Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark Guide

Interactive Guild Upgrades Editor for Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

Interactive Guild Upgrades Editor


Provides a walkthough on how to use the web-based interactive Guild Upgrades Editor [fellsealtools.azurewebsites.net]. The Guild Upgrades Editor [fellsealtools.azurewebsites.net] tool lets you interactively pick different buildings and arrange those buildings to get the most optimized configuration. It also has a builtin optimizer that will try to optimize your selected buildings for you.Link to the tool: Guild Upgrades Editor [fellsealtools.azurewebsites.net]

Hovering and Selecting Buildings

You will see a list of buildings to the left which you can mouse over. More information about that building will be populated in the top right panel, just like in the actual game. We are going to select “Cantina” by clicking on it in the list. You will then see “Cantina” in the “Click a Tile To Place” panel.

Next, move the mouse over the tile that you wish to place the cantina in, and you will see a green highlight. Click to place the Cantina in the middle tile.

Removing Buildings

If you wish to remove the Cantina, just click the Cantina building cube.

Moving Buildings

If you wish to move the Cantina, there’s two ways of doing it. The easiest way is to just click on another empty tile. The Cantina will move to that tile.

However, if you currently have another building selected (that other building’s name will be in the “Click a Tile to Place” panel instead of Cantina), then you would just click the Cantina building cube to remove the Cantina (this will also automatically select the Cantina). Then just click an empty tile to move it.

Building Tooltips and Icons


After placing the cantina in the middle tile, you will notice that the editor displays suggestions of what buildings to place in the adjacent tiles. It is suggesting “Gardens”, “Bounty Board”, and “Watchtower” because placing these buildings next to the Cantina will give a bonus to each of those three buildings.

Tooltip Selection

We are going to choose “Gardens”. There are two ways to choose a recommended building. You can just select “Gardens” in the list like you did for “Cantina”, or you can hover over one of the recommended building tooltips. You will see each recommended building tooltip turn bright green as well as another tooltip describing any bonuses the Gardens would receive and from which buildings.

Move the mouse over the left “Gardens” tooltip and click it. Gardens will be placed in the left tile. You will notice a triangle pointer appear from the Cantina to the Gardens – this indicates that Cantina has granted a bonus to the Gardens.

Warning Icon

Uh oh, the Cantina building shows one or more hand warning icons. This means that the Cantina still has that many bonuses left to give out. Placing the correct buildings next to the Cantina will then remove the warning icons.

Upgrades and Bonuses

At any time, you can see which upgrades and bonuses you have acquired from the buildings and the positions that you have placed.

Total Cost

You can see a total of how much each of the buildings will cost in the upper right “Total Cost” panel.

Automatic Optimization

The Guild Upgrades Editor has an “Optimize” button that does its best to optimize any buildings that you have placed on the tile grid. It is far from perfect (I don’t iterate through every possible combination, as this would take a very long time (on a 4×3 tile map, there would be 479,001,600 possible ways of laying out the buildings!)


Here we have placed 9 buildings and filled our tile. However, this is not an ideal layout based on the numerous warning icons.

Click the Optimize button, and the buildings rearrange to a better layout.

After Optimization

You can see that after auto optimization, it’s a much better layout.

Customizing and Modding

The editor uses Fell Seal’s modding system that the developer included with the game. It reads the file “dlc1-Missions.xml” from the game folder to create its list of buildings and all the bonuses and upgrades.

If you are using a mod, or if you would like to customize it yourself, you can upload a modded or customized version of the xml file. You can then use the editor for editing building layouts for your current mod!

Click on the “Choose File” button in the bottom left “USE CUSTOM/MODDED DLC1-MISSIONS.XML” panel. Select your custom XML file, and click OK.

Your customizations will be loaded instantly.

Changing the Number of Tiles

As you progress in the game, you will gain access to more tiles. You can change the number of rows and columns in the tile grid by using the “Rows” and “Columns” edit boxes to the upper right of the tile map.

The tile map will instantly adjust based on the values you enter.

WARNING: Changing the number of rows or tiles will completely clear out all buildings currently on the tile map.

Easter Egg

For testing, there’s a little easter egg. If you click on the word “PLACE” in the “CLICK A TILE TO PLACE” title bar, then the editor will randomly fill your tile grid with buildings. You can then try optimizing them.

Update Log

I’ll be updating this section whenever I make updates to the editor. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any suggestions.
