This guide is gonna help you to get all the achievements in INFRA (Part 2)
Chapter 6 : Public transport
Better safe than sorry : Buy a metro ticket just in case
c6_m2 : metro
Put your pass in the slot as shown below and dial your PIN code (1337)
The achievement will pop up later, once you leave the area with the mini train.
Reserve : Supply the city with fresh water
c6_m4 : waterplant
Area above
Turn off 4 main Flocculation pumps (1),
Climb down in flocculation pool to find small area with 2 valves, turn on Sewer pipe 3 (2).
Go to Coagulation room and turn on “Raw water to coagulation” valve (3).
Push the button on Flocculation board (4).
Area below
Find red valve, go to the sewer shed, replace it, turn it on and push the button on your right (5)
Next go to the sewer pipe 2 and turn it on (6).
Now go to the Sedimentation room and turn on the third valve (7).
Last step, go to the hatch near mini train and turn on the Flocculation/ Sedimentation valve (8).
Note : Don’t forget to reset the fire alarm system to be allowed to get through fire alarm doors area below
Complete the chapter “Public transport”
This one will pop up as soon as you complete the chapter.
Chapter 7 : Working overtime
Beer master : Complete the beer challenge
As explained in the document you have to find 5 hidden beer bottles in the room.
Walter’s tape : Watch the video left behind by Jeff Walter
c7_m1 : service tunnel (part 1)
c7_m1b : skycraper (part 2)
Part 1 : Climb up the massive storage, follow the path to the elevator area
Part 2 : In the small office, go upstairs, push the button and enter Walter’s office. Reach the main room to see a little hatch under a window to find money and the Walter’s tape. Go back in the library and play the video on TV
To escape the room you need to read the book on the table in the library. It will give you a code :
S5 T3 T6 S8 S10 T7
Each number and letter is connected to a book, just follow that order to push’em
S5 : Steinson “Stalburg & steel”
T3 : Tar “Transformation of war”
T6 : Teel & Watts “Business law”
S8 : Strard & Uncle “Stalburg bunkers”
S10 : Sullivan “Salburg in WW2”
T7 : Teufel “Planning”
State’s accommodation : Visit the scientist accommodation wing in bunker complex
c7_m1 / c7_m2
Once you reached the metro crash site, take the elevator and follow the tracks (Make sure you pushed away thing on your way with the crane before) to a door. Take the stairs until you come to a room. The door you’re searching for is on your right side Dial the code (2077) and enter the scientist accommodation
Note : To get access to the secret part of the bunker requires that you connected the plant to the grid in INFRA (Part 1) Chapter 2 : Just another day at work (Power of the future achievement)
Then in INFRA (part 2) you have to :
Turn on both generator (c7_m1)
Go to control room to push the button on the main board, then the 2 buttons in the shed (c7_m2)
Blast door code is 7923
Demon core experiment : Perform the experiment
This achievement is connected with the previous one (State’s accommodation) because it’s located in the same secret area. So, instead of going by the scientist quarter, go to the laboratory. Enter and go left. You will find a “tiny metal hat” you just have to put back on the “half-sphere”.
Long day ahead : Drink coffee
Before making coffee, better have the machine working. What you need : 2 fuses, 1 red valve and 1 purple valve.
Now put things back as shown below
To make coffee :
Put coffee in hatch 1(7) and close it and nothing in hatch 2(8) but close it too
Turn the colored valves until the three lights (green, yellow, red) are fixed
push the start button(10) and wait until coffee is ready to drink it(11)
The achievement will pop up once you drank 3 coffee in a row
Special ingredient : Take a sip of the special coffee grind
Coffee 1 : brown can in h1 red can in h2 / bobby in highest position
Once black and white search for the black shadow (near the leak in hallway)
Coffee 2 : brown can in h1 red can in h2 / bobby in middle position
Once black and white search for the black shadow (top of the stairs in hallway)
Coffee 3 : brown can in h1 red can in h2 / bobby in lowest position
Once black and white search for the black shadow (in front of the flood door)
UGU : Find this thing
During minitrain ride, you will arrive in front of that closed door. Take the ladder on your left.
You will see a large room with water door puzzle. Go left until next ladder to go down. Find the hole in the iron grate. Go right side in the tunnel til broken wall. Go inside and follow the path until Ugu. Don’t forget to take a picture of him in order to get the achievement
Working overtime : Complete the chapter “Working overtime”
This one will pop-up as soon as you complete the chapter
To be continued : Complete INFRA Part 2
This one will pop-up just after the previous one
TB out
Find 90% of all geocaches in Part 2 during the same playthrough
There’s 3 geocaches to find through INFRA (Part 2)
c6_m2 : metro (1/1)
c6_m6 : central (1/1)
c7_m1 : service tunnel (1/1)
Sign of an open eye
Uncover 90% of all the corruption tapes and documents in Part 2 during the same playthrough
There’s 41 corruption tapes and documents to uncover through INFRA (Part 2)
c6_m1 : sewer 3 (1/1)
c6_m2 : metro (6/6)
c6_m4 : waterplant (2/2)
c6_m6 : central (3/3)
c7_m1 : service tunnel (6/6)
c7_m1b : skyscraper(3/3)
c7_m2 : bunker (13/13)
c7_m3 : stormdrain (3/3)
c7_m4 : cistern (3/3)
c7_m5 : powerstation (1/1)
Above and beyond
Above and beyond : Repair 90% of all the repairable spots in Part 2 during the same playthrough
There’s 6 repairable spots to repair through the game
c6_m4 : waterplant (2/2)
Take a look at “reserve achievement”. By doing it you’ll have 2 repairable spots repaired in a row
c7_m1 : service tunnel (2/2)
Turn on (4) – Turn off (2) and (3) – Turn on (5) Aux power – Upstairs to push the button (6)
Go back to turn on (1)
c7_m3 : stormdrain (1/1)
Replace valve and turn off left sewer pipe, go down and turn off the valve in the middle.
Then, go open the right district line valve and go back up to close the right sewer pipe
c7_m5 : powerstation (1/1)
Follow Robin’s intructions by the walkie_talkie
1. Pick up the valve downstairs and replace it. Turn on the steam feed valve at max
2. Go the other side of the generator 2 and do the same
3. There’s a leak on the back of the generator 2. take the picture of the damage (mandatory)
4. Go back to close both steam feed valves of the generator 2 then back to close the valve who leaked before.
5. Now sync both genrator at 2945 and back in control room to connect generator to the grid
6. Finally, back to the generator to fully open both steam feed valve and activate boiler in control room.
Mistake targets
There’s 9 mistake targets through INFRA (Part 2)
c6_m2 : metro (3/3)
DO NOT turn on burner 2
DO NOT let the manhole open
DO NOT turn that thing on
c7_m1 : service tunnel (4/4)
DO NOT let the manhole open(1)
DO NOT throw crowbar on the fan
DO NOT let the manhole open(2)
Set up the fan control the right way
c7_m3 : stormdrain (1/1)
You have to open that door the right way. (Part of the repairable spot)
1. Replace the missing valve and turn off left sewer pipe
2. Go down to close the pipe in middle
c7_m5 powerstation : (1/1)
DO NOT make the bomb explodes
Chapter 6 (All photographable spots)
c6_m1 : sewer 3 (10/10)
c6_m2 : metro (9/9)
c6_m3 : metroride (10/10)
c6_m4 : waterplant (13/13)
c6_m5 : minitrain (24/24)
c6_m6 : central (4/4)
Chapter 7 (All photographable spots)
c7_m1 : service tunnel (16/16)
c7_m2 : bunker (10/16)
c7_m3 : stormdrain (27/27)
c7_m4 : cistern (15/15)
c7_m5 : powerstation (4/4)
Walkthrough videos
Chapter 6 : Public transport
c6_m1 : sewer 3
c6_m2 : metro
c6_m3 : metroride
c6_m4 : waterplant
c6_m5 : minitrain
c6_m6 : central
Chapter 7 : Working overtime
c7_m1 : service tunnel (Part 1)
c7_m1b : skycraper
c7_m1 : service tunnel (Part 2)
c7_m2 : bunker (Part 1)
c7_m2 : bunker (Part 2)
c7_m3 : stormdrain
c7_m4 : cistern
c7_m5 : powerstation
Here is all you need to know. If you need additional help just ask.
I’d like to thank these steam mates for their help :
– Headshot [link]
(For Ugu and special ingredient achievements)
– Oku [link]
(For Walter’s tape achievement)
– RAmar5324 [link]
(For some camera targets)
– ArtyomKGy [link]
(For secret room with 1 doc and 1 camera target)
Comments section is open to any advices to make the guide better
See you in Part 3