The Isle Guide




(BEFORE YOU ADVANCE INTO THE BLUEPRINTS FOR YOU MUST EQUIP THE MUSIC LINKS TO REACH FULL CAPITCAITY) SERIOSULY, YOU CAN GET REALLY MESSED UP.PLAY SONG WHILE READING ORDERS FROM GENERAL RATPACK, THREE OBJECTIVES FIRST THE REGION 2 MAP MUST BE TAKEN. AFTER THIS WE MOVE IMENDITALELY THROUGH V3 MAP. THEN WITH THIS MOMENTUM, WE MUST MOVE ON AND RECLAIM THE GREAT TEST MAP MAP OVER HERE. THIS WILL CUT THE ENTIRE DEV TEAM OFF FROM TRADE WITH THE LOCAL NATIVES ALLOWING US THE VIEWER TO FORMULATE AND FINISH THEM OFF AT THE COST OF NO FEATHERS ON DINOS AHAHAH NERD..*EMBRACE SONG* BREATH EXCERSISE RELAX YOUR MIND IT HAS BEEN IMPACTED BY THE ANTI MIND F*** DEVICE BY THE HOSTILES(THE DEV TEAM NOTE) IMPORTANT INFO OUR REBEL UAV PLANES PICKED UP (PRE ORDER THE DELUXE EDITION FOR DONDI’S PERSONAL DIARY STORY LINE.) THE REBELS ARE UPON US AND LANDED ON OUR GAME’S FRONT DOOR STEP AND ARE THREATNING TO INMVADE OUR MAPS AND THE ENITRE COMMUNITY. WE SHALL MEET THEM IN A HEAD ON COLLISION ON THIS V3 MAP AT A RALLY POINT AT WHICH POINT WE WILL COMPLETE OUR FIGHTING TO OUR SECOND MAP REGION 2’s LINE OF DEFENSE AMND FINALLY FALL BACK TO TEST MAP WHERE THE LAG WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM. THEY CHARGE IN BLIND AND AS LONG AS OUR FIREWALL STANDS THEY WILL PERISH IN THE LAG CODE.(DONDI’S SECERT DIARY DLC) ONLY FOR PAYERS DONT READ OR GET PWNED AUTOMATICALLY. I dont know who i am anymore. Ive been stuck in this bunk for around 2 years and the only thing I hear now is the screams of rebels engaging in galatic combat/conquest. field rations are getting low. In event of starvation I pledge to cook and eat DeathlyRage. the native lanugage is a pain but i figure it will be like field stripping you know repetition reptition. the natives call me scon it means moron. the natives attuide improved lately ” I smell you.” Dondi ” Its not just I smell its I smell you I smell into you” Natives. Its good they are back on board but they think Im a scon too. “I gotta run, k?, let’s go” Dondi.My router is getting tougher, I can play this game faster everyday. I have to trust my router to know what to do. ” YEA CHECK IT OUT, UGHHUG crap”. Dondi. Everyday its reading the lag codes, the tinest senses. THe natives are always going on about the way of the router and the spirits of the rebels. I really hope this lag war is worth it. *Dondi goes to therapy* “This isnt about eye hand contact, Try to see the flow of the rebels through the rebels perspective” Therapist. “Excuse me this is my diary” Dondi. With this therapist its like learn from your mistakes or die. “oh youve gotta be kidding me AHAHAHAH UHGHUGHUGGHUGHUGHUGHUHGUHUG… HUGU wowowowowo.” Dondi. THE DAY OF WAR or lost at V3. REBEL PERPESTIVETHE REBELS HAVE LANDED AND ITS TIME TO SHOW THESE DEVS OUR TRUE TEETH. FIX BEYONETS CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE. THE ENTIRE REBEL FLEET CONSISTING FROM ORDERED RANKS. SPINO CANNONS DEPLOYED IN THE BACK RELEASING DEADLY FISH TOXICS, BLINDS THE HOSTILES IN THEIR TRACKS. THE PUE PUE PUE POO POO POO LAUNCHER, A WEAPON WITH A BAD ATTIUDIE WEILDED BY THE ALL MIGHTLY PUE LORDS. STANDING AT AROUND 30 FEET THE PUE HAS LITTLE TO NONE FEAR AND ONLY STRIKES FEAR. THE TACO, SMALL BUT DEADLY AND EFFECTIVE TO A POINT WHERE THEY DO NOT RELIZE THE TRUE MEANING OF WAR… TO FIGHT WITH MUSTARD PACKETS. THE SHAUNT AKA OP AKA ♥♥♥♥ BAGGER, HAILING FROM THE NORTH, THIS MAGITIC BEAST MUST ALWAYS BE AVOIDED IN A TIME OF WAR FOR IT HAS COME IN THE DOZON. THE TRIKE THE TRAY A BLACK SILK LOOKING MACHINE THAT CAN HANDLE ARK SURVIVE AT 60 FPS WOWOWOWO. THE REST OF THE SOLIDERS DIED IN BAND FOR WAR HAS BEEN HEARD ACROSS THE COMMUNITY. THIS IS COMMANDER RATPACK.. see you on the other side. WAR BEINGS DDUDUUNDNDUDNUDNUDNUDNUDNUDNUDNUDNUDNUDNUDNUDNU hi dondi. COMMANDER HUGO JONAOK DINOS FALL IN. *Pue cannons and everything I mentioned blasting in the background you the viewer are infron tof Hugo Jona listeining to him at all means and nothing distracts you including thatypiece of phone sitting next to you yea thats right turn that F888888 off*. WE MUST PUSH LITTLE CART AND WE WILL BE SUCESSFUL. NOW FROM WRAITH AND FOR RUIN AND THE RED DAWN. HUGHUGHGUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGUHGHU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHH HGHGHGHGGHGHHGHGGHHGGHGHGHHGHGHGHGH. THE MIGHT OF THE REBELS ENGAGE IN COMBAT CLAIMING THE LIVES OF THE MANY DEVS. THEY LOST ALL 3 OBJECTIVES AND THE VICOTRY AT V3 WAS HEARD ALL AROUND THE WORLD. Mission Complete nice job marine. you return home to see your kids and wife. its time for chow. THE DEV TIME DEFEAT AT V3. * Hiding in the bunker with 4 members of the dev team, they discuss what will happen at a time of defeat* My Dondi, The war is… LOST. surrender is our only option. *dondi uses a rage spell shoots the dev on sight* donid enrageed THE ISLE WILL NOT FALL EXCUTE ORDER 66. udhhdunudnudnuddnudnundu soon the war for test map will begin.THE WAR FOR TEST MAP A SOLIDERS PERPECTIVEa sotry by bilbo bagginsIt was a hazey morning I remeber. As we ready for weapons I could see the lag flumes spewing from the ground. It was a death trap. Many pues fall benneth the weaken ground and we couldnt save em poor tommy. we had to keep moving for their were dev snipers on guard at any area. then out of nowhere the shot heard around the world was made and my squad grabbed cover. it was soon a firefight. I was in cover getting orders from my commander. *WE LOST CONTACT WITH ALPHA SQUAD LAST TRANSMISSION WAS OVER AN HOUR AGO* I NEED YOU TO GET IN THERE WIN THE BATTLE AND RESUCE THE PRISONERS OF WAR. My mind was going back and fourth and the only thing I could think of was the quetz. * WILL WE HAVE AIR SUPPORT?!?* * WHA ARE YOU KIDDING, ITS STILL IN BETA FORM AND YOU ARE THE SUPPORT SON* it was at the moment I picked up my rifle and charged the dev ranks. the war was burtal but we rebels out numbered the be contnuedTHE TIME HAS COME. DINOS FROM ALL OVER THE ASS HAVE JOINED UP ARMS TO CROSS THE DESERT. MOD ENABLE. ILL SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE welcome to madness san diago. in this video i will go over the simple attuide adjustments that will make your in game vitural character top food chain. to activate this, you must plug your head into a world far beyond the solar system. a world ruled by code. when someone does something good to you you sa


Meet the Author.

Many People ask me to go over the lesson on the war between the rebels and the devs but to be honest its a war of lag and genetic coding that Im not capable of translating.