heavy price and the town crier will create a brand new evidence against one character. It is as if he really commited a crime. The crime is randomly selected based on the category you paid for : light, medium or heavy.

The lowest price is equal to 200 * Charisma * Title rank of the target.
Title rank is the “city” title (serf, yeoman, citizen without full rights, etc)

Medium is twice the “light” fake news.
Heavy fake news is 4 time the “light” one.

The value shown here are directly taken from the source, they might not be very clear but I haven’t tested it out fully.

In the light fake news you have :





While you will know the evidence created, 10 random town npc will also hear it as if it was true. Any dynasty “collecting evidences” around them will find that evidence.

Action : Bribery

-The base amount to bribe someone depends on his office level (1 is the lowest office level) and is computed as (the wealth of the character /2 ) * office level. The minimum is 2K.
-The bribe is 2% of that amount for small bribes, 6% for medium and 12% for large
-Each point of bargaining reduce that bribe by 2%. In other words, if the guy has 10000, the small bribe is 2% of that, which is 200. Each bargain point will lower 200 by 2%.
– (Bribe/10% of the target wealth)*100 + Relation + Rhetoric of the guy bribing must be higher than 50 to succeed where rhetoric is supposedly rhetoric * 10 (5 rhetoric secure any bribe attempt)
– Maximum bribe does +20 base but there’s 3 levels of it : 30% of 20, 60% and 100%. Money given divided by 10% of the target’s wealth create those tiered favour bonuses : <35% it is the first tiers, <65% the second and otherwise the maximum
– If the bribe fails, you lose 5 + the difference between 20 and the favour you would have gained by succeeding. That is, the more you bet, the less reputation you loose in case of failure.

Action : Blackmail

-you need at least 3 evidences against your target and it will costs you ALL evidences against him.
-There is 0 talents involved (maybe Stealth ?)
-The blackmailing will decrease the favours with the victim’s dynasty
-It will artificially puts the two dynasties into “mutual assistance” pact.
– “Venerable” cannot be blackmailed.

Blackmail’s primary use is to win trials. The “guilty/not guilty” statement of both assessors depends on the diplomatic stance they have with the accused : they will always say guilty against a “feud” and they will always say “not guilty” for an “ally”.

Blackmail used on an assessors during a trial where you are accused guarantee he will say “not guilty”.

But the cost is that you provide one evidence (blackmail !) to your target while losing all your evidences against him.

Action : Threat

The “Threat” action is a way to use evidences against a dynasty.
You do not lose the evidences.

When being under the threat, the target’s dynasty won’t be able to do any “evil measures” against your own dynasty : it seems to be as if there was a non aggression pact, but without being labelled as such.

The strength of the evidences is computed and is the only factor used to determine wheter or not the action succeed.

All evidences are lost in the process.

Beside the success/failures, it also determine the duration of the effect : there are 3 levels of success.

At the end of the effect, the two dynastys will lose a % of their favours at that moment.

The main use of this action is to prevent being spammed with attacks of all sorts from an ennemy : it’s the “leave me alone” button that feed itself on its own when being harassed by robbers and stuff like that.

Venerable character cannot be threatened.

Action : Praising/Scolding

Praising and Scolding are church action available when a character is giving a sermon at a church.

There is a skill test over rhetorics of the priest that takes into account the current relation between both the family owning the church and the people listening to the praise.
If it succeed, the relation between each listenners improve with the target of the praise by +5 and the relation between each listenners and the family owning the church improve by +10.
If the target of the praise is among the listeners, he simply receive a +20 between him and the church owner.

When scolding the same pattern apply

If you succeed in the same conditions, you will gain 5 favours with your listenners, they will lose 10 favours with the target of your scolding. If he is present, you will lose 20 favours with him.

If a praise or a scold fails, you will lose 5 (-5) favour with the people listening to you.

Action : spy on someone

It is an action that require a house improvement to be unlocked.
It is used by dynasty henchmen.

The henchmen will “tag” a character (dynasty member). If he or she commits a crime, you automatically gather evidence related to it as if you were a direct witness.

It is not necessary for the henchman to be physically close to the person being spied on : the character of the henchman will stroll around the target’s house (or business in case of a shadow dynasty).

Action : Pickpocketting

It is a “smuggler’s den” action.

Stealing money from people.

The success chances depends on the empathy of the target and on your stealth (both are countering each other).

The empathy of non dynasty characters is randomly set between 1 and 7.
The amount stolen is Rand(40) + ThiefLevel * 20 + 25

There is a % chance to triple that amount based on twice the thief level.
I.E. a thief level 1 has 2% chances to triple the amount. A thief level 5 has 10%.
This level is the character level, not any kind of “talents”.

When the pickpocketting attempt failed, the thief will try to run to its business building. (reminder : Dexterity is involved in the movement speed).
If the thief is too slow he might get attacked and killed by guards.

If the target has a title of rank 3 or above, you also lose 5 favors.

Action : Burglary

It is a “smuggler’s den” action.

You steal money from a building

First the stats involved.

1) Thief Dexterity
2) Thief Level
3) Building wealth
4) Burglary protection
5) Scouted or not

Dexterity reduce the time needed to break in.
Thief Level increase the amount stolen by the thief.
Building wealth determine a base amount that can be stolen from the building.
Burglary protection both increase the time needed to break in and decrease the amount of money stolen.
Scouting the building increase the bonus gold stolen (75 without scouting, scouting multiply it by 125%
Scouting increase the dexterity of the thief by 25%

If the building was boobytrapped, it explode when thieves are in (boom).
(So you can literally booby trap a building while a burglary is on its way.)

The maximum amount that can be stolen is 1500 per thief.
Note that the wealth of the owners limits the amount stolen.
The “wealth” of a building depends on its level and type.

The way multiple thieves works is simple :

The building itself has a timer for burglary. Each thief has its own.. More thieves do not reduce the time needed to break in however they each steal from the building.

After every thief had money, the building earn a perk “plundered recently”.

If ANY unit belonging to the owner of the building witness the thieves while they are breaking in, they will attack your thieves and that will stop the burglary. It include normal employee, thugs and dynasty members. It also apply to any unit that have “mutual assistance” pact and obviously guards as well.

The AI is likely to send you its thugs to stop the burglary since you basically try to steal thousands of golds from him : There are easy targets and hard targets but there always exist a solution : using prostitute to get rid of guards, using artifacts to disable thugs and dynasty members and choosing the right time of the day to avoid employee.

Action : collect Toll

It is a mercenary action.

The toll collection can work in squads but there is no reason to do so (aside from defense)

Toll collection do not work against individual character : it only target carts.
Carts get some cooldown between two “tolls” collection based on their owner : you cannot collect tolls on each carts of the same owner.

The amount of money collected depend on the worth of the goods in the cart. It probably is “base value” rather than market value.

It is 15% of the total value.
If the value is below 10 gold, there is a minimum of 25 gold.
It is counted as “bribery money”.

There are no talents or level involved in the money made nor there exist any means to avoid paying the toll (except manualy dodging the mercenary)
However, you can completely bypass them by transporting expensive items with characters instead of cart !

The favour loss is 5.
You will never collect tolls from dynasties that have non aggression or mutual assistance with you.

Action : Collect hush money

This is a mercenary action

Each time a rogue-like employee of another dynasty gets in range, he has to pay a fee (with a cooldown timer ofc).
The town also gives you the same kind of fees at regular intervals (you are helping afterall.)
It does not prevent people from doing bad deeds.

It effectively is a “tax” on illegal activities.

The valid targets for the mercenary to collect money are :

Thieves doing pickpocketting
Thieves doing “scout building” (not for burglary)
Robbers doing “extortion money”
♥♥♥♥♥♥ doing either labor of loves, distracting guards or poisoning someone.
Dynasty thugs doing “bomb” or “incendiary bomb” on a building.

The amount of money directly depend on the level of the mercenary

value = Rand(50)+(MercLevel * 50) + 50

The valid targets can be either already working their job there or on their way towards their target area.

Action : Plunder

This is a robber’s nest action

Robbers literally walk in the building and take whatever items are there for as much as they can carry.
Then they simply walk back to the robber’s nest and store what they stole there.

It is considered a burglary. It also remove 2% of the max hp of the building in the process.

It is important to note that while it isn’t very subtle, it has 2 very desirable consequences : with enough robbers, you can stop the production of the building (no raw material) and it also provide you with the raw material.

Action : Waylay

It is a robber’s nest action

One or more robbers hide in bushes somewhere.
Whenever a Cart pass by they will stop the cart and start plundering its content.
More robbers means they will be able to steal more items from the cart.
Once evey robbers stole something, the cart will move on and the robbers will go back to the robber’s nest to store their loot.

They only attack carts belonging to neutral or ennemies, and only if the cart wasn’t robbed or “tolled” (mercenaries) recently.

Consequences : paying any toll prevent the cart from being robbed. Having “escort” on carts might get the guard killed but give the merchandise all their chances to get to their destination.
You can also use things like “escort” from thugs or “patrol” with guards/thugs.

Action : Extort protection money

This is a robber’s nest action

Robbers ask for money. If the owner refuse, he or she walks in and “plunder” it just like the plunder action.
If the owner agree, then the robber will guard the building during 12 hours.
The robber is paid when the time is up if he survived.

It is important to note that extortion is the only way to make money directly with robbers : waylaying and plundering only steal items.

The amount is based on the value of the building. Mine get a +500 bonus to the value of extortion.
The robber’s “arcane knowledge” provide 2% bonus per point.

If the victim refuse extortion, the robber has a cooldown of 6 hours before being able to extort again.

If agreed, the robber’s dynasty and the victim’s dynasty are forced into a minimum of neutral diplomatic stance for the duration of the protection.

The Inn : Specific considerations.

in an Inn, having Wheat Beer or Weak beer in the sales stock allow for events where people will buy it
and they will increase the “need” number 6 (need related to illness).
(note : the money made out of those sales are equals to
base price + (a random value * bargaining skill of the person serving)
The random value range from (0-5+1, 0-5 +5, 0-10 +5, 0-10 + 10, 0-15 + 15) depending on the social status of the customer

So for a level 5 customer, it is base price of the drink + ((0-15)+15) * Bargaining skill of the server.

The church : Specific considerations.


Hosts at church works the same way as drinks in the inn : selling those during the church masses increase the need for pray/mourning.

if you have read carefully the mass of information above you can find the best moment to throw a mass in church.
Since you can do 2 per round and that at the end of the round, your workers will leave the church here’re the consequences :
Use your workers to do the service in the morning : you’ll have unemployed people and some idle family members.
Use your own character as a preacher (with high rhetoric if possible) and start precisely around 20:00.
This time is because at that moment most workers becomes “off duty” but not yet out to sleep. You’ll start getting money in the thousands per round this way.
And since your character is doing the preaching, the end of the round doesn’t end it automatically, which can sometimes provide lots of extra gold (people stay longer, pay more)

Be advised that when it’s raining outside, most people do not get out of their home and do not get to the church.
That’s the only exception to the “church at 20h00” rule. You can wait a bit or pray for the rain to stop early enough if you do not want to mess up the church timers on your character.

The bank : Specific considerations.

When there is no items to sell at the bank, characters will ignore the bank for a given time. (and lose 1 favour, he gain 1 favours when the item is there)
For the credit, “servicing” increase the attractivity of the bank by +0.15

Credit : Level of the character * 35 + CreditAvailable/100 * ( Customer social status *2+[0-8]+1)
Or if credit available is >8000 : Level *40 + 80*(social status*2.5+[0,9]+1))

If this sum is below 50, sum = 50.
if ( character level == 1 AND not a dynasty AND is unemployed ) then the money is = to 30.
If this sum is above the credit available, then the credit available is used instead.

Repaying the credit :

There are multiple variable
Knowhow depend on both the social status of the debtor and the sum of bargaining+arcane knowledge of the banker.
Base = 1.5 * (bargaining + arcane knowledge)
For social status
1 => Base += 3
2 => +4
3 => +6
4 => +8
More than 4 => +10

The money is equal to the max of either
(Money borrowed / 100) * (Base + Borrower level/2)
45 + Base + Borrowr Level*2.

In other words, it is 45+8 for the minimum (53)
Or (Base+Borrower level/2) % of the sum borrowed.

Bug fixes

You can simply edit LUA files in the local directory to fix some of theses.


line 66 : Add one “(” before GetSkillValue(“”,RHETORIC)
line 124 : Add one “(” before GetSkillValue(“”,RHETORIC)


line 1967
instead of

line 1969
instead of

line 161
Bonus = …
instead of
Bonus2 = …