BattleBlock Theater® Guide

Insane Mode Solo [Basics] (BattleBlock Theater) for BattleBlock Theater

Insane Mode Solo [Basics] (BattleBlock Theater)


Here is a collection of tips to use during your Solo Insane Mode runs!EDIT: This guide is for simply completing Insane Mode Solo (which is hard enough to do), not getting A++, but feel free to leave your Hardcore tips in the comments section


Here is a cut and dry collection of some opinion and tips.

  • To share a tip or strategy, drop it in the comments section
  • Please read the guide as your suggestion may have already been covered.

Getting Started

  • Many problems will be resolved by good reflexes. A console controller is suggested. Take breaks…Your fingers WILL hurt before the end of Insane Mode Solo.
  • Use a secret rooms guide or video to bypass ONE level in each chapter. It’ll earn you gems and a minimum grade in that level while saving you some (In)sanity.
  • Play the entire solo campaign on Normal. When you’re finished, try Insane Mode. If you are having trouble remembering the level maps, just replay that map on Normal again and switch back to Insane. Most of the problems in Insane Mode can be resolved simply by knowing what to encounter as the maps are cut and paste including the checkpoints. (Checkpoints not usable)
  • All you need to do in Insane Mode is complete every Act and Scene in each chapter minus the Encore levels. The Boss levels are not so bad as the clock AND level are both reset simultaneously
  • ONLY COLLECT 3 GEMS!!! Resist the temptation to get more…you WILL die trying!
  • Do NOT EVER use “Relief” (Y button) while using Insane Mode, the level will restart!!! You will NEVER revert to a checkpoint in Insane Mode, so ignore them…just consider them a “safe” block or something and pause the game if you need a break.
  • The most reliable weapon in Insane Mode is the paper Airplane as you almost never get hurt by it and can start to detonate it mid-air FAR from enemy notice.
  • The most reliable item is the Plunger Dart Gun. You can use it to climb areas lacking platforms. Be sure to swap weapons/items mid-stage to bypass enemies and obstacles smoothly
  • Jumping and enemy projectiles and knockback are your main enemies.
  • Alternating blocks and saws are the most annoying obstacles.

Block Tips

  • Double-Jumps can usually fix minor errors. If you start a jump and see an obstacle, usually your 2nd jump can land you back in a safe spot.
  • Many weapons can be used to make platforms such as the plunger dart gun and frog bomb. If you watch the menu video, you can use the fireball during co-op to make your partner bounce off water
  • Time alternating blocks and start your jump BEFORE the blocks appear. You will always see an outline of an activated block
  • An activated block will not reappear if you are standing in it’s way when it is supposed to respawn. You can exploit this delay by standing at the edge of a block ESPECIALLY the red button when you need to pass through an activated block!!
  • Alternating blocks above each other usually have a noticable delay. Double-jump very slightly before the block disappears and you should land on the next-up block!
  • Sideways alternating blocks can sometimes be crossed while disappearing. Again, check the delay time. You will need this for the final boss level!!!
  • Exploding blocks regenerate at the first block you touched and will continue until the end of the segment is reached. This effect can be used to climb UP if no boulders or heavy blue blocks are nearby.
  • Pink slime will often vault you out quite a ways when trying to climb. Be wary of electricity!
  • Blocks with rails can be climbed faster by pressing jump.
  • Flung boulders can be bounced off and you can grab them while hiding in fake walls (hide them!)
  • If you don’t want to get squashed into something by a launching pressure plate (not flip board), wait for it to launch and run on the launch pad!!!
  • When activating a launch pressure plate, always let it go higher than intended if you plan to run and jump toward it.
  • Try not to move while in mid-air after being flung by flipboards. Usually the arc will land you in a safe place, but if not, you have TWO jumps left to correct that!!!
  • The crackly-looking bounce blocks will reflect you back in the same direction you landed on it. While this is approximately a straight line, be careful as you CAN move yourself mid-air to alter that!!! Use this to your advantage when passing through rooms full of bounce blocks AND enemies.
  • When ice blocks are interrupted by a single block such as water or flipboard, you can run and you will automatically slide over the block and onto the next ice block!!!
  • When running on ice and you need to stop immediately, jump once just before your intended stop point and use a 2nd jump to straighten out. You will land without sliding any direction.

Enemy Tips

  • An enemy on fire will catch you on fire if touched. Stay away and wait until enemy health is gone
  • Raccoons: You can use bounce blocks to vault yourself directly above and over them!
  • Blocks activated by enemies can be reached very fast using bounce blocks. Use these to reach blocks that will no longer be activated when you reach them by running!
  • Spikes and saws: Double-jump whenever possible! Use 2nd jump to move up THEN sideways before you start falling
  • Cannons: Landing on top of them will buy time and avoid damage
  • Toasters: Dangerous near cannons. Mostly harmless otherwise.
  • Rocket-launching robots: Use your weapon whenever possible to deactivate the robot before approaching. You CAN also disable them by punching…Try and lead a rocket into a wall or into the robot itself to buy time!
  • Grenade cats: Watch for the bounces. Most can be avoided through normal movement.
  • Frog-Bomb cats: Direct your paper airplane to the source!!! Double-jumps will avoid most explosions. Confine cats if possible and the cat will explode!
  • Licking cats: Very dangerous!!! Spam your straight-punch. They WILL fling you into traps! Double-jump to recover when possible on long-drops. Close quarters…just play G.I. Joe and take ’em out at all costs especially on ice!
  • Fireball cats: Punch during cooldown.. If on fire, water will extinguish you and cause you to bounce once. Can be used to collect gems if desparate…
  • Stun-orb cats: Beware of ice and water nearby..Also Raccoons.
  • Poison-bubble cats: Beware of bounce-blocks. Remember, you travel upward quite fast, so time your jumps right AFTER a bubble has passed by your horizontal position
  • Shock-orb cats: Also very dangerous! Approach during cooldown and take em down..
  • Armored cats: Same with Shock-orb cats. Don’t waste time trying to strip armor….just RUN. Obstacles will change their flight pattern, so keep that in mind.

Item Tips

  • Switch items during any Act, Finale, Boss, or Encore to bypass obstacles or defeat enemies!
  • Jetpacks and helicopter packs: Sometimes an alternating push can extend the life. Pause and change direction as necessary.
  • Often on the Heli-pack, you can change direction in order to reach a greater height than just flying one direction.
  • For either…ramming against a wall often just drains fuel and doesn’t get you much higher.
  • Wings: Land and fall often to extend usage through extra puzzles!

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