Jacob's Red Hot Vengeance Solo Achievement Guide for RED HOT VENGEANCE

Jacob’s Red Hot Vengeance Solo Achievement Guide

1. Introduction

This guide has been colour-coded as follows:

Guide Info

Easy Achievements

Medium Achievements

Hard Achievements


There are 10 Chapters in this game’s Campaign playable on Normal and Plus Mode difficulties. The former must be won for the latter to unlock, and the main character’s appearance will change at the Main Menu depending on your progress. Also to be unlocked in the Extras Menu are Deleted Scenes – earlier iterations of some Chapters.

There are a total of 30 Challenges. Hovering over a Challenge will change its colour scheme and give you a short description. Completed ones will show in red, incomplete in white, and locked ones in a blotted brown shade. See 4. Challenges for help getting through them.

Several in-game elements of note will appear in red, while almost everything else outside of cutscenes will be black and white. Power-ups, Secrets, Stopwatches, weapons, and directional arrows are all examples. Red will also appear across game menus and other game modes.

2. Items & Weapons

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A) Health. Can be identified by its plus sign. Each power-up will heal up to half of your Health Bar.

B) Ammo. There are 4 types of power-ups in this category. The shells are for shotguns, the single bullet for pistols, three rounded bullets for SMGs and three pointed ones for the M4 Carbine.

C) Keycards. Required in several areas to access secure locations, generally holding Secrets or power-ups.

D) Secrets. Always appearing at first as Red Question Marks, they will respawn after finding them the first time as Health power-ups. Each Chapter in the game’s Campaign has 1 Secret to find. See achievement #7. It’s a secret to everyone… for details.

E) Stopwatches. Running over them will activate a timer meant for Speedrun attempts. Every Chapter will have one right near your initial spawn point.

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A) SIG Sauer P228. Holds .40 S&W or .357 SIG ammunition in a 12-round magazine. Up to 60 additional rounds can be carried per pistol. Medium damage, long effective range, high accuracy, variable rate of fire, very fast reload. Can be dual-wielded.

B) Heckler & Koch HK45 – Suppressed. Shoots more quietly, making stealth easier. Fires .45 ACP with 10-round magazines. High damage, long effective range, high accuracy, variable rate of fire, very fast reload. Can be dual-wielded.

C) Ingram MAC-10. Holds 32 rounds per magazine, firing in 9x19mm. Your character can store up to 128 additional rounds per gun on his person. Very fast reload, low to medium damage, short to medium effective range, good accuracy, very high rate of fire. Can be dual-wielded. Shares ammo reserves with the MP5K.

D) Sawed-off. Shortened double-barrelled shotgun. Probably firing 12-gauge shells, holding 2 at once and up to an additional 24 per gun on your person. Very high damage, short effective range, variable rate of fire, fast reload, poor accuracy past short to medium distance. Can be dual-wielded. Be careful when pairing this with the Mossberg – they will share the same ammo reserves.

E) Heckler & Koch MP5K. SMG firing 9x19mm rounds in 30-round magazines, with up to an additional 128 rounds being carried in reserve. High damage, high rate of fire, fast reload, poor to satisfactory accuracy, short effective range. Shares ammo reserves with the MAC-10.

F) Mossberg 500. Pump-action shotgun firing 12-gauge shells. 5+1 mag tube capacity, up to 24 additional shells on your person. Very high damage, short to medium effective range, excellent accuracy, very low rate of fire, slow reload. Be careful when pairing this with the Sawed-off – they will share the same ammo reserves.

G) M4 Carbine. Fires 5.56×45mm NATO rounds using 30-round magazines. You can carry up 80 additional rounds on you. Very high rate of fire, high damage, excellent accuracy, long effective range, medium-fast reload speed. Strong weapon, but runs out of harder-to-find ammo quickly.

H) Baseball Bat. It’s definitely made of wood. Any vending machine that could take that kind of punishment from a metal bat might be enough to warrant all those cops shooting at you >.> Usually one-hit kill, with a short range and finite lifespan before it breaks.

I) Nailgun. Found mostly in Challenges, it can be dual-wielded and fires nails. Each one can store up to 30 nails in a single ‘mag’, but does not reload.

When out of ammo, find a replacement or use your fists. Semi-automatic, very accurate, very long effective range, medium damage, low ammo capacity, very quiet. Most rare weapon after the Baseball Bat.

3. Soundtrack

The soundtrack for this title is available for listening as a playlist on YouTube, here:

The OST is available for purchase[] at a 1$ minimum.

If you’ve enjoyed this free game, consider giving it’s publishers your support. No doubt a little bit would go a long way toward encouraging further game fixes and improvements, not to mention a sequel. (Come on, you know you want one.)

[:] Achievements #1 – #5

#1. ABC 123

Die during the game’s tutorial. If you don’t get this by chance, just let an enemy shoot you in the face during your training and enjoy this hidden achievement. If you missed out the first time, start a New Game; doing so won’t harm your progress, but will send you through training again.

#2. Centuries of Damn

Die 100 times. This will come easily to most, especially when first learning the game’s mechanics. Let this one tally in the background, focusing on other achievements instead.

#3. Hitman

Kill 100 enemies. By the time you beat the Campaign, this will be unlocked. If not, start up Plus Mode and have at it. Another option is to rack up kills through Challenges.

#4. Red Hot Vengeance

Beat this game for the first time. Playing through all 10 Chapters of Normal Campaign will unlock a more challenging Plus Mode, paving the way for #9. Red Hot Revengeance.

#5. Roadkill

Get run over by your own vehicle. At the beginning of Chapter 10 – Police Station in Campaign, you will be able to choose your loadout from the trunk of your truck. Once done, move to its left and press the Activate key/button; the car will begin to roll toward the Station and you can run in front of it to make some strawberry pancakes. With cranberry sauce.

[:] Achievements #5 – #10

#6. Boss

Kill 1000 enemies. Likely, most of this progress will come from Challenges. Not that you won’t accrue a strong number from getting through Campaign Badges and Chapters, but Challenges will chew through kills with try after retry like nothing else. By the time you have done it all, at least half of the kills you need should be accounted for. For what’s left, replay whatever is most fun for you or brings you the highest kill count.

#7. It’s a secret to everyone…

Find and collect all 10 Secrets in the game. Every Chapter in Campaign has one Secret to find and pick up. They will always appear the first time as Red Question Marks. Once you have obtained them and made it through the entire Chapter, you will receive a Secret Badge for that Chapter in whichever difficulty (Normal or Plus Mode) you’ve chosen. After that, the Secrets will instead spawn as power-ups.

Locations and methods of acquisition are as follows:

Chapter 1 – Metro: This is easy to miss at first, and hard to once you know where it is. From your car, go down the stairs and make your way straight through the first set of doors ahead, noticing a construction barrier to their left. As soon as you get through the following set of doors, turn left 90 degrees and left another 90 when you can. You will find the Secret just near the aforementioned barrier.

Chapter 2 – Mansion: This is hidden in a flower pot at the Mansion’s far end. From your car, go through the main doors and make your way to the large room just to the right of where a Keycard is located. Shoot the flower pot sitting in that room’s top-leftmost corner to find the Secret.

Chapter 3 – Apartments: This one is easiest of all. From where you spawn, simply turn the left corner of the building just behind you to find a Secret sitting in the bushes.

Chapter 4 – The Labs: This one requires a Keycard to access in this Chapter’s 4th area. Once there, go around the left of the first building in front of you. Wipe out the enemies through the closest backdoor and destroy the nearest explosive crate to reveal the Keycard. From there, back out where you came from and over to the nearest, tiniest little square shack. You will hear a beep as its secure door accepts your card; the Secret will be where the red Health power-up has spawned here.

Chapter 5 – Warehouse: Found in the Chapter’s 2nd area, hidden under an explosive crate. From your car, head straight in and make your way to the crate toward the back-center of the warehouse. Blow it up (keeping a safe distance) and find your Secret.

Chapter 6 – Restaurants: Located in the 2nd area, to the far left just before a red map barrier.

Chapter 7 – Slaughterhouse: Once you reach the meat-hanging area, take the right hall and enter the second meat room. Shoot the top-rightmost carcass to reveal the Secret.

Chapter 8 – Junkyard: From your car, walk in a straight line until you reach large stacks of cars in your way. Turn right and weave your way through a short maze of scrap to find the Secret.

Chapter 9 – Hotel: This Secret requires another Keycard. On the 3rd floor of this building, there will be 2 locked doors to the far right. The rightmost door is the one you want. You must kill the frantic civilian in the area’s top-left corner, who will then drop the card you require. Get him quickly, or he might disappear and you’ll lose your chance.

Chapter 10 – Police Station: Once again, a Keycard will be needed to proceed. As soon as you reach the 3rd floor, the Secret will be in the first room to your left. Moving instead to your right, notice the Keycard sitting in the second room you pass, just next to a sitting copper. Return to that first secure room at the area’s bottom-left and gain entry.

Also, (I just… I had to.)

Once all Secrets have been acquired, you will unlock a Cheats Menu with several options. While it can be fun, it will disable all game progress (no Badges, no achievements, no completions recorded).

#8. Man of the Millenium

Die 1000 times. As with #6. Boss, this will come over time as you progress through the game, most notably Challenges. If you have beaten them all and have no more headway to make in Campaign, replay whatever suits you until you’ve reached the death count you need.

#9. Red Hot Revengeance

Beat this game in Plus Mode on Campaign. As with Normal Campaign, there are 10 Chapters, all identical from one difficulty to the next save enemy numbers and placement.

#10. Sweet Relief

Unleash the Beast (use the outhouse in Chapter 8 – Junkyard). At the very end of this Chapter, you will see a long, clear path to the right branded with a red arrow. Instead, go to the left and make your way through a small maze of cars until you reach an outhouse. Use it and watch the cutscene.

[:] Achievements #10 – #15

#11. A New Challenger Approaches

Beat all Challenges. See 4. Challenges for help.

#12. Hit List

100% the game. Beat every Challenge, Normal and Plus Mode for Campaign, find all Secrets and earn every Badge. Each Chapter on Normal has 4 Badges to earn while Plus Mode has only 3.

#13. “I have a job for you…”

Get all Badges in Normal Campaign. There are 4 Badges to acquire for each Chapter:

1. No Mercy Badge: Earned by killing every enemy.

2. No Death Badge: Earned by reaching the end of a Chapter without dying.

3. Speedrun Badge: Earned by reaching the end of a Chapter within an allotted time.

4. Secret Badge: Earned by finding, picking up and reaching a Chapter’s end with a Secret item, always spawning as a Red Question Mark when first found and obtained. After it is done the first time, a power-up will spawn in its place. Finding a Chapter’s Secret will only show once on a level completion screen.

All acquired Badges will show in red at the level selection screen. Missing ones are black.

#14. “I guess I’m not done yet.”

Get all Badges in Plus Mode Campaign. In contrast to Normal Campaign, there are 3 Badges to acquire for each Chapter:

1. No Mercy Badge: Earned by killing every enemy.

2. No Death Badge: Earned by reaching the end of a Chapter without dying.

3. Speedrun Badge: Earned by reaching the end of a Chapter within an allotted time. In Plus Mode, that time will be more than in Normal, but with more enemies to fight.

Again, earned Badges will show in red at the level selection screen. Missing ones are black.

#15. The Good, the Bad, and the Fast

Obtain the No Mercy, No Death, and Speedrun Badges in a single run of any Chapter. This will be easiest in the very first one, Metro. Pay attention to the GIFs below that show my strategy. At the 10-11 second mark, notice the power-up that represents Metro’s Secret item location. You can do this on Plus Mode difficulty instead if you wish; just know that more enemies will require an adaptive game plan.

I had to remove the first several seconds of gameplay and some other frames to make it all fit. Having written that, every enemy has still been accounted for. You can see in a couple of spots where I was hit or took the long way around, which should be encouraging for you. Even tacking on another 10 or 12 seconds to my completion time would still get you the Speedrun Badge.

4a. Challenges 1 of 5

There are 30 Challenges in this game, many being unlocked by others being completed. There will be bits trimmed out of the GIFs below so that everything fits and does not drag on. You’ll be seeing me fumble here and there, but hey – better finished than perfect. Challenge Mode itself needs to be unlocked by completing Campaign.


Straightforward. 7 enemies to kill, then get back to your car.


Kill all enemies using Baseball Bats only. You have to get very close to each enemy for your swings to connect. Each Bat will last for 7-8 hits and should be replaced before it breaks, if possible. Notice how I’m drawing groups out and nailing one after another as they shuffle round corners. Unless you have no choice, do not be going out into the open – it’s a sure way to get yourself shot.


Hit all targets within 30 seconds. This will probably take you several runs. I find the MAC-10s to be best as they are lightweight, fast firing, and have a quick reload. They can also be dual-wielded, so remember to do so and fire both guns at once. Be careful about shooting targets near wooden crates, as your bullets will tend not to penetrate them easily.


The goal is to wipe out armed personnel surrounded by cannon fodder civvies. The Mossberg 500 is excellent here, as it has excellent penetration and enough horsepower to flatten multiple people per shot. Another option is to use two MAC-10s and spray your way through.


Every weapon has only so many rounds or shells, and must be used with care so as not to alert too many enemies at once. Look at how I used my fists most of all so as not to attract attention, luring them around a corner or two and punching them out. I also used pistols because they always kill in 3 shots and are accurate. I didn’t bother equipping anything that would replace my fists because it’s more to keep track of.

Be very careful with the shotgunner in the rightmost room; one shot from his scattergun, and you’re toast. Next in line is the one to the map’s far left using an [/b]MP5[/b]. Take you time when doing this, getting used to not barging into any room with more than one enemy (save the largest one, at the end) and not getting closer to them than you have to.


Pay close attention to the weapons floating in midair, and base your game plan on their locations. There’s a shotgun at the map’s top-right corner if that is your preference; otherwise, stick with MAC-10s. Using those will give you some play-room when charging in or backpedaling to evade and up your chances of survival. This is the only Challenge taking place in the dark, and is pretty cool.


Survive for 60 seconds fending off waves of armed police. There will only be cops with pistols coming after you, but they won’t stop coming, and in groups. Time your movements wisely; some power-ups will have to wait until just after a wave, or be steamrolled to if in a bind. The room that I chose is good, except that you are vulnerable from the rear through a window. You’ll find that staying a bit distant from that window will encourage the cops to come at you from inside the house. Be relaxed but consistent with your targeting stickers, or it could cost you.

Notice my choice of weapons: dual-MAC-10s to help my targeting mistakes (spray-and-pray) and an M4 Carbine to back me up when I run out of ammo. I -could have- relied on enemy pistol drops, but that takes a lot more trigger-pulling and chews up valuable prep time for oncoming waves. The Carbine is located outside the house just near its top left corner.


This is most of all a puzzle. While the GIF outlines it fairly well, be careful to keep your distance from flaming crates and those others in a chain reaction with them until it’s safe to proceed. First, shoot the explosive crate you see through a nearby windows until it’s on fire. It will explode and take the other crates with it in a chain. Next, exit and move toward the next chain of crates (the rightmost wooden boxes), taking out the enemy that suddenly spawn to the very right in a crevice.

Grab his shotgun and shoot through the nearby window to blow up a crate again making an explosive chain. This time, the explosions will reveal and clear a path to a Keycard that you will need for a secure door at the map’s bottom-right corner. Once you’ve gained entry, approach the final set of crates and literally punch one with your fists until it catches fire. Back well away and allow the chain to occur, then making your way to the map’s exit.

4b. Challenges 2 of 5


Here you can only use your fists or Nailguns. Reloading doesn’t exist, so pay attention to how much ammo you have left and look for replacements before you run out. The first few enemies I took out with my fists to save nails and be quiet. You can fire one or both Nailguns at once when dual-wielding; being reserved about shooting too much is fine, but don’t be afraid to use them up when needed.


Shotguns are desirable – no muss, no fuss, and chances to take down multiple targets every shot. Unless using dual-MAC-10s, you don’t want to enter the complex at all. Use the windows to lure enemies out to you, being mindful that bullets pass through them. Building corners are your friends; they will give you more cover than anything else on the map, including your car.

I normally start up front, then make my way up the right side. The left first is doable, but you risk attracting too much fire at once with too little cover. Once you’ve shot through doors, don’t expect them to act as cover anymore. Enemies might shoot through them regardless if they’ve spotted you through an opening somewhere else.


Very much so luck-based. A random meatsack is frolicking about carrying the Keycard you need to escape before a 30-second timer ends and you all blow up. Shotguns are -okay-, but you have to be accurate and line people up nicely. I prefer dual-MAC-10s here (noticing a pattern?) as they spray with enough ammo per mag to drop quite a few sacks at a time. Try to be accurate, and patient – it takes the time it takes, and your card could drop at any time.


Once again, fisticuffs are in style. Beat the first few people down as you make your way to the right. Use your silenced pistols and ignore enemy weapon drops. Before you wrap around to the map’s left side, remember to grab the Keycard in the map’s center. Finally, gain entry through a secure door leading to your final target. Feel free to shoot them as soon as possible (before even opening the last door), hopefully preventing any retaliation on their part.


You will have a Sawed-off throughout, with very few opportunities (one) to replenish ammo. Start with the room of bad guys nearest you, taking a couple shots inside and luring the rest out. From there, take the the map’s rightmost room. You might attract only those enemies, or also the ones in the room next to that one. You’ll want to wait for them all to funnel into the hallway and wipe them out, taking cover as much as possible and remembering to reload.

Clear out the hallways next (except the top-right one, for now), and take the Health power-up in the map’s center room if needed. The room left-of-center has your one and only box-o’-shells with 4 enemies around it. Clean their clocks and proceed to the map’s top-rightmost hallway from its left-hand side. Take one or two out with the first couple of shots, and retreat behind cover, letting them turn the corner right into your buckshot.


This is straightforward, but with a twist when you move to acquire the Keycard you need to “find the money”. It’s essential not to let anyone fire a shot, or police will show up quickly and overwhelm you. Use your silenced pistol and kill from a distance, preferably from behind a doors’ cover or quickly from around a corner. There is no need to kill every enemy – only go for the ones directly in your path toward the map’s very top-left room, where you will see two enemies together next to a Keycard.

This is where the twist occurs. You have to wipe them both before either fires a shot, and you have to do it quickly. What needs to happen is for your sticky targeting (notice the red markers on enemies as I go) to seamlessly move from one enemy to the next, one kill after another. If successful, both will drop before firing, and you can avoid trying to rush and getting killed yourself. Make your way quietly back to the map’s beginning, moving toward the secure door on the map’s very left, just near where you started. You will find 3 rolls of cash to pick up after which you can make your way back to your car.


Simple and fast. From your car, move to and shoot through the first window to your left, killing the 2 enemies inside. Move along your left through another bad guy until you reach a door in front of some explosive crates and more enemies. There are 4 inside and another behind them, outside a window. He’ll either shoot through the glass or come around the back to get you, so keep him in mind.

Wrap around the rear of the house. Take out an enemy in the garage and a final one in the room next to it, either luring him out with some shots or going inside. Return to your vehicle and have a nice day.


Timing is critical. If you panic and don’t wait long enough to kill, you will be scrambling to nail someone else before you die. If you wait too long… well, you die. For once I found using a single MAC-10 was preferable to dual. It is lightweight and has enough ammunition to take out a few people with a single mag if needed, not to mention it reloads quickly.

I chose to take my first room to the right, moving then to the room above it. From there, I went left into another room, then up to another, then right to yet another and finally to the final room at the map’s top-right… ish. I won’t tell you this is the only snakes-and-ladders path to take, but it is the only one that’s worked for me so far.

4c. Challenges 3 of 5


Probably the hardest Challenge there is in this game. I’ve gotten close, but will leave it until a later date when I’ve got more patience. Since I can’t beat it yet, I’ve used God Mode from the Cheats Menu to take a stroll through the map for you. I pause my character at all Health power-ups and many others to give you an idea where to find what.

I’ve read in the Steam Discussions that dual-wielding and firing one weapon at a time helps so that you don’t run out of ammo all at once. For me, it’s just too much to handle. I have to watch my targeting to make sure it doesn’t mess up -and- keep moving -and- watch my ammo+reloading -and- watch for applicable power-ups. This is a tough one, but it is possible.


This should be called “Shoot them through the door in numbers” because you’ll be doing it a lot. Dual-MAC-10s works well because they spray and have a good chance of getting a lot of hits within a short timeframe. Shotguns work too, but you need to be more disciplined and accurate, timing your shots more precisely. Be ready to double back often, using walls for cover and popping in and out like Anne Heche. Try to take advantage of enemies funneling toward you right as they turn a corner or come close to a doorway. Remember too that doors only work for cover until you’ve shot through them.


Here is another Challenge I can’t quite get yet. The run you’re seeing is the best I’ve had – so close! Notice how fast I’m moving, because I have to; the longer you wait around, the less likely it is you’ll make it in time. Still, you’ll need a few seconds here and there once shooters from a parallel set of subway cars start on you. You can’t face them like in Campaign, it just won’t work. You need to find just the right balance between enemy placement, behaviour and that bomb timer counting down.

The Mossberg 500 worked best me because it doesn’t take long between cars to reload a few shells and I get lucky sometimes knocking down a couple of enemies at once. I find a lot of this comes down to luck, even with me hiding behind closed metal doors the way you see above. Sometimes you’ll get hit, sometimes you won’t. In this run, I was lucky enough to avoid most damage from oncoming enemies, instead being taken down at the very end by yon aloof-but-participant lead projection experts.


This is fun, but a little tough to figure out at first. The Bat is a RUSE (but so, so tempting). Take the M4 Carbine from the map’s top-right shack and MAC-10 from the shack just beneath it. Move close to the Vending Machine and sink 3 Carbine clips into it as fast as you can. Move away, watching for cops.

The idea at this point is to kill as few coppers as possible (to avoid inconvenient respawns) but killing as many as needed to create and preserve a train of them behind you, going in circles around the map’s main structure. You don’t want to waste ammo you need for the Vending Machine, so be efficient. You can see here how I had a shootout with them – that’s because I cut through the main building too quickly to get a Health power-up, and they converged.

If you can’t pull off a train at first, do what you see right after the above where I pulled them over to a nearby structure and got a train going with all 4. You will need most of the MAC-10’s ammo to finish off the Vending Machine (within about 2 mags, I’d say) at which point some Candy will pop out for you. Don’t assume picking it up ends the Challenge and so you can go all out just to reach it. NOOOOOO, you have to get it -and- reach your car to win. As a side note, there is also a Mossberg 500 available in the top-left shack in case you need something extra to get your Candy or fend off the fuzz.


Clear out all enemies first, THEN focus on explosive crates. There is a Keycard in the top-left corner of the right building – it’s not important unless you need the Health power-up in a small shack at the map’s rear. There is a second Health power-up in the left building’s center. Take on one building at a time; if you’re lucky, you can use some well-timed explosions to take out multiple heavies at once.

Don’t rush and don’t charge in. Shoot crates from a distance, using fists in tight spots to set them aflame if need be (and getting away from them as soon as they do). I prefer a [/b]Mossberg 500[/b] in this situation because it’s easier to hit specific targets and doesn’t spray it’s shots like the Sawed-off or SMGs. The M4 Carbine is another good, comparable option.


Starting in the room directly ahead of you, move as far forward as you can and then to the right. Notice the corner I hide behind to lure enemies. You need just the right position – far enough behind it so they don’t shoot you, and far enough out that you can hit them directly when they get in range. For this Challenge, don’t even bother using your targeting markers; they’ll target the wrong enemy way too easily and leave you vulnerable.

4d. Challenges 4 of 5


This is like playing a song… where you don’t know the notes, at first, and with bullets and explosions… and such. Very song-like.

PART 1: Move toward the Health power-up on your top-right and be ready to take out an enemy that spawns behind you. Take his pistol and shoot through some wooden boxes into an explosive crate[/b]. Mind your distance. Once that explosive chain wears out, go through the now open path toward some Money, never quite reaching it before a teleport.

Shoot the explosive crate behind you, creating another explosive chain. It will make the crate in front of you catch fire and explode, leaving you an open path to proceed toward another Health power-up you won’t quite reach before another teleport. From the closed-in room you end up in, leave it and pick up the Mossberg 500 in front of you.

A series of wooden boxes will appear in front of you, and 2 enemies will spawn behind you, in the room you had teleported to. Take them out and move toward the window right next to the Keycard you see; this action will cause an explosive crate to spawn in front of the boxes, which you can then shoot from a safe distance.

PART 2: Once the wooden boxes have been blown apart, proceed through the debris. Take your first right, heading to the Keycard. Another sudden teleport will prevent your acquiring it, bringing you back to square one. Pick up the map’s first Health power-up if you need it and continue back through the path once covered by the first explosive crate chain (heading toward the Money). Again, you will be teleported before grabbing that cash to the second area (just what happened the first time around).

Follow the same route as last time (again not reaching the map’s second Health power-up) and get teleported once again to the closed-in room. Go a second time from there to grab the Keycard, which will be successful. Move on through the debris of wooden boxes from earlier to find a second explosive crate in front of more wooden boxes. Blow them up to clear a path through a door leading right back to square one, again.

Be ready for 2 more enemies that will spawn to your right. Finish them off and finally go through the secure door opposite them, following a short path to the level’s end.


Again, we have a Challenge using only Nailguns and fists. As seen above, punch out the first 3 enemies to stay quiet and save nails. You might as well dual-wield and take the rest down faster, leaving you more time to react if a few converge on you at once. After your fisticuffs at first, follow the path straight ahead instead of going left and up, making your way to the map’s far end. Turn left and continue forward to the map’s top-left rooms to finish.


Every enemy you kill explodes. The most touchy part is at the beginning. What you want is to get just what you see here – you kill the first enemy, and it draws in all immediately surrounding ones. Then, you kill another one, blowing up the rest. From there, go forward just enough to hit the next enemy ahead, possibly taking a second one with them in their explosion. A couple more will come for you, so move back and shoot them from a safe distance before they get too close.

Move right. There will (probably) be 2 enemies in front of you, one room after another. Shoot them and the next enemies left of the map’s top-right corner. Finally, go left from that corner until you find the last enemy or two. Blow them up and complete the Challenge.


Simple. Get in, down everyone, get out. Be wary of enemies to your right and left when you first enter the building, and careful not to blow up any explosive crates as you go. At the building’s far end, keep in mind enemies outside can see and shoot at you through windows. SMGs are recommended.


Same deal here as with Challenge 17: Police Gauntlet. I never could get to the end, although I feel like I did better here than on the first one. Here you can see a leisurely stroll through firing police officers, stopping to smell the lovely power-ups along the way. Follow the yellow-brick – wait… -_-

4e. Challenges 5 of 5


It took several tries for me to get this done, and what you see above is what worked. The building’s top-left room is important; there is one of two Health power-ups there and decent (if temporary) cover. Mind the window and stand more away from the outside door so any SWAT near there are less likely to come from that end and help box you in. The Building’s bottom-right room has the second Health power-up which is very easy to miss as it’s close to a wall hiding it from view.

Instead of relying on enemy drops, use the Mossberg 500 floating casually outside the building’s front. Some enemies will drop shells for pickup, but most will not. As with the Vending Machine adventure, what an almost-novel idea it would be to make a SWAT train around the building’s perimeter. Thing is, they’re a bit smarter and a lot tougher than regular cops, which shows when they decide to change directions on you or cut through doorways instead of continuing around.

You have to be aware of your surroundings and look out for enemy spawns that could come from any direction. More than that, they will shoot long before normal police and damage you much more quickly. Going Banzai! or Kamikaze on them sounds great, except you’ll run out of ammunition. Somehow, I just don’t you see you Rocky-ing your way through this, throwing punches out in the open and tanking bullets with your face.


This battle I recorded in its entirety to show you a detailed process. Start with an M4 Carbine and sink 3 full clips into the Boss as quickly as possible, not giving them a chance to fire on you. Running around a pillar in circles training them behind works well, until a couple of reinforcements spawn. Switch to dual MAC-10s, killing the small-fries while keeping away from the Boss.

Every chance you get, pound both full mags into him. Reinforcements will keep spawning in twos, making expedience a good idea. As you can see right at the end, sticking your neck out just a bit to finish him off is fine. While you can’t afford to be careless, think that the longer this Boss lives, the lower your chances of survival will be. The Challenge ends when the Boss dies.


There are a total of 6 different areas to this final Challenge; the 4th GIF shows two. As with Challenges 17, 19, and 27, this one has not been completed by me as of yet. Instead, I’ve enabled God Mode and traipsed through every section for you, making notes and giving a few pointers.


Choose your loadout with care, as you will not be able to return to your car without a full level restart. As soon as you walk a bit into the first room, all enemies throughout the area will spawn. Punching to stay quiet is a little hard, because there are 2 bad guys within each other’s line of sight from the start. What worked for me was using (did you guess it?) dual MAC-10s. Probably, you will have to retreat behind the door to your rear and funnel enemies approaching you. I took a Mossberg 500 as my primary weapon, although I wonder now whether I might prefer the M4 Carbine.


This 2nd area normally trips me up. After some initial power-ups, there is a serpentine passage with rows of walls full of open windows. As soon as you reach a certain point along each row of floorspace, 3-4 enemies will suddenly spawn in the next row ahead of you. Be careful when targeting enemies, as you may find it can be very hard to maintain targets the way you want and move before getting hit.


Here you will first run into an explosive cate chain. Get close enough to the wooden boxes near the nearest one to make sure your bullets penetrate and get it on fire (respect your distance at that point, don’t shoot too much). Once the chain is dealt with, follow its path through to a square room with several power-ups in its center. Know ahead of time that 4 enemies will suddenly spawn, one in each corner behind some cover. Take them down and notice the explosive crate that spawns in your exit path, shooting it up and continuing on.

AREAS 4-5:

Now it’s time to play “find-the-Keycard” before the timer runs out and you all blow up. It could be anyone around you that has it, so take them down until it drops. Here I punched people out because it was easier that depleting the ammo from my single pistol, but you will no doubt have some heavier firepower to mulch the flailers. Once you have your Keycard, don’t waste time taking more people down, just make your way past the secure door and move on.

You will arrive to find a large collection of small rooms. These enemies explode when they die, so be mindful of both your distance and them congregating. You can see here how well it worked out for me, what with so many enemies going up in smoke together from just a few of my bullets. Don’t be afraid to shoot through doors and retreat backward to allow bad guys to funnel together. The exit you seek is directly ahead from where you start in this area. You will notice the red arrow signifying your path as you approach the exit door.


Welcome to… ANOTHER BOSS BATTLE. Remember that earlier Challenge called BOSS ROOM? Sure you do! Well, here it is again. The high point is that there aren’t (in my experience, at least) any extra heavies spawning against you. On the other hand, it is what it is. After all these other areas, you have to take this tough guy down. Make very good use of cover; even a single blast from his shotgun could end you at full Health.

It will take 4 full Carbine mags to bring him down. Pepper him until you win.

5. Conclusion